Feb 14, 2025  
School of Arts & Sciences Handbook 2022-2023 
School of Arts & Sciences Handbook 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services


Campus Store Information Technology
Counseling and Career Center Watne Memorial Library
Disability Services Lost and Found
Financial Aid Mail Center
Food Services Student Billing
Health Services  

Campus Store

The Campus Store offers Crown apparel, souvenirs, drinkware, and gift cards. Hours are posted outside the store and are subject to change. Shop online at http://www.store.crown.edu/.

Textbooks and supplies for academic programs may be purchased from the virtual (online) campus bookstore. The online bookstore is found at http://bookstore.crown.edu/. The virtual bookstore offers both new and used textbooks along with an online book buyback program. Students with Financial Aid balances will also be allowed to utilize the virtual store voucher system to charge books to an online account.

Counseling and Career Center

A. Career Counseling

The Counseling and Career Center (CCC) provides students with assistance and resources to help them as they prepare for their next step in following the Lord. The counseling is based on the current need of the student, and where they are at in regard to completing their degree. There are resources for exploring careers, self-assessment through tools such as “Trumotivate,” guidance on choosing a major and learning what you can do with it. There is counseling and guidance for writing resumes, cover letters, networking, job searching, interviewing, and attending graduate school.  We also offer an online platform called “Handshake” through which students and alumni can connect with employers and ministries for job and internships. We host an annual job fair on campus and inform the students about off-campus job fairs. A variety of “on-campus” jobs are also available to students.  Students can find out about jobs through Handshake and by contacting the Facility Management Services or the campus food service provider. On campus jobs are also often listed in the daily email announcements.  For more information and links go to www.crown.edu/ccc

B. Personal Counseling

The Counseling and Career Center (CCC) offers professional, confidential counseling services for all registered students. The Counseling and Career Center has on-campus counseling interns who are available to students by appointment. There is no fee for the use of this service.  Counselors provide short term, solution focused, brief therapy but can also add more sessions if needed. Students will typically begin with a weekly one-hour appointment which may decrease in frequency as they move along a healing path. Counselors take a holistic approach by addressing mental health, as well as spiritual, emotional, and physical health, and academic success. There are occasionally situations when a student’s needs and/or the community’s well-being may warrant the student being referred to off-campus professional counseling. In this case, the student is responsible for paying for the counseling fees and any transportation costs. For personal counseling, students can request an appointment online at crown.icouch.me. After students make an appointment, a counselor will follow up with them, send them some online forms to complete and communicate with them confidentially through icouch. At certain times, students may be put on a brief “waiting list” depending on counselor availability.  

C. Coordinated Care Committee

At times students may experience special circumstances and personal areas of challenge and concern that require specific attention and support. These circumstances include danger to self and others, personal events (i.e. bereavement, witness to or victim of a crime, accident, health crisis, etc.), persistent behavioral patterns (i.e. eating disorders, self-injury, addiction, risky private and social involvements, etc.), and other activities such as matters of school discipline, academic issues, and inappropriate involvement by a student in other settings. In these cases, Student Development may form a Coordinated Care Committee to better serve and support the identified student.

The purpose of the Coordinated Care Committee is to ensure the student’s well-being and success in the Crown College community with support and encouragement through Crown College student services. A Coordinated Care Committee will be formed with the student’s knowledge and written consent. In some circumstances, compliance with the Coordinated Care Committee may be required to remain a student in good standing at the College. The Coordinated Care Committee members will be representatives from Student Development, Counseling and Career Services and Health Services offices. Other faculty, staff and outside resources that are involved with the student (coaching staff, internship supervisor, employer, and academic advisor) may be asked to serve on the Coordinated Care Committee at the student’s request or the committee’s discretion. The Coordinated Care Committee may set goals for and monitor student progress; advocate for the student socially, academically, and spiritually; and recommend services and support available to the student from outside resources. The student will be informed by an appointed committee member of what is discussed in the Coordinated Care Committee meetings and will also be informed when the committee is disbanded because the student no longer requires support.

In an emergency situation, the College reserves the right to activate a Coordinated Care Committee without the consent of the student.

D. Do You Know Someone Who Needs Help?

If a student is having difficulty with an issue in his/her life, whether it be in violation of the Community Covenant or not, he/she is strongly encouraged to seek help from some member of the campus community. When students come forward seeking help, every effort will be made by the College to bring healing, wholeness and reconciliation. Professors, Counseling and Career Center, Health Services, and Residence Life staff, as well as members of the office of Student Development are eager to listen and help students through difficulties.

The Counseling and Career Center is the one area where violations of the Crown College Student Handbook are not reported to Student Development unless they involve the safety of the individual or someone else.

Students are encouraged to seek mentors who are mature in their faith and life experience to walk alongside them in their personal, spiritual, and emotional growth. For information about obtaining a mentor, contact the Director of Student Engagement.

Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services of Crown College coordinates services needed by students who have a documented physical, learning, emotional, and psychological/psychiatric disabilities. All requests for accommodations, whether physical or academic must be made through the Office of Disability Services.

Our commitment is to provide reasonable accommodations and services to students who have disabilities so that students with disabilities have equal access to the opportunity for academic success as student without disabilities, not to provide special treatment or advantages that students without disabilities do not receive.

  • Student Responsibilities:
  • Identify him/herself as a student with a disability by making an appointment with the Director of Disability Services to discuss the disability as well as reasonable accommodations.
  • Provide adequate documentation of your specific disability. This documentation should be no more than 3 years old and be signed by an appropriate professional qualified to diagnose the disability. Any Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan should also be provided when available.
  • Discuss with each professor the necessary accommodations for his/her classes.
  • Please note that accommodations will not be provided until approval is given by the Director of Disability services.

For more information on the Office of Disability Services please contact Dr. Tom McCracken (Director of Disability Services) at 952-446-4216 or by email at mccrackent@crown.edu.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid is a combination of grants, scholarships, loans, and work study. To determine eligibility students must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at https://fafsa.gov. The priority date to apply for applying for financial aid is December 1 for the following academic year. Detailed Financial Aid information and forms are available on the website at www.crown.edu/finaid.

Crown College recommends that all eligible degree seeking students apply for financial aid and exhaust all forms of federal loan programs before considering private alternative student loans.

Food Services

Crown College’s food vendor, Sodexo, offers dining services for a variety of events, campus dining, the Student Center, Sherburne Ave. Coffee Shop, and individual catering needs.

A.      General Program Information

All undergraduate students residing on campus are required to participate in one of four Meal Plans. College freshmen are required to participate in the 15 Meal Plan; there are 19 possible meal choices in an academic week.

B.      General Guidelines

  1. Students are charged for a full meal each time they enter the Dining Center.
  2. Students MUST present a valid College ID/meal card at all registers.
  3. Student ID and Meal Plans may not be shared.
  4. Students who utilize their weekly meal allowance may use FLEX dollars to purchase additional meals.
  5. Students may use FLEX dollars to purchase meals for guests.
  6. Any guest of the College may purchase a meal during serving hours from the Dining Center cashier.
  7. Crown Cash is accepted at all three food service areas: Dining Center, Student Center and Sherburne Ave. Coffee Shop. Crown Cash may be purchased at Sherburne Ave. Coffee Shop or the Dining Center during meal serving hours.  

C.      Dining Center

The food service program offers a number of different meal plans to students. The number of meals available to be eaten in the Dining Center and the amount of FLEX dollars available vary by meal plan. FLEX dollars may be used in the Storm Café, Sherburne Ave. Coffee Shop or for a guest in the Dining Center.

The Dining Center serves breakfast, lunch and dinner on weekdays. Weekends have limited hours during which brunch and dinner are served. Hours for the Dining Center are posted at the Dining Center entrance. All food must be consumed in the Dining Center. Students, staff and faculty have the ability to deposit money (called “Crown Cash”) onto their ID by contacting Crown College Dining Services or at Sherburne Ave. Coffee Shop.

D.     Sherburne Ave. Coffee Shop

Sherburne Ave. Coffee Shop proudly brews Caribou Coffee and serves a variety of coffee, tea, and bottled beverages, as well as pastries, desserts and ready-made salads and wraps. Sherburne Ave. Coffee Shop accepts FLEX dollars, Crown Cash, cash, and most major credit cards.

E.     The Student Center 

The Student Center offers a variety of delicious quick-order foods ranging from burgers and quesadillas to salads. The Student Center also offers daily specials. There’s something for everyone! Hours are posted at the entrance.  

F.      Food Service During Breaks

There are scheduled breaks during the year in which no food service is offered. Food Service Breaks are generally during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. Please refer to the current Academic Calendar for dates when Food Services are closed.

G.     Meal Plan Exemptions

Meal Plan Exemptions may be granted for a dietary related allergy or illness that has been diagnosed by a practicing medical doctor and which cannot be reasonably accommodated by the food service provider. Crown College Food Service is willing to make special accommodations by working with students to meet their dietary needs. Certain exemption requests may not be granted.

Students must submit information from their medical doctor on a “Meal Plan Exemption” form available from the Student Development office. The Meal Plan Exemption Committee will evaluate the exemption request. The committee will determine whether Food Service can accommodate modifications to the student’s nutritional plan or whether an exemption is warranted. The Committee will keep all personal health information strictly confidential.

Health Services

The campus health office is staffed by a registered nurse most days classes are being held and is open to all registered students. Free, confidential health services include physical assessment, first aid, over-the-counter medication, medical referral, and wellness consultation.

  1. A Student Health History form with personal immunization information is required by law for all students attending classes on campus.
  2. All student health information will be kept confidential according to FERPA and HIPPA regulations. In emergencies, health information may be shared as needed with emergency personnel.
  3. In case of serious illness or injury, the parents/guardians of students will be notified.
  4. The campus health office cannot excuse students from classes, practices, or chapels. Students are encouraged to notify their professors and coaches regarding illness-related absences.

A. Health Insurance

Crown College undergraduate students are required to maintain appropriate personal health insurance coverage as mandated by federal law and to provide documentation of that insurance to Health Services. For insurance options, please visit https://www.mnsure.org/. The College does not provide health insurance to students.

B. Campus Immunization Policy

1. Students enrolled and housed in College residences, and all students taking two or more on-campus classes are required by law (MN State 135A.14) to submit immunization records verifying tetanus/diphtheria (Td) immunization (within the past 10 years) and two measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccinations (dates must include month, day and year).

2. In accordance with state law, Crown College also recommends meningococcal and Hepatitis B immunizations.

3. Some exemptions for medical or philosophical reasons are permitted.

Information Technology

The Information Technology (IT) department is here to serve the Crown College community by providing campus network, computer, phone, and other technology-related services. Computer labs are available as a service to full and part-time students, faculty, and staff. Students receive an account that allows access to the campus network. Once activated, these accounts not only provide a means of accessing the campus network, which includes centralized file storage, public access printers, and Internet access, but also functions as a student’s access to email.

The IT Policies outlined here intend to provide for reliable services to the Crown community.  The Computer Use Agreement contains policy which governs the use of the campus network. Before receiving a username and password, the student must consent to the agreement. Students, faculty, and staff who use the campus network are responsible to know and abide by the guidelines found in the Computer Use Agreement. It is expected that students will maintain the highest standards of personal integrity and ethical behavior in their use of computer software and services.

Here are the relevant policy documents:

<>·Computer Use Agreement

<>·IT Penalty Information

<>·Copyright Policies

Student Computers and Campus Internet

All residence areas are equipped with wireless connections to the campus network. Codes for the wireless network are available at the IT Helpdesk. Student computers and handheld devices must have a wireless card installed in their system in order to connect to the College network. Please contact IT for specific details.

Crown College uses content filtering software to block inappropriate sites based on the College Computer Use Agreement and the Crown College Community Covenant. This software filters by category instead of keywords to allow access to research resources while blocking inappropriate web content. Additionally, this software allows the observation of internet traffic and monitoring of sites visited on a per-user basis. In the event a student is suspected to be accessing or attempting access to inappropriate content he/she will be contacted by Student Development and may incur disciplinary action.

Library - Watne Memorial Library

Among the many resources available in the Watne Memorial Library are: 

  1. 75,000 physical books, about 250,000 ebooks and many other electronic resources, such as academic journals.

  2. Crown’s “InfoSearch” which is connected to WorldCat–the world’s largest online catalog representing more than 74,000 libraries around the world. Many of these resources are available to students through inter-library loan. 

  3. Nearly 90 research databases containing almost 40,000 full-text e-journals with literally millions of articles. 

  4. Films on Demand which contains over 40,000 academic videos and video clips. 

  1. Mango language learning software for over 70 language courses. 

  1. Cameras, video cameras, voice recorders, laptop computers, and Kindles which may be checked out. 

  1. The college archives. 

  1. Educational models and curriculum library for teacher education. 

  1. Group study rooms and private study cubicles. 

  1. Wireless access throughout the library. 

  1. Library staff who are happy to help!  

Call our front desk at 952-446-4241or email us at library-cws@crown.edu. Feel free to call, email or stop by!  

Go to the library page at www.crownlibrary.com  

See what we are doing and like the Crown Library Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CrownCollegeLibrary  

Lost and Found

Lost and found articles, as well as inquiries about lost articles, should be directed to Facility Management Services. Clothing and less valuable items go in a bin near the Weight Room entrance. More valuable items such as electronics, keys, and jewelry are kept at the Mail Center. At the end of each semester unclaimed items are discarded.

Mail Center

The College maintains a substation of the United States Post Office and provides UPS shipping. Hours are posted.

  1. Mail is picked up at the Post Office and distributed through the College Mail Center. All Undergraduate program students (including commuter students) are to obtain a campus mailbox. Notice of packages will be sent via e-mail.
  2. Students are responsible to read information received via campus mail and for knowing contents of information distributed via this means of communication.
  3. Students are responsible for mailing their own letters and packages. The Mail Center accepts cash or checks. To guarantee packages go out the same day, they must be at the Mail Center by 1:00 p.m. of that day. For packages sent through UPS, they must be at the Mail Center by 10:00 a.m.
  4. Students who are leaving Crown for a semester, graduating, doing an internship, or on summer break must fill out an Information Form from the Mail Center. Only first-class USPS mail will be forwarded. If no Information Form is on file, all mail will be returned to the sender or disposed of in accordance with postal regulations and the mailbox will be closed.

Student Billing

The Student Billing Office oversees each student’s financial status with the College. Personnel are available to assist students and their families, so they understand the overall process, as well as the policies and deadlines associated with paying their bill. 

Students are responsible for financial obligations resulting from tuition, fees, room/board, miscellaneous services, fines, etc. These obligations may be paid through a combination of financial aid (scholarships, grants, and loans), cash, check, credit card or by registering for the Nelnet Campus Commerce payment plan. The payment plan eliminates the lump sum payment due at the start of each semester but requires the balance to be paid within the semester. For more information, visit mycollegepaymentplan.com or call (800)609-8056. 

Students are required to pay their semester bill before the semester begins. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates. Students who fail to do so will receive a late fine and may be administratively withdrawn from the College. In addition, monthly service charges will accrue on all outstanding balances.  Charges during the semester resulting from miscellaneous services, fines, etc., are due upon notification.  

Registration for classes is dependent upon full payment of all prior charges. Students whose accounts are not fully paid will not be allowed to register for any upcoming semester until their account is paid in full. 

If a student decides to withdraw from the College, appropriate forms must be filed with the Registrar’s Office. The tuition refund schedule is available on our.crown. If a refund is due, funds must be returned to the financial aid programs from which they came. This may cause an owing balance, which will be due upon notification. 

Upon final departure from Crown, students must make full payment of any outstanding balance including all library, parking, and disciplinary fines as well as any other charges before the College will issue a transcript or diploma. 

A. Financial Aid Refunds

Crown College partners with Nelnet Campus Commerce for refunds and disbursements. If a refund for excess financial aid is due, students will receive the refund via direct deposit.

B. Textbook Vouchers

Students participating in financial aid may have access to a voucher for textbook purchases made through the Crown College Virtual Bookstore.

To be eligible for textbook vouchers, students must:

  1. Apply for financial aid.
  2. Have funds in excess of tuition and associated fees to cover book costs.
  3. Purchase books through the Crown College Virtual Bookstore.

Once issued, the voucher information will be sent to the Crown student email address. The voucher will expire just prior to aid disbursement.