Feb 15, 2025  
School of Arts & Sciences 2012-2013 Catalog 
School of Arts & Sciences 2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Academic Information

Accreditation and Professional Organizations

Accreditation and Academic Recognition

Crown College is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission/North Central Association (NCA, 30 No. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602), Phone: 312-263-0456. Due to this excellent accreditation status, credits and degrees earned at Crown are transferable and recognized by public and private colleges and universities throughout the world.

Crown College is also accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (at the undergraduate level) (One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 530, Washington, D.C. 20036-1120 phone: 202.887.6791). The nursing program is approved by the Minnesota Board of Nursing. Undergraduate teacher preparation programs leading to licensure for preprimary, elementary, and secondary teaching are approved by the Minnesota Board of Teaching.

The College has been accredited by The Higher Learning Commission/North Central Association since 1980. Candidate status with NCA was granted in July of 1974. In addition, the College is chartered by the Minnesota Department of Education as a degree-granting institution. Veterans attending Crown College are eligible to use their veterans’ education benefits. The College is authorized under Federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students.

Crown College is registered as a private institution with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections 136A.61 to 136A.71. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions.

Professional Organizations

Crown College holds membership in a number of professional organizations of which the following are representative:

  • American Association for Employment in Education
  • American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers
  • Association of Christian Schools International
  • Association of Christians in Student Development
  • Council for Christian Colleges and Universities
  • Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
  • Minnesota College and University Career Services Association
  • Minnesota College and University Professional Association
  • National Association for College Admission Counselors
  • National Association of College and University Business Officers
  • National Association of Colleges and Employers
  • National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
  • North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals
  • Upper Midwest Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers

Educational Plan and Academic Programs

Educational Plan

Through the inspired Scriptures, believers learn standards for holy living, are built up in their faith, and develop a framework in which all knowledge can be understood and expressed. Rather than being pressed into the mold of the world’s values, the believer is instructed to permit the Holy Spirit to reshape his or her thinking and perspectives. In so doing, the individual believer is equipped as an agent of redemption in a world order which the Scriptures refer to as “this present evil age.” “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2 NIV)

The rationale for the educational plan at Crown College, as expressed through the curriculum, is biblically based. The will of God is known through a renewed mind. The study of God’s Word and the integration of that Word into all disciplines is the first step in the building of a renewed mind and consequently, an important step in confirming God’s direction for vocational choice and indeed, for all of life. The years of collegiate preparation are then also years of ascertaining the will of God.

All course work at the College is designed to integrate biblical studies with experience in the social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, and fine arts so as to provide a Christian view of God, man, and the universe. The personal development of a Christian worldview is given high priority in the educational process.

Crown College is a professional institution offering four-year programs for students preparing for Christian leadership in a variety of fields, such as Christian ministry, music, intercultural studies, education, and business as well as graduate programs. Other students may enter Crown College seeking to affirm God’s vocational direction for their lives through formal Bible education. They may be uncertain about vocational choice, yet convinced of the necessity of a renewed mind, the value of disciplined prayer, and the wisdom of counsel from others. A third type of student seeks foundational education at Crown College. Individuals who have already made vocational decisions before entering the College may seek two years of foundational education prior to transfer to other institutions which offer advanced course work in areas of study unavailable at Crown College. Regional accreditation and a wide variety of courses in the liberal arts virtually assure that two years of foundational study at Crown College can be transferred to other colleges and universities. Study toward most four-year degree programs, including programs in the natural sciences, can begin at Crown College. The student choosing this option can then enjoy two years of mind-renewing Bible study and vital Christian relationships while at the same time making progress toward a degree goal to be completed elsewhere. Students not planning on degree completion at Crown College may want to arrange their own course selections in consultation with their academic advisor.

Academic Programs

The two-year programs are designed to provide students with a foundation in biblical studies as a prelude to study elsewhere or for the purpose of edifying the believer whose chosen vocation does not require a college degree. The two-year Associate of Arts programs integrate liberal arts and biblical studies for individuals planning to transfer to other institutions, for those planning to terminate their college education at the associate’s degree level, and for students yet uncertain of God’s specific leading in their lives.

Four-year programs provide specialized professional and pre-professional knowledge and skills. These programs build on a framework of God’s revealed truth and on the integration of biblical principles with God’s general truth as articulated in the arts and sciences. Students develop skills that will serve them in church-related ministries. Students benefit from long-term association with godly peers, Christ-like faculty models, and ministry practitioners who serve as visiting lecturers. All of these individuals are vitally concerned with the spiritual development and maturation of the student. The four-year programs lead to the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music Education, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Crown College offers master’s programs with concentrations in a variety of leadership areas. Information regarding the graduate studies program can be obtained in the Crown College Graduate School catalog.

Academic Advisors

Each student enrolling at Crown is assigned an academic advisor. This faculty member assists the student in course selection and is available for conferences when the student needs advice. Although the student is ultimately responsible to insure that graduation requirements are met, the advisor provides assistance in planning the program and selection of courses best suited to the student’s interests and requirements.

Assessment of Student Learning

As required by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (www.ncahigherlearningcommission.org, 312-263-0456), Crown College has developed an assessment plan for documenting student academic achievement. One of the primary elements in the assessment plan is the conducting of research on student learning and personal development. Students are encouraged to participate fully in such projects whenever invited to do so. The results of these assessments will enable the College to measure its effectiveness, thereby providing guidance for further improvement of instructional and student development programs.

Classification of Students

  Freshmen: Students with fewer than 24 semester credits.
  Sophomores: Students having at least 24 semester credits.
  Juniors: Students having at least 54 semester credits.
  Seniors: Students having enough credits to graduate with a four-year degree at the end of the current academic year. This classification generally is made for those with at least 90 credits.

Course Numbering

000-099 Developmental Courses (do not satisfy degree requirements)

100-199 First-year subject

200-299 Second-year subject

300-399 Third-year subject

400-499 Fourth-year subject

Students may register for no more than one level beyond their classification unless they obtain the written consent of the professor.

Attendance Policies

Class Attendance

The College takes a serious view of class attendance and expects students to be present. Class attendance is necessary for the educational process to be fully effective, because significant materials, insights, perspectives, and opinions will be gained from class sessions. Moreover, students are expected to contribute to class discussion and content.

Instructors establish attendance requirements for their courses.

  1. Excused Absences: When permitted by the instructor and stated in the syllabus, students may request that an absence be excused. The instructor will make the decision as to whether or not to excuse the student’s absence.
  2. Appeals for Excessive Class Absences:
    1. When a student has exceeded the maximum absences permitted in a given course because of extended serious illness or emergency, he/she may appeal for special consideration.
    2. An academic petition form, available in the Registrar’s Office, must be approved no later than the last day of classes before the final examination period of the semester concerned.
  3. Related Regulations:
    1. Class attendance records will begin with the first day of classes in any given grading period. Absences due to late registration are included in the maximum absence record.
    2. A schedule conflict between two courses is not normally permitted. However, it may be allowed if each course carries a minimum of three credit hours and the conflict involves no more than one class hour (50 minutes) per week. Permission must be obtained from the instructors. When a conflict is permitted, the student must alternate between the two classes on the conflict day. Students permitted such a schedule conflict are to have no unexcused absences in either course.
    3. In the event of an unannounced absence of the instructor, students are not required to wait longer than 10 minutes after the scheduled beginning time of class unless word has been sent that the instructor will arrive late.

Music Hour/Recitals

Attendance at music recitals is required of music majors and music minors who are registered for music hour. Contact the Music Office for a recital schedule and further information on music recitals.

Rescheduling Examinations

Scheduling of Make-up Examinations

Examinations are those tests which are required of the student and for which the entire class period is utilized. A quiz given as part of the activities of the class period is not considered an examination to be made up. Students may schedule make-up examinations under the following conditions:

  1. Permission of the instructor.
  2. Three or more examinations on the same day.

Students are required to make up all examinations within two weeks of their return to class after absence. An instructor may require that examinations be made up by an earlier date. Those who make up the examination after the specified period will receive the score they earn or the lowest passing grade, whichever is lower.

Forms for requesting rescheduling of examinations are available in the Study Lab. Students should allow at least one full working day for processing the request. Examinations will be given under the supervision of a monitor at times determined by the Study Lab.

Rescheduling of Final Examinations

The times of final examinations are scheduled and posted on the official bulletin board early in the semester.

Students may reschedule final examinations under the following conditions:

  1. Three or more examinations on the same day.
  2. Two examinations at the same time.

Rescheduling of an exam for any reason other than those listed above must be approved by the vice president of academic affairs in collaboration with the instructor.

Examinations must be rescheduled for a time later than the originally scheduled administration.

Forms for requesting rescheduling of final examinations are available in the Study Lab. Students should allow at least one full working day for processing the request. Examinations will be given under the supervision of a monitor at times determined by the Study Lab.

Registration Changes or Withdrawal

Changes in Registration

The dates of the close of registration are listed each semester in the College Calendar. Students must have completed all steps of registration including financial arrangements on or before this deadline. Changes in registration are allowed through the sixth day of classes after which, classes generally may not be added.

Classes dropped after classes begin are subject to the refund policies listed in the College Catalog. The last day to withdraw from a class is the last day of the ninth week of each semester or the halfway point of the class for courses lasting less than a full semester. Between the close of registration and the last day to drop classes, a charge is made for each change of registration and a grade of W, WF or WP will be given for each course dropped (see Grading System).

Withdrawal from the College

The last day to drop classes with a grade of W or WF or WP is the end of the ninth week of the semester or the halfway point of each summer session. When a class meets for only a portion of a semester, the last day to drop is the half-way point.

Students with the classification of Special Student automatically discontinue studies by dropping all credits by the last day to drop classes. All other students may discontinue their studies by completing a Withdrawal Clearance Form available at the Office of the Registrar. All necessary signatures indicated on the form must be obtained and the form must be returned to the Office of the Registrar before the withdrawal is considered official.

Students who discontinue studies following the last day to drop classes, whether or not they complete a Withdrawal Clearance Form, will automatically receive a grade of F for each discontinued course.

Exceptions to this policy may be granted for reasons of health or extreme hardship. Students must initiate appeals in writing prior to the last day of the term. Student health shall be determined by the dean of undergraduate studies, the vice president of student development, and the College nurse. A physician’s advice may be sought if necessary. Instances of extreme hardship shall be determined by the dean of undergraduate studies and the vice president of student development.

Students whose appeals are approved will receive grades of W, WF, or WP for each discontinued course.

Students who are dismissed from the College for student life reasons, whether before or after the last day to drop classes, will receive grades of W, WP, or WF.

Christian Service Program

The Christian Service program exists to provide opportunities for students to serve God and to minister to the needs of others with The Christian and Missionary Alliance, the church-at-large, and the world. It is the desire of Crown College that the Christian Service program will help students:

  • Explore their ministry gifts
  • Prepare for a life of humble service
  • Impact the community, the church, and the world
  • Pattern their life after the example of Jesus Christ

It is the students responsibility to use their God-give talents and abilities in fulfilling this requirement.

Each student (including former Crown PSEO students) who earns a degree or certificate from Crown College must complete the Christian Service requirement to graduate. The number of required Christian Service credits is based on the particular degree or certificate a student is earning:

  Degree/Certificate Required Units
  Certificate 1
  Associate’s Degree 2
  Bachelor’s Degree 4

The number of required Christian Service units may be adjusted for transfer students according to the number of transfer academic credits applied toward their degree or certificate.

  Transfer Credits Required Units
  0-23 4
  24-53 3
  54-89 2
  90 and above 1

Christian service credit from other Bible or Christian colleges will not transfer.


Christian Studies Core Curriculum

Every baccalaureate degree major contains the following primary components: the Christian studies core, the general studies core, and major specific coursework.

Christian Studies Core Curriculum 30 Credits
  BIB 135X - Old Testament History   3
  BIB 136X - New Testament History   3
  *   3
  CHM - Elective: 201 or 300 3
  CHM 325 - Biblical Evangelism and Missions   3
  BIB/THE - Bible or Theology Elective 3
  BIB/THE - Bible or Theology Elective 3
  BIB/THE - Bible or Theology Elective (300-400 level) 3
  BIB/THE - Bible or Theology Elective (300-400 level) 3
  THE 231 - Christian Doctrine   3
  *This integrative course must be completed at Crown College.  

General Education Core Curriculum

The General Education Curriculum is designed to assist students at a foundational level to become clear and effective communicators, informed global thinkers, critical thinkers and practical problem solvers, self-directed life-long learners and teachers, and integrators of faith and learning.

Below is the faculty approved General Education Curriculum that is common to all associate’s and baccalaureate degree majors. Refer to the major programs in the catalog for specific details.

Humanities 15 Credits
  English Composition 3
  Writing and Literature 3
  Speech 3
  Fine Arts 3
  Elective 3
Social Sciences 12 Credits
  World Civilizations I or II 3
  History Elective 3
  Electives 6
Natural Science/Mathematics 7 Credits
  Lab Science Elective 4
  Math Elective 3
Physical Education 1 Credit
  P.E. Elective or Varsity Team Sport 1
Global Awareness 3 Credits
  Global Awareness Elective* 3
  *These courses could fulfill the elective: LAN college level foreign language course, ANT 231 - Cultural Anthropology , COM 339X - Intercultural Communication , ENG 331 - Contemporary Non-Western Writers , GEO 221 - World Regional Geography , ICS 427 - Ministry in a Pluralistic World , ICS 249 - Intercultural Practicum Preparation  plus ICS 360 - Intercultural Practicum (I.C.S. Majors)  or ICS 361 - Intercultural Practicum (Linguistics Majors) , Intercultural Experience classes, ICS 337X - Living World Religions , ICS 340X - Introduction to Islam , CCCU Study Abroad Coursework, MUS 340 - Music in World Cultures , NUR 346 - Transcultural Concepts and Practice , or SOC 230 - Sociology .  

Christian Studies Major

All School of Arts and Sciences students graduating with a baccalaureate degree complete a minimum of 30 semester credits in Christian Studies. Satisfactory completion of these credits is recognized as earning a second major in “Christian Studies.” Transfer students must complete Romans (BIB 434 ) at Crown College to be eligible for this second major. They may also need additional Bible elective credits to reach the 30 credit total.

Bible Knowledge Assessment

Incoming students may choose to complete an assessment of Bible knowledge upon entrance to the College. The assessment is administered by the Study Lab.

Those who score 80% or higher on the Old Testament exam upon entry to Crown College may be allowed to substitute an Old Testament elective for Old Testament History (BIB 135X ). Those who score 80% or higher on the New Testament exam may be allowed to substitute a New Testament elective for New Testament History (BIB 136X ). Contact the Registrar’s Office for details.

Changes in Curriculum

The curriculum at Crown College is being studied and revised continuously. Therefore, this catalog may not always reflect the current features of every program. Changes in requirements, course offerings, and class schedules may occur subsequent to the printing of this Catalog.

Humanities and Social Science Courses

Crown College offers humanities courses in communication [COM], English [ENG], English as a second language [ESL], fine arts [FAR], history [HIS], humanities [HUM], language [LAN], music [MUS], philosophy [PHI], and preaching [PRC].

Fine arts courses include music, art, drama, and dance. COM 328 and COM 446 also qualify as fine arts electives. (Only three credits of music organizations and/or lessons can be counted toward humanities/fine arts requirements.)

Social science courses include anthropology [ANT], economics [ECO], English second language [ESL], geography [GEO], history [HIS], political science [POL], psychology [PSY], and sociology [SOC].

While ESL or HIS courses can fulfill either a humanities or a social science elective, it can only satisfy one of those requirements, not both. Fine arts [FAR] courses can satisfy humanities electives, but humanities credits do not satisfy fine arts requirements.

Academic Degree Information

Double Majors and Double Degrees

When a student pursues a double major and the same course is required, the requirement for both majors is fulfilled by completing the course once (i.e. no additional credits or course substitute requirements are necessary). Similarly, when the same course is required in a major and a minor, the requirement is fulfilled for both by taking the course once.

The institutional minimum number of credits required to earn a baccalaureate degree is 125 semester credits. Double majors may be earned when the student meets all the requirements for both majors. Double baccalaureate degrees may be earned when the student meets all the requirements for both majors and earns a minimum of 155 semester credits.

Academic Degrees

Crown College offers several undergraduate degrees including:

B.A. = Bachelor of Arts

B.M.E. = Bachelor of Music Education

B.S. = Bachelor of Science

B.S.N. = Bachelor of Science in Nursing

A.A. = Associate of Arts

A.S. = Associate of Science

The College also offers two Master of Arts (M.A.) degrees and an MBA (See Crown College Graduate School catalog).

Academic Departments

Biblical and Theological Studies

Go to information for Biblical and Theological Studies.




Business and Sport Management

Go to information for Business and Sport Management.



Christian Ministry

Go to information for Christian Ministry.



Communication Arts

Go to information for Communication Arts.



Humanities and Social Science

Go to information for Humanities and Social Science.



Mathematics and Science

Go to information for Mathematics and Science.




Go to information for Music.




Go to information for Nursing.


Teacher Education

Go to information for Teacher Education.



Teacher Licensure

Associate’s Degrees

Associate’s degrees integrate biblical studies and liberal arts as a foundation for most college majors:

  1. To provide a degree for students who choose to follow a course of study that is specifically designed for transfer to a baccalaureate degree program at another college or university.
  2. To provide a degree for students who wish to terminate their college education at the associate degree level.
  3. To provide foundational study for most college majors for individuals whose educational directions are undecided.

The associate’s degrees granted at Crown College are designed to meet the requirements of colleges and universities to which students may wish to transfer for completion of baccalaureate degrees. In many instances, transfer colleges accept degrees as equivalent to their own general education requirements. Because of differing requirements in various institutions, the student should contact the transfer institution to help facilitate transfer of credit.

Major/Minor Relationships

Every department defines the course requirements for students who plan to receive a degree in the academic area administered by that department. This set of requirements is termed the major. In addition, most departments offer one or more sets of courses to support other majors. A set of courses in this category makes up at least 18 credits and is referred to as a minor. Some departments include a minor as a part of their program requirements. Students who need minors will be required to meet all the course requirements of both the major and minor curricula.


The requirements of the various minors are listed in the curriculum divisions of the departments offering those minors. Fifty percent of the minor must be taken at Crown (Military Science Minor is exception). The following are specified minors:

Accounting Minor (Business and Sport Management)
Biblical and Theological Studies Minor (Biblical and Theological Studies)
Business Administration Minor (Business and Sport Management)
Chemistry Minor (Mathematics and Science)
Coaching Minor (Teacher Education)
Communication Minor (Communication Arts)
Counseling Minor (Humanities and Social Science)
Discipleship Ministries Minor (Christian Ministry)
Drama Minor (Communication Arts)
English Minor (Humanities and Social Science)
Health Minor (non-licensure) (Teacher Education)
History Minor (Humanities and Social Science)
Intercultural Practicum Minor (Christian Ministry)
Intercultural Studies Minor (Christian Ministry)
Marketing (Business and Sport Management)
Military Science Minor
Music Minor (Music)
Pastoral Leadership Minor (Christian Ministry)
Psychology Minor (Humanities and Social Science)
Social Science Minor (Humanities and Social Science)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Minor (Humanities and Social Science)
Urban Studies Minor (Humanities and Social Science)
Worship Arts Minor (Music)
Youth and Family Minor (Christian Ministry)

Arranged electives is an additional minor. This is a group of courses that may not be highly cohesive but which meet special needs and/or interests of the student. This is to be arranged in consultation with the major department chair.

Pre-Major Studies

Students desiring to pursue a four-year degree at Crown College should follow the suggested curriculum for the first and second years as outlined by the department of their choice. The curriculum for the first year is very similar for most departments, allowing students time to be sure of God’s will before a choice needs to be made regarding a major. Capable faculty advise students to assist them in choosing a pattern of study.

Departmental Application

Students usually select a major during their freshman or sophomore year. After earning 36 semester credits, students may apply to the department of their choice. However, Crown College does not automatically admit applicants to the department of their choice. The procedure governing students’ progress to departmental standing follows these steps:

  1. The minimum cumulative grade point average for acceptance to full standing in any department and continuance therein is 2.0. Several majors require higher minimum grade point averages for departmental acceptance. Details are listed with each major’s suggested program guide.
  2. Students must have earned at least half of their Christian Service units prior to departmental application and acceptance.
  3. Each department determines other specific criteria for acceptance.
  4. If denied admission, students may continue to apply until they reach senior status. Denials for admission will be made in writing with the reasons for the denial clearly stated. Following a denial, departments will offer counsel in order to help students find God’s will for them in the departmental application process.
  5. A student who is not a member of a department may not register for credit beyond the ninety-fifth credit hour. Students who have reached this point, but have not been admitted to a department, must discontinue their enrollment at the College for at least one semester to reconsider the quality and direction of their commitment to academic study.
  6. Discontinued students shall be eligible to apply for re-admission to the College after one semester, according to standard admission procedures. Circumstances surrounding the student’s failure to be admitted to a department, the student’s attitude toward the decision, and the student’s current circumstances will be taken into consideration. During the interim, students are expected to address the issues resulting in departmental denial. Students must include with their application a recommendation from the department from which they were previously unable to obtain standing.

Residency and Credit Load

Residence Requirements

“In residence” is defined as the completion of Crown College classes. In order to be considered “in residence” for any term, the student must have met the minimum attendance requirements for the institution in at least one class for that term. Independent studies or Honors studies are an exception; a student who satisfactorily meets the requirements of any independent study, including any required meetings with the faculty supervisor, is deemed to be in residence for that term.

Bachelor’s Degree

In order to graduate from Crown College with a Bachelor’s degree, a student must have earned a minimum of 30 semester credit hours from Crown College. In addition, 30 of the final 60 semester credits must be earned from Crown College. Persons pursuing two baccalaureate degrees at Crown College must fulfill the 30 semester credit residency requirement two times. Thus the institutional minimum of 125 semester credits plus an additional 30 credits and completion of all requirements for both majors shall be required to earn two baccalaureate degrees.

Associate’s Degree

In order to graduate from Crown College with an Associate’s degree, a student must have earned a minimum of 30 semester credit hours from Crown College. In addition, 15 of the final 30 semester credits must be earned from Crown College.

Credit Load

Students enrolled at Crown College for 12 or more credits per semester are considered full time, with a normal limit of 19 credits. Students who register for less than 12 credits at Crown College are considered part time. Programs vary slightly in the number of credits required for completion. Generally a student needs to average about 16 credits per semester to complete a baccalaureate degree in eight semesters. A typical student load is 15-17 credits per semester. Students on probation may be limited to 12 credits. Students wishing to enroll in more than 19 credits must petition to request permission. Students who are receiving financial aid need to inform the Office of Financial Aid whenever their credit load drops below 12 credits.

When the academic future, health, or spiritual welfare of students seems to be in jeopardy because of over-employment, students may be asked to reduce their academic load or employment, or to make adjustments recommended by the vice president of student development.

Alternate Registration Options


For the student who wishes to attend classes but does not desire credit, a course(s) may be audited. Those auditing may fully participate in all activities of the course, but are not under an attendance policy and are not required to take examinations or meet other course requirements. The special student application process listed in the Admission section of the catalog is applicable for those who only wish to enroll for one audited course. Audit credits are not included in the determination of full-time credit load. Audit tuition rates are available through the Student Billing Office.

Guided Study/Independent Study

Students who cannot attend classes for a required course at a regularly scheduled time may request that the course be taught as a guided study. However, a guided study is a privilege that the College is under no obligation to provide. Students for whom guided studies are approved must register for such courses during a regular term and all work must be completed within that term. Students must be regularly enrolled in other courses on campus. All policies pertaining to regularly scheduled classes, except attendance requirements, pertain to guided studies, including those governing refunds, course abandonment, and grades of Incomplete.

A guided study is an arrangement for providing a course that normally requires class attendance, but exempts the student from part or all of the attendance requirements.

Independent studies are unique courses listed in the curriculum that are individually designed and administered. Whether or not attendance at meetings would be required for an independent study would be determined by the design of the course. Regular attendance at a class is normally not required for independent studies.

The procedure for designing and approving an independent study is similar to the guided study procedure. The student must obtain the sponsorship of a professor who will provide a syllabus for the course. The approvals of the advisor, the Registrar, and the dean of undergraduate studies are also required.

The procedure below will be followed to obtain approval for guided studies or independent studies:

  1. Obtain the appropriate form from the Registrar’s Office.
  2. Obtain agreement from a qualified Crown College faculty member for the administration of the course. The instructor will be required to submit a syllabus for the approval of the dean of undergraduate studies that demonstrates the educational validity of the proposed offering and specifically outlines how the deficiency in class attendance will be overcome.
  3. Obtain the approval of the student’s advisor and the Registrar.
  4. Obtain the approval of the dean of undergraduate studies.
  5. Submit the approved form along with a completed registration form to the Registrar’s Office. A $200 per credit surcharge will be assessed for each guided or independent study in addition to tuition.

Study at Other Institutions

Work that the student expects to take at other institutions (summer school, etc.) to make up deficiencies or for other justifiable academic reasons may usually be credited toward the Crown College graduation requirements if written approval of such work is secured through the Registrar’s Office in advance. Satisfactory performance is necessary (earning the equivalent of a grade of “C” or higher). Grades from transfer institutions are not recorded on the Crown College transcript and are not included in GPA calculations.

Advanced Placement, CLEP and International Baccalaureate Policy

Matriculated students at Crown College may earn up to 30 semester credits toward degree program requirements with satisfactory results in the following approved testing programs. Students must request that test scores be sent to Crown College. Credits by examination may not be used to raise a grade or remove a failing grade in courses already taken at Crown College. Consult the Registrar’s Office for details.

Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations

 Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations-The Advanced Placement Program is developed by the College Board (CB) and the Educational Testing Service (ETS). It is a cooperative, educational endeavor of secondary schools, colleges, and the College Board. It consists of college-level courses and examinations for students in secondary schools. The examination grade is sent to the colleges of the student’s choice which then grant credit.

Art: History 3 Humanities or Fine Arts Elective 3
Art: History 4 Humanities or Fine Arts Electives  6
Art: Studio Drawing 3 Humanities or Fine Arts Elective  3
Art: Studio Drawing 4 Humanities or Fine Arts Electives  6
Art: Studio 2-D or 3-D Design 3 Humanities or Fine Arts Elective  3
Art: Studio 2-D or 3-D Design 4 Humanities or Fine Arts Electives  6
English: Language and Composition 3 ENG 131 - English Composition   3
English: Language and Composition 4 ENG 131 - English Composition  and ENG 132 - Writing and Literature   6
English: Literature and Composition 3 ENG 132 - Writing and Literature   3
English: Literature and Composition 4 ENG 131 - English Composition  and ENG 132 - Writing and Literature   6
French Language 3 LAN Language Elective 3
French Language 4 LAN Language Elective 6
French Literature 3 LAN Language Elective 3
French Literature 4 LAN Language Elective 6
German Language 3 LAN Language Elective 3
German Language 4 LAN Language Elective 6
Latin Vergil or Literature 3 LAN Language Elective 3
Latin Vergil or Literature 4 LAN Language Elective 6
Spanish Language 3 LAN 245 - Spanish I   3
Spanish Language 4 LAN 245 - Spanish I  and LAN 246 - Spanish II   6
Spanish Literature 3 LAN 246 - Spanish II   3
Spanish Literature 4 LAN 245 - Spanish I  and LAN 246 - Spanish II   6
European or World History 3 HIS 133 - World Civilizations to 1500   3
European or World History 4 HIS 133 - World Civilizations to 1500  and HIS 134 - World Civilizations since 1500   6
U.S. History 3 HIS 231 - American Civilization to 1877   3
U.S. History 4 HIS 231 - American Civilization to 1877  and HIS 232 - American Civilization since 1877   6
Human Geography 3 GEO 221 - World Regional Geography   3
Comparative Government and Politics 3 POL 232 - Introduction to Political Science   3
U.S. Government and Politics 3 POL 232 - Introduction to Political Science   3
Psychology 3 PSY 130 - General Psychology   3
Macroeconomics 3 ECO 331 - Principles of Macroeconomics   3
Microeconomics 3 ECO 332 - Principles of Microeconomics   3
Biology 3 SCI 243 - General Biology I   4
Biology 4 SCI 243 - General Biology I  and SCI 244 - General Biology II   8
Chemistry 3 SCI 245 - General Chemistry I   4
Chemistry 4 SCI 245 - General Chemistry I  and SCI 246 - General Chemistry II   8
Environmental Science 3 SCI 200 - Ecology   4
Physics B 3 SCI 247 - Physics I   4
Physics B 4 SCI 247 - Physics I  and SCI 248 - Physics II   8
Physics C-Electricity and Magnetics 3 SCI 247 - Physics I   4
Physics C-Mechanics 3 SCI 248 - Physics II   4
Statistics 3 MAT 225 - Statistics   4
Calculus AB 3 MAT 340 - Calculus I and Analytic Geometry   4
Calculus BC 3 MAT 340 - Calculus I and Analytic Geometry  and MAT 342 - Calculus II   8
Music Theory 3 MUS 156 - Music Theory I  and MUS 157 - Music Theory II   8
Music Theory 4 MUS 156 - Music Theory I , MUS 157 - Music Theory II , MUS 250 - Music Theory III   12

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CLEP exams are administered to prospective and current Crown College students through the College Registrar’s Office. The cost for each exam is $80 (subject to change) plus a $20 processing fee. CLEP Subject Examinations are recommended for students with extensive preparation and advanced knowledge in subject fields. Students are advised to take CLEP tests as early as possible in their college program.

Composition and Literature    
  American Literature 50 ENG 233 - American Literature   3
  *College Composition Modular 65 ENG 131 - English Composition   3
  English Literature 50 ENG 338 - Survey of British Literature 3
Foreign Languages      
  College French      
  Level 1 (two semesters) 50 Language Electives 6
  Level 2 (four semesters) 59 Language Electives 12
  College German      
  Level 1 (two semesters) 50 Language Electives 6
  Level 2 (four semesters) 63 Language Electives 12
  College Spanish      
  Level 1 (two semesters) 50 LAN 245  and LAN 246  Spanish I and II 6
  Level 2 (four semesters) 63 LAN 245 , LAN 246 , LAN 335 , LAN 336  Spanish I-IV 12
Social Sciences and History      
  American Government 50 POL 232 - Introduction to Political Science   3
  History of the U.S. I 50 HIS 231 - American Civilization to 1877   3
  History of the U.S. II 50 HIS 232 - American Civilization since 1877   3
  Principles of Macroeconomics 50 ECO 331 - Principles of Macroeconomics   3
  Principles of Microeconomics 50 ECO 332 - Principles of Microeconomics   3
  Intro to Psychology 50 PSY 130 - General Psychology   3
  Intro to Sociology 50 SOC 230 - Sociology   3
  Western Civilization I 50 HIS 133 - World Civilizations to 1500   3
  Western Civilization II 50 HIS 134 - World Civilizations since 1500   3
Science and Mathematics      
  General Biology 50 SCI 243  and SCI 244  General Biology 8
  General Chemistry 50 SCI 245  and SCI 246  General Chemistry I and II 8
  College Algebra 50 MAT 131 - College Algebra    3
  Principles of Management 50 BUS 335 - Principles of Business Organization and Management   3
  Intro to Business Law 50 BUS 421 - Business Law   3
  Principles of Marketing 50 BUS 350 - Principles of Marketing    3
* Submission of a research paper to the Registrar’s Office is required in addition to scoring 65 on the CLEP test.

International Baccalaureate Credit (IB)

The Vice President/Academic Affairs has approved International Baccalaureate credits as eligible for transfer to Crown College. Eligible tests include those which are: 1) similar to the courses offered at Crown College, and 2) required in the particular major program which the student pursues at Crown College. An official transcript from IB is required, and only test results with a minimum score of 4 will be considered.

Crown limits credit by all proficiency sources (CLEP, IB, AP, DANTES, etc.) to 30 total credits.

(HL means Higher Level)

HL Biology 4 SCI 241  & SCI 243   4
HL Biology 6 SCI 243  & SCI 244   8
HL Chemistry 4 SCI 245   4
HL Chemistry 6 SCI 245  & SCI 246   8
HL Physics 4 SCI 247   4
HL Physics 6 SCI 247  & SCI 248   8
HL Economics 4 ECO 331   3
HL Economics 6 ECO 331  & ECO 332   6
HL Geography 4 GEO 221   3
HL - Route 1 History (Europe & Islamic World) 4 HIS 133   3
HL - Route 1 History (Europe & Islamic World) 6 HIS 133  & HIS 134   6
HL - Route 2 History (20th Century World History) 4 History Elective 3
HL Islamic History 4 History Elective 3
HL Islamic History 6 History Elective, Global Awareness 6
HL Philosophy 4 PHI 232   3
HL Psychology 4 PSY 130   3
HL Social/Cultural Anthropology 4 ANT 231   3
HL Language A: Literature 4 ENG 132   3
HL Language A: Literature 6 ENG 132  & Literature Elective 6
HL Language B: 4 1st Semester World Language 3
HL Language B: 6 1st & 2nd Sem World Language 6
HL Mathematics 4 MAT 340   4
HL Mathematics 6 MAT 340  & MAT 342   8
HL Computer Science 4 IT 105 , IT 202 , General Elective 3
HL Information Technology in a Global Society 4 IT 105 , IT 202 , General Elective 3
HL Information Technology in a Global Society 6 IT 105 , IT 202 , General Elective, Humanities Elective 6
HL Business & Management 4 BUS Elective 3
HL Music 4 Music or Fine Arts Elective 3
HL Film 4 Fine Arts or Humanities Elective 3
HL Theater 4 Fine Arts or Humanities Elective 3
HL Visual Arts 4 FAR 123   3
HL Dance 4 FAR 270   3

Special Programs and Resources

Honors Programs

The Honors Program is designed to take students with exceptional academic promise and inspire and train them for advanced Christian leadership while making the most out of their education and experience. The program focuses on developing Christian critical thinking skills and aims to teach students to use their mind to fully love God and serve others.

The Honors Program promotes the intellectual challenge of academically rigorous courses and a community of scholars. Each cohort is a group of approximately 15 dedicated students who take Honors courses together, often study together, room together, pray together, and generally support one another. This program helps develop strong, lifelong friendships in both the cohort and with other students in the program. All Honors students build community by attending special on- and off-campus events intended to expose them to a broad range of ideas and stretch their Christian critical thinking skills.

The Honors Program at Crown encourages high personal and academic integrity. Although it involves extra work, it is also a fun and enriching experience. Most importantly, it provides a life-changing opportunity for growth and success. Each Honors graduate will receive an “Honors” designation on his/her degree and transcript that will be evidence of the self-motivation and dedication the program requires.

For more information regarding the Honors program, or to fill out an application, please visit the Honors Program website.

Honors Program Qualifications:

  1. Be in the top 15 percent of his or her high school class. 
  2. Have a minimum high school grade point average of 3.5 or 3.5 in college coursework if applying as a current Crown or transfer student. 
  3. Have a composite ACT or SAT score in the 85th percentile or above. 
  4. Show Christian character and service in the local church.

Note: Applicants who meet most of these academic criteria are encouraged to apply.

Honors Program Requirements:

Students must maintain a cumulative Crown College GPA of 3.50.

Year One

ENG 153H  (Fall/Honors-only) Critical Thinking and Writing replaces ENG 131 . Transfer students may also use it as a Humanities elective

ENG 154H  (Spring/Honors-only) Introduction to Literature replaces ENG 132  in the General Education Core Curriculum.

Year Two

HIS 353H  (Fall/Honors-only) History of Modern Western Thought replaces HIS 134  or a history elective in the General Education Core Curriculum. If a department specifies the history elective, HIS 133  may be replaced.

Contract Courses (Spring) Students are required to take three Honors courses in their respective majors. Students are strongly encouraged to take at least one contract course in the spring semester of their sophomore year.

Year Three

THE 354H  (Spring/Component) Topics in Ethics component replaces THE 333X  in the Christian Studies Core Curriculum.

Contract Courses (Fall or Spring) Students are required to take three Honors courses in their respective majors. Students are strongly encouraged to take at least one contract course their junior year.

Year Four

Contract Courses (Fall) Students are required to take three Honors courses in their respective majors. Students are strongly encouraged to take at least one contract course fall of their senior year.

THE 454H  (Spring/Honors-only) Twentieth Century Christian Thinkers replaces a Bible/Theology elective, or a Humanities elective, or a Social Science elective in the General Education Core Curriculum.

Senior Capstone Presentation (Spring) A formal presentation or lecture that highlights what has been learned through the Honors Program particularly in contract courses. The senior will work closely with the director in preparing for the presentation, and all Honors students will be required to attend. Detailed requirements for this presentation will be determined by the Honors Program director and faculty committee.

Note: Students are not necessarily restricted to taking the above courses in the specified year. For instance, the three contract Honors courses within a student’s specific major could be taken at a different time depending on how it works with the student’s class schedule.

ROTC Program

This Military Science minor is taken in cooperation with the University of Minnesota.

  MIL 1101 Leadership & Personal Development (1)
  MIL 1102 Leadership in a Changing Environment (1)
  MIL 1201 Innovation Team Leadership (2)
  MIL 1202 Foundations of Tactical Leadership (2)
  MIL 3301 Adaptive Tactical Leadership (2)
  MIL 3302 Leadership in Changing Environments (3)
  MIL 3401 Developing Adaptive Leaders (3)
  MIL 3402 Leadership in a Complex World (3)
  MIL 1X03 Leadership Lab (1)
  TOTAL 18 credits

Crown Study Lab

The Crown Study Lab staff provides academic support to all Crown students.

“Study earnestly to present yourself approved to God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” -II Timothy 2:15 MKJV

Personal success is dependent on godly wisdom and diligence on the student’s part. Our mission is to provide support to earnest students who are committed to academic improvement. Study Lab services are free, and all Crown College students are encouraged to drop in for assistance. Online students are also invited to work with tutors. Study lab hours are posted with after hour study help available by appointment.

Academic Support

Students struggling with basic academic skills, or just needing some encouragement or advice with their homework or testing strategies are invited to visit the Study Lab. A staff of highly qualified student tutors and a comfortable computer lab, along with a private testing area serve the entire Crown student body. On a typical afternoon, students stop in for help with math or statistics, science, history, research papers for classes ranging from Christian doctrine to educational psychology, and paper styles in APA, MLA, and Turabian formats. Computers are available for students wishing to write papers or research in the lab. Crown Study Lab tutors set up and lead study group sessions prior to important exams.

Disabilities Services

Students with disabilities or special needs are invited to visit with the Director of Academic Success about academic accommodations and support available on campus through the Study Lab. Students, professors, and the Director of Academic Success work together to make reasonable accommodations that compensate for learning disabilities. Testing services are provided for those needing a distraction-free place to take exams (arrangements available through the Study Lab).

International Student Academic Support

International students are supported through the Study Lab. Contact the director of academic success and Crown’s Admissions Office. Questions concerning federal forms and deadlines should be directed to the director of academic success and/or the Admissions Office. Students may visit the Crown College Study Lab website under MyCrown for forms and applications online.

Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO)

Through the Minnesota Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) high school seniors can take college courses at Crown to complete their high school requirements and the tuition is paid by the State of Minnesota.

In order to qualify for the program a student must be a resident of Minnesota and must have earned a minimum 3.25 GPA. Students must live on campus in order to participate in the PSEO program. To qualify for housing in Crown College residence halls, a student must be at least 17 years old, be classified as a senior, have the recommendation of the Admissions Council (based on an on-site interview), and agree to the Crown Community Covenant. The cost of room and board is not covered by the State of Minnesota and is the responsibility of the student.

The PSEO student and parent or guardian are responsible to work closely with their high school counselor to ensure that the courses to be taken at Crown College will satisfy their high school graduation requirements. Each PSEO student will be assigned a faculty academic advisor who will provide academic and registration assistance.

Residential PSEO students may register for most 100 or 200-level courses. Ministry related courses and private music lessons are not eligible for state financing. State funds will, however, pay for Old Testament History and New Testament History which are cross listed as History courses. Grade Reports will be mailed to the PSEO student’s home address at midterm (soon after the sixth week) and at the end of the semester.

Course textbooks are considered the property of Crown College and must be returned to the bookstore by the last day of each final exam week. Academic transcripts may not be released until textbooks are returned.

The Crown College academic calendar may not coincide with a student’s high school or homeschool schedule. PSEO students are responsible for attending class according to the College calendar.

Upon graduation from high school, PSEO students desiring to continue at Crown College must apply for admission into the undergraduate program through the Admissions Office.

Off Campus Study Programs

Crown College has a wide variety of accredited off-campus study programs available to students. Students may apply for programs in England(Oxford), Latin America, Russia, China, the Middle East, Australia and Uganda, with the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities; in Lithuania with Lithuania Christian College; and in Israel with Jerusalem University College. Each program enables students to travel and experience distinct cultural components throughout that region of the world.

Crown also offers off-campus programs in the U.S., focused on Film, Journalism, Politics, Contemporary Music, and Family Studies.

Space is limited for off-campus study. Students must apply in the fall semester for study off campus the following year. For more information on the off-campus sites, available courses of study, available grants, and the application process, contact the director of academic programs.

ICE/Intercultural Practicum

Intercultural Experiences (ICE) at Crown College exists to provide students with intensive team-oriented, short-term educational and ministry opportunities during the academic year. The ICE academic programs are designed to introduce the student to the complexity of culture, culture research, intensive intercultural engagement, and exposure to what God is doing around the world. The intercultural experience program provides service and learning opportunities in both credit and non-credit settings in North American and International contexts. Contact the Director of International Service-Learning for further information.

Council for Christian Colleges and Universities

Crown College is a member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) which provides four off-campus semester study programs in Costa Rica, Russia, Egypt, and China. As an interdisciplinary program, students are able to view countries from the inside to experience their culture and diversity. The goal of this program is to prepare individuals to live the Christian life in a world that is multiethnic and multicultural. Each program enables students to travel and experience distinct cultural components throughout that region of the world. Contact a department chair or the director of academic programs for further information.

Crown Partnership Offerings

Crown College has forged partnerships with several organizations to provide semester-long educational programs. Students who have an interest in biblical history and archeology may study at Jerusalem University College. There are also opportunities to study at regional Christian colleges in Klaipeda, Lithuania, at Lithuania Christian College and in Australia at Canberra Bible College. These are great opportunities to experience the challenge of living in another culture while studying in a challenging academic environment.

Institute for Family Studies (IFS)

Focus on the Family Institute partners with Crown College, allowing students to study at their corporate headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorado, for one semester. Students earn up to 15 academic credits through Crown. An internship experience is also available at the Institute, giving qualified students an opportunity to work at Focus on the Family during the summer. Child and Family Ministry majors are especially encouraged to participate. For more information, contact the director of academic programs.

Catalog Requirements

Students are responsible for the academic program as stated in the College Catalog that is current at the time of their matriculation at the College. Students, in consultation with their department chair, may choose to follow the major requirements of a subsequent catalog. The major requirements of one catalog must be followed in its entirety.

Students who discontinue studies and subsequently return to the College are responsible for the academic program as stated in the College Catalog that is current at the time of their re-enrollment to the College.

Students in the Teacher Education Department must meet the current license requirements at the time of graduation.

Graduation Requirements and Honors

Graduation Requirements

Requirements for graduation are determined by respective departments of the College. Requirements for graduation or completion of a certificate are listed below:

  1. Completion of all required courses for the given degree or certificate, even when the total hours are in excess of the minimum credit requirements. In addition, baccalaureate graduates must have been admitted to and have the recommendation of their major department. Graduates who will complete no more than six semester hours or two courses immediately following graduation (i.e. by December 31) may petition for an exception in order to take part in Baccalaureate and Commencement. Petitions must be submitted to the Registrar by February 1. The petition must include a plan indicating how the deficient work will be completed by December 31.
  2. Completion of institutional credit requirements. The minimum hours required for a baccalaureate degree is 125 semester credits. Students earning an associate’s degree must complete a minimum of 63 semester credits. Students who wish to earn a second baccalaureate degree must meet all the requirements of that degree and complete a minimum of 155 semester credits.
  3. Attainment of a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in work taken at Crown College.
    Graduates from the Nursing and Teacher Education departments must attain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
  4. Completion of Christian Service requirements. Students who do not meet the Christian Service requirements will not be allowed to participate in the graduation activities without the approval of the director of Christian service and the Registrar.
  5. Completion of requirements for satisfactory chapel attendance.
  6. Fulfillment of residence requirement.
  7. Recommendation of the faculty as to character and conduct. A student whose conduct proves unworthy of the standards of Christian character and Crown College may be deemed unworthy of graduation even though all other requirements have been met.
  8. Approval of the Board of Trustees.

Although advisors are provided to assist the student with course selection, it is the ultimate responsibility of the student to insure that graduation requirements are met prior to his or her anticipated graduation date. The graduation date for a student with academic deficiencies is the last day of the month in which all requirements are met. All deficiencies regarding graduation (i.e. academic requirements and Christian Service) must be approved by the Registrar in order to be allowed to participate in the graduation activities.

Various fees apply to graduates depending on their major. College policy requires full payment of the student’s account prior to receiving a diploma or any other academic records.

All graduates are required to participate in the graduation rehearsal and commencement service unless a waiver is approved by the Registrar and the dean of undergraduate studies. Forms (academic petitions) are available in the Registrar’s Office.

Graduation Honors

  1. Graduation honors for bachelor’s degrees are based on the following cumulative grade point average.
Summa Cum Laude 3.90-4.0
Magna Cum Laude 3.70-3.89
Cum Laude 3.50-3.69
  1. Students must have completed a minimum of 60 Crown College credits to be eligible for academic honors. Students with between 30-59 Crown College credits with a cumulative grade point average of 3.90 are recognized as graduating “with distinction.”
  2. Academic honors for bachelor’s degrees are awarded and listed on the diploma on the basis of the policy that is in effect at the time the final requirement is completed.

    Note: Grade point averages are calculated to the third decimal place.

Senior Honor Key

Senior Honor Keys are presented by the faculty in recognition of outstanding merit and accomplishment as a student at Crown College. The criteria include academic achievement, participation, and leadership in campus life and spiritual contribution. Fourteen percent of baccalaureate degree candidates are selected to receive the award each year.

Semester Honors

Students who have completed at least 12 graded (A-F) credits in a semester may be eligible to be placed on the Dean’s List or Honorable Mention List.

Students meeting the following requirements will be placed on the Dean’s List:

  • A semester GPA of 3.50 or higher

Students meeting the requirements listed below will be placed on the Honorable Mention List:

  • A semester GPA of 3.250-3.499.

Transfer Credit

Transfer credit is evaluated on a course by course basis under the supervision of the Registrar.

All academic courses in which at least a “C” grade or its equivalent has been earned may qualify for transfer if taken at a college accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education or the appropriate regional or national association.

Courses earned at an unaccredited college are reviewed on a case by case basis. The maximum number of transfer credits from an unaccredited institution is 30 semester credits unless the institution has signed a cooperative agreement in which case the maximum is raised to 80 semester credits.

The maximum number of credits that may be transferred toward the specific major or minor core courses (e.g. the psychology core in the psychology major, etc.) is 50%. When a student has earned additional transfer credits in the major core, the Registrar in consultation with the Department Chair will specify which courses will be applied toward the Crown College major.

Transfer students must meet all departmental and general college requirements for the degree in the program for which they are enrolled.

Official transcripts for students with an intended major are evaluated on a course-by-course basis by the Registrar’s Office. In most cases, students will receive a written evaluation prior to registration.

The following courses have been designated by the faculty as upper level, integrative Bible and Theology courses that must be completed at Crown College: BIB 434 - Romans , THE 333X - Christian Ethics , THE 334X - Apologetics . Therefore, transfer credit toward these requirements will not be applied.

The Admissions Council is authorized to make exceptions to policies governing transfer student admissions should extenuating circumstances indicate that such would be justifiable.

Academic Standing

Standards of Progress

Grading Scale

  1. The following is the official grading scale:

A = Superior
B = Above Average
C = Average
D = Below Average
D -
F = Failure
AU = Audit
I = Incomplete
IP = In Progress
R = Repeated Course
S = Satisfactory (“C” or higher)
U = Unsatisfactory
W = Withdrew
WF = Withdrew/Failing
WP = Withdrew/Passing
Z = Grade not Available

  1. Graduation requirements include the accumulation of appropriate credits and the quality of work performed. The faculty has established a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 as the minimum standard. Grade point averages are calculated to the third decimal place on the basis of hours attempted in graded courses taken at this College. Grade points are granted on the following basis:

A = 4.0
A- = 3.7
B+ = 3.3
B = 3.0
B- = 2.7
C+ = 2.3
C = 2.0
C - = 1.7
D + = 1.3
D = 1.0
D- = 0.7
F = 0.0
U = 0.0

  1. I-Incomplete. A grade of I represents course work which is incomplete. Professors may grant an Incomplete if the student has completed three-fourths of the course work with a grade of C or better. The I grade must be removed within six weeks of the beginning of the next semester by completion of the course work. If not removed within the specified time, the I lapses into an F grade.
  2. IP-In Progress. This grade may be applied by the professor when course requirements are specifically designed to extend beyond the end of the term (e.g. an internship, etc.). The course syllabus should note this grade designation.
  3. Grade changes may be initiated by faculty when a teacher error has resulted in an erroneous grade. All grade changes must be reviewed by the Registrar. Grades of F resulting from lapse of the time period for completion of work may not be changed, except for professor error.

Academic Standing

All current students who are not on academic probation are in good standing at the College.

A student’s individual grade point average is determined by dividing the total grade points earned by the total hours attempted in graded courses. Grades from transfer institutions are not recorded on Crown College transcripts and are not included in GPA calculations. For purposes of evaluating academic progress, accumulated credits are determined by adding transfer credit (if any) to credit earned at Crown College. The policies set forth below determine academic standing.

Academic Probation and Suspension

A student is placed on academic probation at the end of any semester, summer session, or specified period determined by the dean of undergraduate studies, in which that student’s cumulative grade point average falls within one of the ranges listed below:

  Accumulated Credits Grade Point Average
  1-16 credits Below 1.700 GPA
  17-32 credits Below 1.800 GPA
  33-47 credits Below 1.900 GPA
  48+ credits Below 2.000 GPA

Students on academic probation:

  1. Must retake all required courses in which they have a grade of “F” in the first available semester.
  2. Will limit work hours to 20 hours per week or less
  3. Will work with his/her advisor(s) and the director of the study lab to develop and follow an academic improvement plan.
  4. Will be required to attend the Crown Study Lab as specified in the academic improvement plan.
  5. Are ineligible to participate in co-curricular activities as defined by the College Catalog.

Failure to comply with these requirements may lead to suspension after one semester.

Students will have two consecutive semesters to raise their cumulative grade point average to an appropriate level.

Students who have been suspended for academic reasons may appeal the suspension if they have earned an average of at least 2.0 for the semester immediately preceding the possibility of suspension. The appeal should be addressed to the dean of undergraduate studies.

Re-Entry After Suspension

Students suspended because of unsatisfactory progress may apply for re-admission after one semester. Consideration of each applicant for re-admission will be based on the merits of the individual case and will take into account whether the applicant is or is not prepared to do an improved quality of work.

Records of Academic Progress

Records indicating academic progress are maintained by the Registrar’s Office, and a grade report indicating academic progress is available to each student online following the close of each term. This grade report contains notification of term grades, accumulated credits, grade point hours, grade points, and grade point average. Grade reports also include notice of any academic action taken with regard to them, including probationary status and suspension. College policy requires full payment of the student’s account prior to release of grades or academic records.

Satisfactory Progress

The College is occasionally asked to respond to inquiries as to whether particular students are making satisfactory progress. For the purpose of answering such inquiries, all students in good academic standing (i.e. not on academic probation or not suspended) are deemed to be making satisfactory progress.

A special satisfactory progress policy governs receipt of financial aid (see Academic Satisfactory Progress ).

Academic Dishonesty, Appeals and Grievances

Academic Dishonesty

It is expected that students will be honest in all their academic work and will be responsible for their own work. Scholastic dishonesty is a serious violation of both academic standards and biblical teachings, and is an affront to other students and the faculty. Academic dishonesty includes the following:

  1. Cheating on assignments and tests.
  2. Plagiarism. The student is responsible for knowing the legitimate and illegitimate use of source material in writing term papers as stated in the standard textbook of the College for writing term papers.
  3. Submitting a paper or project in which part or the entirety was done by someone else. (This would not include designated group assignments in which the student is a participant.)
  4. Submitting the same (or essentially the same) paper or project in more than one course without prior consent of the instructors involved.
  5. Any act which violates the rights of other students from completing their academic assignments (e.g. deliberate withholding of necessary academic material, willful harm to another student’s work).

Students found involved in academic dishonesty will be penalized by the instructor. The penalty may include reduced credit or no credit on the assignment/test, additional assignments, or other measures deemed appropriate by the instructor. A student who feels that the charge is unjust or that the penalty is unfair may make an academic appeal.

The instructor may refer a student directly to the dean of undergraduate studies who may invoke a penalty that could include academic failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal.

Academic Appeals and Grievances

  1. Appeals concerning academic policies, procedures, and regulations are most appropriately handled on an Academic Petition (available at the Registrar’s Office). This form requires both the approval of the student’s advisor and the Registrar. If the advisor does not approve the petition, the student has the option of submitting the request directly to the Registrar.
  2. Students not satisfied with the results may submit the original appeal to the Academic Affairs Committee for consideration. The Academic Affairs Committee may accept or reject the appeal. The decision of the Academic Affairs Committee shall be final.
  3. For grievances related to specific cases with advisors or professors, students follow the general procedures for grievances listed in the Student Handbook.

Privacy and Release of Records


The Registrar keeps on file the permanent record of all credits earned by each student. No transcript will be issued unless all financial obligations owed by the student to the College have been fulfilled. The student’s written request including full name, maiden name, current address, dates of attendance, student ID or social security number, birth date, address where transcript is to be sent, and signature are required for all transcript requests. Written requests may be received via letter, fax (952-446-4329), or transcript request form available online at www.crown.edu/transcripts. There is no charge for up to 15 transcripts per month. A two dollar fee per transcript will be assessed thereafter. Typical processing time is three to five business days. A $25 fee will be assessed for rush requests. At least two weeks should be allowed after the close of a term for issuance of an up-to-date transcript.

Privacy Rights

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) sets out requirements designed to govern the access to and release of educational records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the FERPA Office (U.S. Department of Education) concerning alleged failures of Crown College to comply with provisions of FERPA.

Crown College has adopted policies and procedures concerning implementation of FERPA on campus. Copies of the entire policy are available from the Registrar’s Office, as well as the Registrar’s Office website.

Directory Information Policy

  1. “Directory Information” can be released to an outside party without written consent of the student. Directory items include name, home address, campus address, email address, telephone numbers, dates of attendance, fulltime/ part-time status, classification, previous institutions(s) attended, major field(s) of study, awards, honors (e.g. Dean’s List), degree(s) conferred (e.g. BS, AA), digital image or photograph, past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities, and height and weight of athletic team members.
  2. Students have the right to suppress their directory information by completing a request form in the Registrar’s Office. The request is valid for one semester.
  3. Crown employees who have a legitimate educational interest are allowed to access student education records. Designated offices may also disclose education records or components thereof to persons or organizations providing the student with financial aid, to accrediting agencies carrying out their accrediting functions, and to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons. Other exceptions are listed in the official policy.
  4. Confidential information cannot be released over the phone (since positive voice identification cannot usually be made).
  5. Confidential information can be released directly to the student; however, it cannot be released directly to the student’s family members (e.g., parents, spouses, etc.) without the written consent of the student. Note, however, that when a student is a dependent of the parent as defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1954: Sec. 152, such information may be released to the parent without the written consent by of the student.

Name Change Policy

In an effort to maintain the integrity and accuracy of our records and to protect our students, alumni, and constituents, the following Name Change Policy is in effect.

The following offices are authorized to process name changes in the Crown College Administrative System:

Current students-Registrar’s Office

Alumni-Registrar’s and/or Advancement Office

Donors/Friends of Crown College-Advancement Office

In order to process a name change, an individual must present legal documentation which includes but is not limited to one of the following: a copy of marriage certificate showing name change, a driver’s license, social security card, or other legal documents.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Intercollegiate Athletics Policies

  1. Physical education credit may be earned by team members of intercollegiate sports. Students wishing credit must register at the Registrar’s Office for the specific sport according to the listing in the course descriptions index (e.g. PED 242 Basketball Team).
  2. Team rosters are announced early in the semester. If a student does not make the team, the class can be dropped during the first two weeks of the semester with a full refund.
  3. Students who are registered for credit and leave the squad for any reason must be sure to drop the course at the Registrar’s Office. Students should refer to general college policies regarding deadlines, refunds, fees, etc.

Athletic Eligibility/Co-Curricular Eligibility

To be eligible to represent Crown College in intercollegiate athletics competition, a student athlete shall be enrolled fulltime in a program of study, be in good academic standing, and maintain satisfactory progress toward a baccalaureate or equivalent degree. Enrollment in a full-time program of study requires students to take a minimum of twelve (12) hours of credit per semester. In keeping with the institutional policies of Crown College and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA ) Division III, students involved in intercollegiate athletics must meet the following eligibility requirements to be in good academic standing:

Co-Curricular eligibility including athletic eligibility for incoming students will be determined by their admissions status to the Crown College School of Arts & Sciences and Crown Graduate Schools. Students with a standard acceptance are eligible for co-curricular activities including intercollegiate athletics. Students with a modified acceptance may be eligible for co-curricular activities including intercollegiate athletics unless notified otherwise by the Admissions Council. Students with a conditional acceptance are not eligible for co-curricular activities. Current Crown College students are in good academic standing if the following guidelines are satisfied:

  Accumulated Credits Grade Point Average
  1-16 credits 1.700 GPA or higher
  17-32 credits 1.800 GPA or higher
  33-47 credits 1.900 GPA or higher
  48+ credits 2.000 GPA or higher

Transfer students should contact the Department of Athletics for transfer guidelines related to intercollegiate athletics. All students in good academic standing are deemed to be making satisfactory progress toward a baccalaureate or equivalent degree.

Additional Information

Library Resources

Among the many resources currently available in the Watne Memorial Library are:

  1. Over 140,000 cataloged volumes including books, e-books, dissertations, DVD’s videos, and CD’s.
  2. Approximately 70,000 microform books containing virtually everything published in the United States from 1639-1820.
  3. About 80 databases containing literally millions of full-text articles from thousands of magazines and journals, covering virtually every topic imaginable.
  4. The world’s largest, most comprehensive online catalog (World Cat) listing over 88 million bibliographic records in 470 languages from 57,000 libraries around the world.
  5. Video/listening rooms, quiet study rooms, DVD cameras, VCR/DVD/CD players, both PC and Mac computers, and hundreds of videos, DVD’s and CD’s.
  6. Over a dozen Rosetta Stone language programs.

Music Department Regulations

A variety of music lessons and performance organizations are offered by the Music Department for students in any major. Contact the Music Office for additional information. Regulations regarding music rooms and equipment include:

  1. Practice rooms are available for students taking lessons or participating in performance organizations. Contact the Music Office for further information.
  2. Food and drink are not to be brought into practice rooms.
  3. Practice rooms are not for storage.
  4. Musical instruments must be kept in assigned places or in student rooms. The College is not responsible for lost instruments.
  5. The piano located in the chapel may be used only with permission from the Music Department.
  6. Any equipment borrowed from the Music Department must be checked in and out through the Music Office.
  7. Requests for use of the Choral Music Room (W121) other than for classes and rehearsals may be submitted to the Music Office.

Divorce and Remarriage

Although the College welcomes all applicants, divorced persons should be aware that opportunities for ministry following graduation may be limited by a previous divorce. The parent denomination of the College, The Christian and Missionary Alliance, states, “As a rule, divorced persons who are remarried or persons who are married to divorced persons shall not be appointed to national office or be given The Christian and Missionary Alliance credentials or Christian Workers’ Certificates.” (The C&MA has an appeal process that considers exceptions on a case by case basis.) Other churches and church-related agencies may also have policies which may prevent ministry employment for the divorced graduate. Divorced and remarried applicants seeking such ministries are encouraged to contact the organization with which they desire to serve before enrolling at the College.

Evangelical Teacher Training Program

The diploma of the Evangelical Training Association qualifies the student to conduct recognized teacher-training classes in connection with the local work of the church.

To receive this diploma, the following courses or their equivalent must be included in a student’s program: 10 hours of direct Bible study and 14 hours of course work in ministry areas (such as intercultural studies, evangelism, Teaching and Learning Theory, human development, church educational program and practicum). All majors in the Christian Ministry Department meet these requirements as a part of their prescribed course of study, but students in any department may receive this diploma by meeting the requirements.

Retention and Graduation Rates

In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, Crown College is engaged in an ongoing study of retention and graduation rates.

Retention Rates

In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, Crown College is engaged in an ongoing study of retention and graduation rates.

For the past ten years, the percentages of new freshmen still enrolled at the start of the next academic year has been as follows:

70% of the Fall 2001 freshmen
71% of the Fall 2002 freshmen
70% of the Fall 2003 freshmen
70% of the Fall 2004 freshmen
64% of the Fall 2005 freshmen
68% of the Fall 2006 freshmen
70% of the Fall 2007 freshmen
73% of the Fall 2008 freshmen
72% of the Fall 2009 freshmen
63% of the Fall 2010 freshmen

Graduation Rates

Year of Freshman Class Percent Graduating from Crown College within Six Years
1995 44%
1996 42%
1997 52%
1998 53%
1999 48%
2000 46%
2001 53%
2002 57%
2003 56%
2004 53%
2005 53%

Summer Session

Summer school sessions are scheduled annually as listed in the College Calendar. Students are invited to contact the Office of Admissions for information about what specific courses are offered and other details pertaining to summer school enrollment.

Veteran Status

Crown College is approved for veterans education training by the Minnesota State Approving Agency. Applicants who are veterans should check with the Veterans Administration regarding their eligibility for benefits before requesting the Registrar’s Office to process an enrollment certification. Veterans who have completed Basic Military Training will be granted proficiency credit for the physical education requirements upon receipt of the veteran’s DD 214.

School of Online Studies & Graduate School

School of Online Studies

The purpose of the online programs at Crown College is to extend the mission of the College by offering non-traditional educational programs for adults. Programs include graduate studies, distance/online education, associate degrees, bachelor degrees, and a certificate. Additional information about these programs is available in the School of Online Studies Catalog, on the College website www.crown.edu, or by calling the School of Online Studies Office at 952-446-4300. These programs are designed for students who are 18 years of age and older.

An Associate of Science in Christian Ministry, an Associate of Science in Business and an Associate of Arts in General Studies is available for students with a high school diploma or GED and little or no college experience. The Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministry, the Bachelor of Science in Psychology/Counseling and the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration serve students with an associate’s degree or two years of college credits.

Undergraduate program students will be allowed to take classes in the online program if they have met all criteria and have obtained all necessary approvals as outlined below.

Undergraduate program students requesting to take a class in the online program must meet the following criteria:

  • 18 years of age or older at the start of the class
  • Must have cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 at the time of application
  • Senior status

Undergraduate program students requesting to take a class in the online program must obtain approval via petition of the following people:

  • Student’s advisor
  • Registrar
  • Director of Academic Services
  • Vice President of Academic Affairs (if recommended by the registrar)

Undergraduate program students will be limited to a maximum of 2 courses (or 6-8 credits) in the online program during their coursework in the Undergraduate program.

Students enrolled in the Undergraduate non-degree seeking licensure program are not limited to a maximum of 2 courses (or 6-8 credits) during their coursework in the Undergraduate program.

Graduate School

Graduate Studies are offered online. Master of Arts courses are offered in Ministry Leadership, International Leadership Studies, Christian Studies, and Organizational Leadership. Each program is 36 credits.

All five Master’s degrees are available online. A Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership prepares students for Christian ministry leadership roles as pastors, church staff, Christian education and youth leaders, or parachurch ministry leadership. A Master of Arts in International Leadership Studies equips students for both overseas and domestic mission work. A Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership is designed for business professionals desiring to increase their effectiveness in the workplace and those who aspire to organizational management. A Christian Studies Master of Arts is also available for those wanting to learn more about Christian Theology.

A Master of Business Administration, 42 credits, is available online. The MBA is designed to develop a person’s skills in many areas of business providing an extremely broad knowledge base as well as acute abilities.

The online program incorporates the most current research and practice in adult and distance education. The curriculum is designed by professors who are experts in their field.