Feb 17, 2025  
School of Arts & Sciences Handbook 2022-2023 
School of Arts & Sciences Handbook 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Crown College Community

Crown College Community Covenant
Commuter Students
Undergraduate Residential Housing

Crown College Community Covenant

Crown College is a Christ-centered community which emphasizes spiritual transformation, academic excellence, and global engagement. We affirm our desire to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:29-31). We agree together to the following standards that reinforce and support our love of God and each other.

We commit to the Word of God as our authority. The Bible is without error in what it teaches and is our ultimate authority for what to believe and how to behave (2 Timothy 3:16).

We commit to the Lordship of Christ. As Christ’s followers we are called to live in humble submission to Him (Colossians 2:6, Luke 6:46). Jesus desires a personal relationship with every individual and invites us to enter into new life through the power of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). In submission to Christ’s authority, we commit ourselves to His Church, to prayer, worship, Bible study, fasting, discipleship, witnessing, and using our time, gifts and finances for His glory.

We commit to live out Christian character toward one another. We believe God calls us to develop spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially (Luke 2:52).

The Bible calls us to love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). We are to be people who forgive, who demonstrate humility, hospitality, integrity, generosity, who care for the oppressed, who are committed to justice and the recognition of the rights and needs of others. This occurs when we submit to the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit.

Living out Christ’s character also requires us to say no to our sinful nature. We are to put away behaviors such as abusive anger, malice, jealousy, lust, sexually immoral behavior (E.g., all sexual relations outside the bounds of marriage between a man and a woman), impure desires, prejudice (based on race, gender, or socioeconomic status), greed, idolatry, slander, profanity, lying, drunkenness, stealing and dishonesty (1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Galatians 5:19-21). We need the transforming power of Christ for change to take place in these areas (Romans 12:1-2).

We commit to this Community Covenant and the expectations outlined in the Student and Employee handbooks. This is binding for all who choose to become part of the Crown College Community including the Board of Trustees, employees of Crown College, ministry students in the School of Online Studies & Graduate School, and students in the School of Arts and Sciences.

We will hold each other accountable to these commitments (Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18). For those who disregard these commitments, appropriate action will be taken to reconcile, discipline, or even dismiss from Crown College. We will strive to have all disciplinary procedures characterized by Christian love. This Community Covenant is subject to change only by action of the Board of Trustees.

Undergraduate Student Policies

A. Arriving on Campus Prior to Official Open Date/Time

A student is allowed to arrive on campus prior to the official open time and date only when pre-approved by Student Development. Early Arrival Requests are submitted to the Student Development office by faculty or staff requesting students to arrive early on campus due to involvement with sports, CWS (College Work Study working 30+ hours per week), student leadership or other Crown-related activities. No additional housing or meal fees will be charged to the student since their presence on campus is approved. These guidelines are in effect for commuter and residential students.

We recognize students from overseas or long distances may not find airline flights that coincide with approved arrival times. In such instances, the student may request to be approved for Early Arrival emailing housing@crown.edu. However, students are expected to select flights that most closely match approved Check In dates and times. Approved students will arrive at their assigned check-in time without additional housing charges. Requests to arrive on campus prior to official check-ins must be received by Student Development a minimum of 2 weeks prior to check-in.

Check-in dates, times and procedures can be found on our.crown.edu > Check In. If a student arrives on campus prior to the official opening of the residence halls and has not communicated with the Student Development office requesting approval to arrive on campus, the student may be charged a $100 service fee in addition to a daily housing fee.

B. Check In Process

Each semester Crown undergraduate (residential and commuter) and on-campus PSEO students are required to check-in on the scheduled and publicized check-in date which applies to them. Check-in dates can be found on our.crown.edu > Check In. Students are expected to arrange their arrival on campus accordingly. Students are not to arrive on campus other than their designated check-in date without prior approval from Student Development.   

The purpose of the Check-In process is:  

  • Confirming the student has submitted either a Commuter Request Form or a Housing Application.  

  • Student is registered for classes.  

  • Student has completed their FAFSA.  

  • Student has paid their bill or made arrangements for a payment plan. 

  • Health History Form (required by the State of Minnesota) has been received by the College.  

A student is allowed to arrive on campus prior to the official open time and date only when pre-approved by Student Development. Early Arrival Requests are submitted to the Student Development office by faculty or staff requesting 

C. Dress Statement - Modesty Guidelines

“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God - even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good, but the good of many.” I Corinthians 10:31-33

Crown College has created a set of guidelines that are an attempt to make sure everyone can dress with their own sense of taste and style without anyone feeling uncomfortable or uncertain as to what to wear, or with what others are wearing. Based on Scripture, these guidelines seek to incorporate the following principles: bring glory to God and grow in His image, demonstrate love and consideration for others, and share in responsibility to and for fellow Christians.

Members of the Crown community should make every effort to dress modestly and appropriately in all settings. Shirts and shoes are to be worn in all public areas. Both men and women must avoid shorts shorter than finger-tip length; as well as garments which expose undergarments, midriff, and chest. Tights and leggings must be accompanied by appropriate shorts or skirts. Some examples of inappropriate clothing are: shirts that are too tight or too short, have spaghetti straps or open-backs; skirts and skirt slits above mid-thigh; pants worn below the hips; clothing with inappropriate wording or images; pajamas and slippers; form-fitting yoga pants or leggings without accompanying shorts or skirts. 

Crown College views both campus classrooms and offices as places of work. Therefore, students are expected to dress for these settings in a “relaxed business casual” wardrobe. Clothes should be neat and clean. Pajamas, slippers, and tank tops are considered inappropriate for professional workplaces and therefore are to be avoided in these areas. Jeans and T-shirts are fine as long as they are not tattered or stained.

D. Entertainment

Each student is expected to live according to the Crown College Community Covenant. Consequently, Crown students commit themselves to use discernment in abstaining from activities that are morally offensive or degrading. This includes movies, streaming of movies or television shows, computer games and gaming platforms, internet usage, and any other form of entertainment, including recreational and social activities. Tangible evidence of maturing Christian convictions and discernment is exercising careful judgment based on Scriptural standards when making choices in leisure activities (1 Cor. 10:23, Phil. 4:8, Col. 3:1-17)

We will hold each other accountable to these commitments (Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18). For any infraction of these standards, appropriate action will be taken to reconcile, discipline or dismiss from the College any student who does not conform to the expressed principles, policies and expectations of the College.

1. Movies, Television, and Gaming

Crown College reserves the right to prohibit movies of any or no rating if their content is contrary to the Crown College Community Covenant and the College’s Mission and policies. Crown College faculty or staff members may use their discretion in showing any movie with an R rating or below on campus for educational purposes. All community members are expected to abstain from NC-17 and X-rated movies and Adults Only 18+ games (on and off campus).

Crown College prohibits the public showing of movies in common areas without the proper license in accordance with copyright law.

E. Married and Family Housing

Additional housing may be available through the Faith Village Apartment complex for married students. Apartment styles offered include one, two, and three-bedroom options. Amenities in the complex include a playground, laundry facilities, and a reserved outdoor parking space. Faith Village apartments are connected to the campus internet service. The Operations Department manages this non-traditional student housing.

Residents are responsible for the general upkeep and management of their space. The College is responsible for the yearly upkeep of heating and air-conditioning maintenance. If other repairs are needed in the apartment, residents should submit work requests to Facility Management Services. Repairs and/or damages due to negligence or abuse will be assessed according to the cost of replacement and labor. All Faith Village residents - including non-student family members - agree to live in conformity with the Crown College Community Covenant and abide by the Student Handbook for the School of Arts and Sciences. 

Aquatic species that live under water may be kept in standard-size aquariums (not to exceed 20 gallons). Because of health and safety issues, animals, including rodents, reptiles and amphibians, may not be kept in Faith Village apartments or on property owned by the College.

Since residents living in married Housing are not living in undergraduate residence halls, they are considered Commuters and are “living off campus”. This means undergraduate students living in married Housing are required to fill out a Commuter Request Form each academic year. The Commuter Request form is located on our.crown.edu > Student > Campus Life. Commuter Request Forms will not be accepted 2 weeks from the start of the semester for which the student is applying. Commuter Request Forms must be re-submitted each academic year for approval by Student Development. If approved for fall semester, unless specifically noted otherwise or on internship, the approval is valid for the academic year.

Commuter students are required to register their vehicle with Operations. Register your vehicle online on our.crown.edu > Student > Campus Life. For parking policies and expectations see Crown College Parking Policy.

Commuter Students

A. Requirements

Crown College is a residential college. Therefore, all students are required to live in college housing except for those who meet one or more of the following criteria.

  1. Living with one or both parents.
  2. Health needs demand special facilities that the College cannot supply.
  3. Are married or will be married before the first day of class of the applicable semester.
  4. Living in Faith Village Family Housing on campus.
  5. 22 years of age before the first day of class of the applicable semester.
  6. Carrying 6 or less credit hours.
  7. Participating in Study Abroad, course-required Internship (equal to a minimum of 12 credits) or qualifying as an Arts and Sciences online undergraduate student.
  8. Special work situation exists which requires you to live where you work, i.e. live-in rehabilitation or disabled/special care facilities or service-oriented ministries.

The Commuter Request form is located on our.crown.edu > Student > Campus Life. Commuter Request Forms will not be accepted 2 weeks from the start of the semester for which the student is applying. Commuter Request Forms must be re-submitted each academic year for approval by Student Development. If approved for the fall semester, unless specifically noted otherwise or on internship, the approval is valid for the academic year.

Commuter students are required to register their vehicle with Operations. Register your vehicle online on our.crown.edu > Student > Campus Life

Campus mailboxes are assigned when you register as a student. 

B. Services

  1. Commuter Lounge

The College provides a Commuter Lounge for commuting students. The Lounge has a refrigerator and microwave, as well as lockers for storage of personal belongings (first come, first served basis). Lockers must be cleaned out at the end of each semester. Students are to provide their own locks. The College is not responsible for any loss or theft of personal items stored in the lockers.

  2. Food Services

Commuters have the option of signing up for a meal plan should they choose to do so

Undergraduate Residential Housing

A. Care of Residence Halls

While residents are encouraged to make their assigned space a comfortable and accommodating reflection of themselves, they are also responsible for the ordinary care and condition of their assigned room and any common areas. Should any damage occur which is beyond normal wear and tear, students deemed responsible will be charged for the costs associated with any repair, cleaning, or replacement. For damages in shared spaces, charges may be billed equally amongst all students who reside in the residence hall, floor or room.

 1. Maintenance

The College partners with residents to help ensure the upkeep of residence halls. Each residence hall is provided with at least one vacuum. The vacuums may be accessed through a Resident Assistant. While the College maintains the general upkeep of shared areas (lobbies, laundry rooms, community restrooms, etc.), residents are asked to partner with the College by cleaning the area after use.

Any maintenance needs in the residence hall, should be reported to the Resident Assistant or other Residence Life Staff. The College will fix necessary repairs and/or damages. Repairs and/or damages due to negligence or abuse will be assessed according to the cost of replacement and labor and will be the responsibility of involved parties. Damage in public areas and on the floors may be charged to the students who reside on the floor or in the building where the damage occurs if the responsible parties do not come forward.

 2. Decorating

While decorating rooms, good judgment should be practiced. Residence Life Staff reserves the right to remove any item that is deemed inappropriate or that does not align with the College’s mission, or values. No physical features may be added or removed from the room and/or apartment, such as screens, closet doors, paint, etc. Special care should be used while decorating. Nails and/or thumb tacks may not be used indoors at any time. Duct tape or any tape that leaves a sticky residue or removes paint may not be used on any surface (carpet, walls, furniture, etc.).

 3. Furnishings

Each room/apartment is furnished with a bed, desk, chair and dresser for each occupant assigned to the room. In instances of a large student population, Student Development, at their discretion, may “triple” rooms. A tripled room is where an additional bed and dresser have been added to accommodate enrollment growth. In some cases a tripled room cannot accommodate a desk for each student. Special accommodations can be made upon request. In Weldin and Tewinkel Halls, couches and coffee tables are provided. Removal of Crown furniture from its designated space may result in a fine.

An inventory of furnishings and room condition is made when a student moves into and out of an assigned living area. All furniture and furnishings are to remain in their designated space. Additional furniture may be used in rooms/apartments but must be clean and in good shape. Residence Life staff reserves the right to require the removal of any furniture deemed unsafe and/or unsanitary. Residents who bring in additional furniture must properly remove it at the full check-out after a given academic session.

 4. Appliances

College-approved microwaves are provided in residence areas. Therefore, no additional microwaves should be kept in the residence halls without prior approval from Operations and/or Student Development. Apartment style halls are equipped with a refrigerator and microwave. A mini-refrigerator (no larger than 4.3 cubic feet) is allowed one per room - to be coordinated with roommates.

In compliance with fire regulations, only small appliances with completely enclosed coils may be used in residence hall rooms (i.e. popcorn poppers, hot pots, coffee makers, etc.) Toasters may not be used in traditional residence hall rooms, but may be used in kitchens, kitchenettes and community kitchens. Large electrical appliances may not be used or kept in any residence hall (i.e. toaster ovens, hot plates, air conditioners, satellite dishes, space heaters, etc.). 

5. Athletic/Leisure Activities

Athletic activities are not permitted in residence halls. Use of bicycles, skateboards, and rollerskates are not allowed in residence halls, apartments or the Main building. Bicycles may not be stored within the residence halls.

B. Check-in/Check-Out Procedures

Students living in a residence hall must be registered, undergraduate School of Arts and Science students of Crown College, and have signed the Crown College Housing Contract. At the beginning of each semester, students must complete the Check-In Process when arriving on campus prior to moving into their assigned room.

When moving into a residence hall, each student is responsible to fill out a Room Condition Report (RCR) with a Residence Life staff member. RCRs are used to assess the current condition of the room/apartment. After the RCR is completed, students will be given their room key. Student is responsible for their room key. In the case of loss, the key will be replaced at a cost of $50 which is applied to the student’s account.

Upon leaving the room, the resident is responsible to follow check-out procedures. The main components of the check-out procedures are an assessment of the current conditions of the room/apartment in comparison to the RCR at check-in, and the returning of room keys. Residents are expected to leave their housing assignment in good and clean condition with all of Student’s personal property removed.  More specific details regarding check-in and check-out procedures are communicated for each residence hall at mandatory all-hall or floor meetings. Contact your Resident Assistant for any questions.

A student who checks in to or out of their room without following the above procedure, risks receiving a $100 improper check-in/check-out fine on their student account.

 1. Fall and Spring Housing Claim Deadlines

After 12:00 Noon on the first day of classes for the semester, students who have not yet claimed their rooms will forfeit their housing assignment unless special arrangements have been made with the Student Development office.

C. Housing Requirements

Residence halls offer a unique opportunity to experience life together on campus for those students between the ages of 17 and 26. In community, students are challenged to integrate classroom learning with their life experiences. Offering such a potential for whole person development, Crown College places a high value on the residential experience; therefore, all non-married students between the ages of 17-21 are required to live in College housing unless prior permission is given. Any off-campus housing contract or lease agreement does not exempt an individual from the on-campus housing requirement. At the discretion of Student Development, it may be possible for a non-married student to live off-campus should he/she meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Living with one or both parents.
  2. Health needs demand special facilities that the College cannot supply.
  3. Are married or will be married before the first day of class of the applicable semester.
  4. Living in Faith Village Family Housing on campus.
  5. 22 years of age before the first day of class of the applicable semester.
  6. Carrying 6 or less credit hours.
  7. Participating in Study Abroad, course-required Internship (equal to a minimum of 12 credits) or qualifying as an Arts and Sciences online undergraduate student.

D. Housing Sign Up Process

Housing sign-ups are held spring semester shortly after class registration for the following fall semester has begun. Students are responsible for checking email announcements, the Crown Mobile App, and other avenues of communication to note when housing sign-ups are to occur, as well as the procedure to follow. Room assignments are given based on seniority of credit hours completed by the end of the prior semester. Students must be registered for fall classes to be eligible to receive a housing assignment.     

E. Pets

Aquatic species that live under water may be kept in standard-size aquariums (not to exceed 20 gallons). Because of health, sanitation and safety, animals, including rodents, reptiles, and amphibians, may not be kept in student rooms or on property owned by the College.

 1. Service Animal/Support Animal Policy

Crown College is committed to assuring equal access for students, staff, and faculty with disabilities, as well as guests and visitors to the campus. It is the College’s policy to permit Service Animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act. As a reasonable accommodation, the College may permit a Support Animal, as determined on a case-by-case basis, to be on campus with a student with a documented disability as a reasonable accommodation.

To read Crown’s current policy along with the detailed application process and paperwork, please refer to our.crown.edu > Students > Campus Life.

F. Privacy  

In almost all cases, the College will provide advance notice before staff or employees enter a private area. Still, College employees or staff may enter a residence room/apartment and storage area without advance notice to inspect premises for maintenance, to investigate health or safety concerns, suspicion of College policy violation and/or illegal activity, to maintain order, and for any other reason the College deems legitimate. Any items discovered by College employees or staff in violation of College policies or local, state, or federal laws may be confiscated and used in the student conduct process.

  1. Students are advised to keep their rooms locked at all times and should not enter each other’s rooms without permission.
  2. Keys and door access through the Crown Mobile app will be distributed to each resident. Students are responsible for charges to re-key, or to replace a lost key or security ID card.
  3. Residents must carry their room keys and security ID cards at all times. If a resident is inadvertently locked out of their room/apartment, a Residence Life staff member is able to assist them in unlocking their door. If a Residence Life Staff person is unavailable, the student can call Facility Management Services. Each resident will be able to utilize this service free of charge for the first two weeks of each semester. Repeated use of this service could result in a service fee.

G. Quiet Hours

Quiet hours within the residence halls are from 11:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise posted. The noise level of all activity and conversation should be kept low during this time in all residence lounges, hallways, and rooms, and directly outside residences. Reasonable quietness, however, is to be maintained at all times in the residence areas as a matter of courtesy. Therefore, noise levels from rooms (including talking, music, etc.) should not be able to be clearly heard in lounges, the next room, or outside of the residence hall.

H. Residence Halls

  1. Main Hall is the primary first-year student residence for men. Main offers traditional style rooms with two, three or four occupants. Each floor has a community bathroom, shower room, and laundry services. A lobby is located on the second level.
  2. Strohm Hall and Richardson Hall are co-generational female residence halls housing primarily first-year students, but also accommodating sophomore through senior students. Both halls offer four person rooms with bathrooms in each room. Laundry facilities and kitchens are located on the first floor.
  3. Miller Hall is a co-generational residence hall, housing freshmen and upper classmen. It offers co-generational, apartment-style housing for up to six occupants per suite. Laundry facilities are located in the lower level.
  4. Weldin and Tewinkel Halls offer apartment/suite style residences with three bedrooms, a living area, kitchenette and bathroom. Apartments have individual heating and air conditioning control as well as modular furniture. Lounge areas are located on each floor. Laundry facilities and a community kitchen are located on the first floor. 
  5. Faith Village for traditional undergraduates consists of one and two-bedroom apartments with a bathroom and full kitchen. Apartments have individual heating and air conditioning control. Desks, dressers and beds are provided. Amenities include laundry facilities and parking.
A. Residence Hall Amenities
 a. Kitchens

Tewinkel, Weldin, Strohm and Richardson Halls are equipped with a community kitchen for resident use. Kitchens are equipped with a refrigerator and conventional oven. Any food items or dishes not properly stored are subject to disposal. Residents are responsible for the upkeep of kitchens. Kitchens should be cleaned immediately after use. Misuse and/or abuse of kitchens may result in privileges being revoked and/or kitchens being closed.

 b. Laundry Facilities

Washing machines and dryers are located in each residence hall for the convenience of residents. A vending card may be purchased from the vending machine located in the Athletic Center Lobby and the Faith Village 200 and 500 laundry rooms. Additional monetary sums may be added to an individual’s card at the vending machine as well. For any service issues or questions, call the number or visit the website listed on the back of the laundry card.

I. Residence Hall Meetings

Mandatory residence hall meetings are held at the beginning and end of each semester. The meetings are used to communicate information about the residence halls and policies, and to introduce staff members and changes. All residents are responsible for all information presented at mandatory residence hall meetings. Fines will be administered for unapproved absences.

J. Residence Life Staff

  1. The Dean of Students oversees leadership development of student leaders, the Residence Life program and housing, as well as the student conduct process.
  2. Resident Directors (RDs) are Student Development professionals who live in the residence halls and implement the Residence Life program, including leadership training, oversight of ARD and RA roles, counseling, administration, and participation in the personal development of students.
  3. Assistant Resident Directors (ARDs) are students who serve as a resource to the RAs and provide assistance and support to the RDs. ARDs are hired on the basis of their previous RA experience, emotional and spiritual maturity, leadership skills, and the desire to serve the students on campus.
  4. Resident Assistants (RAs) are students who serve as a primary resource for residential students. RAs are chosen based on their desire to serve others and God, as well as their abilities and leadership skills. RAs are trained to assist in establishing community, resolving conflicts, and fostering spiritual growth among their peers. 

The Office of Student Development is responsible for housing (including off-campus housing requests), student activities (i.e., Student Activities Board and Student Senate), and transitions (i.e. Welcome Weekend).

K. Room Changes

Once room/apartment assignments are chosen, residents must receive approval before changing rooms/apartments. Students may request to change rooms by contacting their Resident Director and request a Room Change Form. Approved room changes are permitted between semesters or in extenuating circumstances as decided upon and authorized by Residence Life staff. 

L. Room Reassignment

Student Development reserves the right to assign or reassign students as necessary. Situations that would require this action include, but are not limited to, filling or consolidating spaces, or address any community or individual needs in the best interest of the students at the discretion of the Student Development staff.

Students are not allowed to be a single occupant in a lower Faith Village apartment. If one roommate is no longer occupying the room at any point during the year - regardless of circumstances - the remaining student is required to obtain a new roommate or relocate within seven days.

The College reserves the right to reassign or remove residents because of lifestyles inconsistent with the Crown College Community Covenant or the requirements of group living.

M. Storage

 1. Personal Storage 

Other than summer storage, the College does not provide storage options for students. Students cannot store personal property outside of their designated on-campus room/suite/apartment. If for any reason property is left on campus after the student’s departure, the College may choose to hold it at the discretion of the Residence Life staff, but only up to 30 days, after which the belongings will be donated to a local charitable organization.

 2. Summer Storage

Summer storage is limited service for students currently attending Crown College. Due to limited space, the College has established the following storage regulations:

  • Summer storage is available for residents who live 500 or more miles from the College.
  • Each student is allowed to store up to seven boxes. All items must be boxed in approved containers and labeled before being placed in the storage area. Storage labels are available from Student Development. Approved containers include plastic totes, suitcases which are sturdy and can be locked or strapped, and sealed boxes.
  • All storage items must be removed from campus when leaving the College (graduation, withdrawal, etc.).
  • Items left in storage without current labels will be disposed of at the end of each semester. Current labels must be affixed each year.
  • Crown College assumes no responsibility and will not be liable for loss, missing, or damage to students’ personal belongings, whether by act of God, accident, negligence, or intentional act.
 3. Upper Faith Village Basement Storage

The basement area of Upper Faith Village apartments are considered furnace rooms and maintenance areas. Students are not to store any items in the furnace room area or within three feet of the furnace, electrical or communications equipment. The furnace room is NOT a living space and cannot be used as a bedroom, television viewing area, etc. The College reserves the right to place communications equipment in the furnace room to serve the utility needs of the apartment and adjacent residences. Any communications equipment placed in the furnace room is and shall remain the property of the College. Students will not add to, modify, reconfigure, disable, replace, or otherwise change any electrical or mechanical equipment located in the furnace room and which is the property of the College.

N. Summer Housing

Crown College provides a limited amount of on-campus summer housing. Summer residents are charged monthly rent to live in on-campus apartments. A student must be registered for spring and fall classes and be current with his or her student account to be eligible for summer housing. Graduating seniors may be placed in summer housing at the discretion of Residence Life personnel.

The transition from spring to summer housing occurs during the weekend of Commencement. Checking out of summer housing and checking into fall housing assignments generally occurs the last week in July.

O. Tripled Room Rate Reduction

In the case of high student population, some students may be required to reside in rooms with one person more than originally intended (“tripled rooms”). All tripled rooms will contain a bed and dresser for each student, but not necessarily a desk. A rebate is credited at the end of each semester to residents who have lived in a fully occupied tripled room for the entire semester. However, if space opens later in the semester, students of tripled rooms will be given the option to relocate. Once this option becomes available, the rebate is no longer offered.

Students who voluntarily remain in a tripled room when the option to relocate has been given will not receive a rebate.

P. Vacancy in a Room

When there is a vacant spot in a room, Residence Life or the Student Development office may assign a new roommate to the open spot per the terms of the Housing Contract (paragraph H.1). Should the occupancy of the room, suite, or apartment fall below 67% capacity, the Residence Life and/or Student Development reserves the right to consolidate spaces if necessary.

Q. Vacations and Breaks

On-campus undergraduate housing is not available during scheduled breaks (such as Christmas Break, Spring Break, Summer Break) when the campus is closed per the current Academic calendar. Housing may be available to residential students if they are requested by a faculty or staff person to be on campus for Crown-related activities or events. Students are expected to be off campus at stated campus closing times unless a student has requested prior to each break period and has been granted permission in writing from the Student Development office to remain on campus in the residence halls.

The College reserves the right to deny any student permission to remain in College Housing during breaks. The College may require a Student to relocate to a temporary room assignment during a college break. If a Student is granted permission to remain on campus in residential housing during a break period, they must comply with College policies and all rules established by the College for such break periods or the privilege of staying on campus during break periods may be revoked. For students who have been given permission to remain on campus during breaks, Student Development reserves the right to charge daily or monthly rates as determined by Residence Life or Student Billing. 

R. Visiting Hours

Each residence hall has set visiting hours. Adhering to the stated visiting hours allow students private study times in their residence areas. Any infringement of the stated visiting hours will result in disciplinary action. Visiting hours are as follows:

MAIN 12:00-9:00 pm   3:00-11:00 pm     3:00-11:00 pm 12:00-11:00 pm
RICHARDSON 12:00-9:00 pm 3:00-11:00 pm       3:00-11:00 pm 12:00-11:00 pm
STROHM 12:00-9:00 pm       3:00-11:00 pm 3:00-11:00 pm 12:00-11:00 pm
WELDIN 12:00-11:00 pm   3:00-11:00 pm   3:00-11:00 pm 3:00-11:00 pm 12:00-11:00 pm
TEWINKEL 12:00-11:00 pm 3:00-11:00 pm 3:00-11:00 pm     3:00-11:00 pm 12:00-11:00 pm
MILLER 12:00-11:00 pm 3:00-11:00 pm     3:00-11:00 pm 3:00-11:00 pm 12:00-11:00 pm
FAITH VILLAGE 12:00 pm-12:00 am 12:00 pm-12:00 am 12:00 pm-12:00 am 12:00 pm-12:00 am 12:00 pm-12:00 am 12:00 pm-12:00 am 12:00 pm-12:00 am

S. Visitors and Overnight Guests

Since residents are part of a larger community, there are limitations concerning overnight guests and visitors. Therefore, the following overnight guest and visitor policies have been established:

  1. No overnight guests of the opposite gender are permitted within the residence halls.
  2. Siblings under the age of 10 may not stay overnight in the residence halls.
  3. Parents of students and of prospective students are not permitted to stay overnight in the residence halls.
  4. All overnight guests must register with the RA on their floor. Registration is necessary to monitor number of stays as well as for use in emergency situations.
  5. All overnight guests must obtain a visitor parking pass which may be obtained at the Reception Desk during regular business hours.  
  6. All overnight guests and visitors are expected to abide by the policies of the College. Students are responsible for notifying their overnight guests and visitors of College policies, as well as being responsible for the conduct of their guests and any damage fees incurred during their stay.
  7. Each residence hall has regularly scheduled visiting hours for members of the opposite gender which are listed above.
  8. When hosting a guest of the opposite gender, the following policies must be followed:
    • Room doors need to remain open a minimum of a 45 degree angle during visits of the opposite gender. 
    • Room lights are to remain on.
    • In apartment style residences (Faith Village, Upper Miller, Tewinkel, and Weldin) visitors of the opposite gender may not enter bedrooms.
  9. No more than 5 overnight visits per guest are allowed per semester.
  10. Overnight guests of students must provide their own bedding.

T. Withdrawing From Housing

If a residential student has decided to withdraw from the College, the process starts by informing the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar’s Office will instruct the student on the steps to correctly withdraw from classes, etc. Once the Registrar’s Office has been contacted, the student must contact the Student Development Office to inform staff of the anticipated timeline of checking out of their room. Student Development staff will coordinate with the student and Resident Assistant to meet and complete the necessary check-out procedures. Room and Board charges will be pro-rated based on the date provided on the room check-out paperwork. Until officially withdrawn, the student is bound by the terms of the Housing Contract and responsible for any remaining payments or charges due. From the date student has informed the College they will be withdrawing, student has 24 hours to complete check-out process unless special arrangements have been made (in writing) with Student Development.

Cancellation of the Housing Contract occurs when a student officially withdraws from the College, which includes but is not limited to:

  • Completing and submitting the proper withdrawal form with the Registrar’s Office.
  • Checking out of their room with a Residence Life staff member.

            1. Room and Board Refunds

Students who withdraw prior to the first official day of classes will be charged the daily guest room rate for use of college housing. Beginning with the first official day of classes, students will be charged a prorated amount of the semester charge.  

Students who withdraw prior to the first official day of classes will be charged the guest meal rate for any meals purchased using the student’s selected meal plan. Beginning with the first official day of classes, students will be charged a prorated amount of the semester charge. 

            2. Storage and Shipping of Personal Belongings After Withdrawal 

In the event a student has items that have been left at the College, the student must forward to the College $200 to pay for shipping and handling fees. Student is responsible for any shipping fees over the $200 amount. If the student does not contact Student Development regarding personal items prior to the end of the semester in which the student left, said personal items will be disposed of as seen fit by the Residence Life Staff.