Feb 15, 2025  
School of Arts & Sciences 2012-2013 Catalog 
School of Arts & Sciences 2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life

The intention of Crown College is to help students grow as whole and healthy individuals who are being formed in character and conduct to be more like our Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to be a Christ-centered community committed to provide biblical-based education for Christian leadership in an environment which encourages the formation of the whole person.

To that end, Crown College offers many opportunities for growth both within the academic setting and beyond the classroom. These experiences contribute to community life, personal development and enjoyment, career preparation, leadership training, and spiritual development.

Student Handbook

Details of community life on the campus are published in a separate volume called the Crown College Student Handbook, which is updated annually. The printed version is contained in the Academic Planner which lists the campus events for the entire academic year. Specific policies regarding lifestyle issues, spiritual life on campus, residence life, Christian Service, co-curricular activities, and campus services and facilities are outlined there.

Students are expected to abide by the policies contained in the Handbook and to live in compliance with the standards of the College as outlined in the Community Covenant, and must sign an agreement to that effect when they apply to the College. These policies and standards apply while students are enrolled in a College program and/or residing in College-approved housing and are to be maintained during the summer, between semesters, and when on break or vacation.

There may be times when students violate College standards, and disciplinary action may become necessary. Crown seeks to be a redemptive community where discipline is used by God in an individual’s life and for the good of the community. The Student Handbook outlines details of the disciplinary process, should that be necessary. The College reserves the right to require any student to discontinue studies who, in the opinion of the College, does not live in compliance with College standards and policies.


Among the many resources currently available in the Watne Memorial Library are:

  1. Over 160,000 cataloged volumes, including books, e-books, DVDs, videos and CDs, plus approximately 70,000 microform books containing virtually everything published in the United States from 1639–1820.
  2. Over 140,000 current electronic books not included in the totals above, as well as 5,000 full-text electronic dissertations, theses, and conference papers.
  3. Over 70 research databases containing literally millions of full-text articles from over 46,000 magazines and journals, covering virtually every topic imaginable.
  4. The world’s largest, most comprehensive online catalog (World Cat) listing over 88 million bibliographic records in 470 languages from 57,000 libraries around the world.
  5. Video/listening rooms, quiet study rooms, DVD cameras, VCR/DVD/CD players, both PC and Mac computers, and hundreds of videos, DVD’s and CD’s.

Computer Labs

Crown College provides Windows PCs and Apple Macintosh computers for on-campus use at multiple locations that have varied hours of operation to serve student’s needs. Hours of operation for each computer lab are posted at the lab. These computers are provided first and foremost for school work and all have the Microsoft Office suite of tools and connection to the Internet. Each of the labs has the ability to print to multiple printers. The computer labs are located in the Library in both wings and in the Study Lab, in the main PC lab on 3rd floor, and on first floor in the New Technology Lab and the Midi Lab in the Music department.

Network and Student Computers

Students can use the computers in the computer labs or use their own personal computers. Students are provided a user id and password that enables access to the Internet, lab computers, network servers and to a Crown College sponsored personal e-mail account. All buildings on campus have high-speed network access. Students are expected to be in compliance with computer use policies.

Residential Living Policy

Crown College is a residential college and believes there are many benefits derived from living in a college residence hall. At the discretion of Student Development, it may be possible for a student to live off-campus given variables of the following criteria:

  1. Student’s 22nd birthday falls before the first day of class of the semester for which he/she is applying. 
  2. Health needs demand special facilities that Crown College cannot supply. 
  3. Student is living with one or both parents.
  4. Student is carrying six or fewer credit hours.
  5. Special work situation exists which requires the student to live at the work site, i.e., special rehabilitation, handicapped special-care facilities, or service-oriented ministries. 
  6. Student is married.
    Students carrying six or fewer credit hours are permitted to reside on campus as housing is available.

Food Service

All single resident students participate in the campus food service program provided in the College Dining Center. Questions regarding the meal plans or food service may be directed to the Director of Operations.

Health Services

The College maintains a Health Services office available to students for assistance with minor illnesses and first aid treatment. Health Services is staffed by a qualified nurse who provides health and wellness counsel through individual appointments with students and printed resources. Health Services is covered by tuition. Prescription medications and the services of a physician are available close to campus, but are not covered by the general fee. Group health and hospitalization insurance is required of all students.

Crown College is not responsible for accidents sustained in intercollegiate or intramural athletic programs. Additional insurance, purchased through the College, is required for all students who participate in intercollegiate sports.

College Immunization Policy

Beginning July 1, 1990, all students born in 1957 or later who are enrolled in more than one class or enrolled in one class and housed on campus will be required to be in compliance with the Minnesota College Immunization Law (MN Stat 135A.14). Only those students who are enrolled in extension classes or online classes are exempt from the law. Those enrolled in more than two on-campus Adult & Graduate Studies (AGS) classes or who have one AGS class and live in Faith Village or other on-campus housing need to adhere to this law. This law was enacted by the Minnesota legislature in the spring of 1989 in response to the growing concern over outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles and mumps, on college campuses. Not only have these diseases caused unnecessary illness, but also a significant disruption of campus activities. The College wants to make sure that none of these preventable diseases will interrupt studies or threaten student health.

In order to show compliance with this law and College policy, each student will need to submit immunization records showing the dates (month and year) of:


  1. Tetanus and Diphtheria “booster” within the last ten years.
  2. Two immunizations of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) received after the student’s first birthday.


  1. Hepatitis B, a three-dose series.
  2. Meningococcal Vaccine, a single-dose vaccination.
  3. International students and American students who have been living overseas who plan to study at Crown may be asked to receive a Tuberculin (Mantoux) test or chest x-ray within one year of student’s entrance to Crown College.
  4. Varicella/Chicken Pox vaccine or disease.

A student who has not submitted immunization dates to the College will not be able to pre-register for second semester classes until this requirement has been met. Certain exemptions for medical or philosophical reasons are permitted. Exemptions must be cleared through the Health Services Office. Hep A and Polio are recommended for Missions trips. The TB test is required for Nursing students. Forms must be signed by a guardian if a minor.

Campus Store

The Campus Store carries a wide array of clothing, personal items, gifts, snacks, various supplementary course materials and office supplies. Textbooks may be purchased from the online virtual bookstore on the Campus Store website.

Mail Center

The College maintains a substation of the United States Post Office and provides UPS service. Mail Center hours are as posted.

Fireside Room

The Fireside Room, located in the Main Building, is a spacious catering room. When not used to host special events and dinners, it is an informal study area with a gas fireplace and provides access to the Life Fitness Center.

Life Fitness Center

The Life Fitness Center, located within the Main Building, offers a variety of low-impact aerobic exercise equipment. Equipment includes treadmills, elliptical trainers, recumbent bicycles, stationary bicycles, stair-step machines as well as a pulley-style weight station.

Student Center

The Student Center is the ultimate student gathering place on campus. Located in the Main Building near the Storm Cafe, the Student Center offers a coffee shop with a loft and booth-style seating, a performance stage, a double-sided fireplace, an art gallery, and a Galyan’s/REI style climbing wall.

Storm Cafe

The College operates a cafe which supplies light meals and a variety of snacks. It provides students and staff with a relaxing, informal atmosphere in which to eat and fellowship. Also available are pool tables, a ping-pong table, and various board games for students to use. Hours are as posted. The Storm Cafe overlooks the gym floor in the Wild Athletic Center.

Athletic Facility

The Athletic Center includes a walking track, two basketball courts, bleachers which will seat approximately 750 people, four locker rooms, and offices. This facility is used for organized sports as well as intramural activities, concerts, youth outreach events, open gyms, etc.

Laundry Facilities

Laundry facilities are available in each residence hall.

Student Organizations

A variety of co-curricular activities are available to students at Crown College.

All undergraduate (traditional) students of the College are members of the Crown College Student Association (CCSA). The CCSA Senate is the student government organization of the College. Elections to the Senate are held annually to provide representation from each class as well as the various organizations of the student body. The Senate represents Crown College students before the faculty, staff, administration, and Board of Trustees, and oversees the activities of the CCSA as the various organizations seek to meet the spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social needs of the students.

The Global Impact Team (GIT) represents the College in its missionary emphasis on campus presenting the worldwide work of The Christian and Missionary Alliance and other mission boards. GIT directs missions prayer support activities for the campus as well.

The Student Activities Board is comprised of students who plan all-college events for the student body. With its focus on planning social activities and service projects throughout the year, the group’s purpose is to provide quality programs that will make Crown College an exciting place in which to learn, study, and play.

The Storm Tracker, the College yearbook, has a staff comprised entirely of students who work with a faculty advisor.

The College student periodical, The Storm Chaser, is a newspaper-style format that provides an avenue for student expression on issues of importance to the student body. A faculty member serves as advisor.

Various clubs and special interest groups are established from year to year as interest develops. Such organizations are approved by the CCSA Senate.


The mission of the Crown College Athletic Department is to provide and foster Christian leadership and excellence in all aspects of the student-athlete’s life. Crown College student athletes are actively involved in missions and ministry, locally and abroad. We believe that athletics should be a means to reach others for Christ. Development of the complete person, physically, mentally, and spiritually, is the priority.

Crown College offers a variety of athletic outlets for participants and fans. Intercollegiate varsity sports offered for men are soccer, football, cross country, golf, basketball, and baseball; for women, volleyball, soccer, cross country, basketball, and softball.

Crown College Athletics is affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA Division III). Crown is also a full member of the NCAA Division III affiliated Upper Midwest Athletic Conference (UMAC). This conference features schools from Minnesota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. To be eligible for athletic participation under a Standard Acceptance, an entering freshman must meet these requirements: (1) an ACT score of 18 or an SAT score of 860, (2) a high school GPA of 2.0 or better on a 4.0 scale. If an entering freshman does not meet these requirements, he or she may be accepted with a Modified Acceptance. For more information concerning acceptance policies and athletic eligibility requirements, students may contact the compliance coordinator.

An active intramural and recreation program includes broomball, frisbee golf, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, basketball, and a variety of additional seasonal activities.

Music Organizations

A variety of music performance organizations are available to students by audition with the appropriate director. These organizations are: Chorale, Jazz Choir, Women’s Choir, Chamber Orchestra, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Crown Brass, Guitar Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and Flute Ensemble.

Regular performances and tours are scheduled throughout the year both locally and across the United States, as well as overseas trips. Students also have the opportunity to participate in ministry teams. These vocal and instrumental groups represent the College to churches, schools, and civic organizations. Interested students should contact the Music Department to arrange an audition with the appropriate director.

International Service-Learning (IS-L)

Opening doors to international experiences has been a vital part of the Crown College tradition. The International Service-Learning (IS-L) Office exists to provide opportunities for ministry, study, and service throughout the world by providing the following programs:

  • Intercultural Experiences—worldwide missions teams traveling to places like Congo, Ecuador, China, India, Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand, and Ukraine.
  • Missions on a Shoe String—Crown weekend outreaches to urban cities like Omaha, Chicago, and Minneapolis/St. Paul.

Crown College’s short term experiences are available on a credit or non-credit basis. Information is made available to the student body on a regular basis, or students may contact the Director of International Service-Learning.

Information about the Off-Campus Study Abroad Programs (including Israel, Moscow, Australia, England, Uganda, Lithuania, L.A. Film Program, Contemporary Music Program, and more) can be found under “Off-Campus Study Abroad ” in the Academic Section of this catalog. Please contact the Director of Academic Programs for further information.

International Student Affairs

The International Service Learning Office is also the center for International Student Affairs. International student orientation, special events throughout the semester and official compliance procedures are carried out through the IS-L office.

Student Services

New Student Orientation

An extensive orientation program is provided for new students entering the College including informational seminars, small group discussions, worship services, and social and recreational activities. New Student Orientation is scheduled prior to the beginning of each semester and is required for all new, incoming students. A select committee of returning students is chosen and trained to plan and lead the program.

Counseling Services

Crown College Counseling Services provides professional, short-term counseling for various issues including depression, anxiety, stress, relationship struggles, adjustment issues, death and bereavement, personal growth and exploration, addictions, eating issues, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Services are available for Crown students. All services are free and confidential.

Career Services

The Career Services Office exists to assist students in exploring who they are—their gifts, talents, interests, and how these relate to future career possibilities. This is accomplished through career counsel and assessment, the use of career exploration books, and an extensive web site. Students also receive personal assistance in transitioning from college to the world of work through individual counseling appointments and classroom presentations that cover such topics as resume writing, interviewing, networking, writing professional correspondence, and planning a job search strategy. The office facilitates employer and graduate school recruiters’ visits to campus, job fairs, and training on how to prepare for them.


Students participate in required chapel services. Chapel services are designed to glorify God, advance the global mission of Christ, and promote a Kingdom lifestyle for the Crown College community through worship, biblical instruction, encouragement, prayer and fellowship.

Missions Emphasis – Global Impact Team

Through a variety of means, students partner with what God is doing worldwide. In chapels, students hear from missionaries, national pastors, and students who have participated on short-term missions teams. The awareness of what God is doing grows through a three-day missions emphasis in the fall. Differing formats such as globe trekking rooms, seminars, and hands-on involvement enable the passion of being a world Christian to grow deeper. Annually, a missions project of interest to students is selected and funded by voluntary offerings. Prayer is foundational as students meet to pray for the world. Each year a missionary joins our faculty, teaching and providing practical counsel to students interested in missions.

Devotional and Spiritual Life

Personal devotional times, chapel services, and special prayer times are important in maintaining a vibrant walk with God during the busyness of college life.

The College holds a series of special services each semester with an emphasis on spiritual growth and vitality. Attention is given to applying spiritual truths, prayer, and holy living in relation to a person’s commitment to the Lordship of Christ.

Small discipleship groups and Bible studies meet regularly for the purpose of fellowship and spiritual growth, and interested students may be discipled one-on-one by faculty, staff, or mature upperclassmen.

Sunday Worship and the Local Church

The Lord instituted the church as His body, and since involvement in the local church is essential for our Christian growth, it is expected that all students will choose a church in which to worship regularly. There are excellent opportunities for involvement in church leadership. Early in the academic year, pastors from the area are invited to campus to meet the students and provide opportunities for involvement in their churches.

Faith Village

Faith Village is the on-campus student family apartment complex of the College. Rent levels are below the market rate for apartments in the area. Although occupants meet their own utility costs, the energy-efficient, modern construction of the air-conditioned buildings keeps costs at a minimum.

Please contact the Operations Office for further information at 952-446-4132.