Feb 15, 2025  
School of Arts & Sciences Handbook 2021-2022 
School of Arts & Sciences Handbook 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Formation Program FAQ
Life Together Groups

Spiritual Formation Program FAQ

1. What is the Spiritual Formation Program (SFP)?

  • The Spiritual Formation Program is designed to cultivate an environment for deep spiritual growth on our campus. The SFP recognizes that we are created to have a relationship with God, with others, and with our world. These relationships are vital for spiritual life and health.
  • The SFP allows students to choose from and participate in a variety of activities designed to foster the deepening of their faith and the sharpening of their spiritual gifts. From on-campus Chapel services, small group studies, mentoring, serving others locally and mission opportunities, choosing to participate in any, or all, of the many ministry opportunities available at Crown will help students experience being part of a dynamic spiritual community.

2. Do all students have to participate in the Spiritual Formation Program?

  • We affirm that spiritual formation is individual and, at the same time, corporate. The SFP is designed to give students choices in what they do to foster spiritual formation in their life and in their community. with that in mind, degree-seeking students at Crown College are required to complete the SFP. There are no exemptions.

3. How many Spiritual Formation Program credits are students required to earn over the course of a given semester?

  • Full-time students are required to earn 40 SFP credits per semester (25 Chapels/10 Service Credits/5 Flex)
  • Students with 9-11 class credits must earn 30 SFP credits (15 Chapels/10 Service Credits/5 Flex)
  • Students with 0-8 class credits must earn 15 SFP credits (0 Chapels/10 Service Credits/5 Flex)

4. How do students earn Spiritual Formation Program credits?

The Spiritual Formation Program has 3 components. Each component has a requirement to meet.

  • Chapel: 1 Spiritual Formation Program credit for each Chapel, Life Together group and Alternative Chapel event attended.
  • Service: 1 Spiritual Formation Program credit per hour served locally and/or 10 credits per Crown approved Mission Trip.
  • Flex: Students choose how to complete 5 Spiritual Formation Flex credits in either of the above categories listed or a combination of both. Students can choose to complete their 5 flex credits by participating in Crown’s mentoring program as well.

5. Are there exemptions or adjustments to the Spiritual Formation Program Chapel credit requirement?

  • Students may request for an adjustment to the SFP Chapel credit expectations if they qualify by submitting an electronic Chapel Attendance Exemption Request form found on our.crown.edu by the noted deadline.  If the request is granted, credits will then be adjusted proportionally, or the student will be placed on a special program for Chapel attendance, depending on the situation. Requests are good for one semester only. A new request must be submitted each semester.
  • The SFP Chapel Credit Attendance Exemption Request submission deadline is due by the 6th week of each semester.  Please make your request by this time.
  • Students with Disabilities-In accordance with the American Disabilities Act, any students with disabilities will be accommodated, as they complete their SFP requirement. Students should contact the SFP office (E202) ripleyk@crown.edu.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to treat Chapel as any other required class. Therefore, work, etc. is to be scheduled around the Chapel hour. Further exemptions are granted for the following reasons only:
Qualifications for SFP Chapel Credit Reduction/Exemption SFP Chapel Credit Requirement For That Semester 

Students Living On Campus or in Faith Village Married Housing:

 * No W/F classes with work conflict

 * No classes before 12pm with work conflict

 * Over 25 years of age

 * Are a parent



Exempt for that semester

Exempt for that semester



Students Living Off Campus: 

 * Over 25 years of age

 * Are a parent 

 * No W/F classes

 * No classes before 12pm




Exempt for that semester

Exempt for that semester

Nursing Students LIving On Campus: 

 * Clinical Semester 

Nursing Students LIving Off Campus: 

 * Clinical Semester 


12 chapels for that semester


Exempt for that semester 

Teacher Education Practicum Students

12 Chapels that semester (per Teacher Education approval)

Internship semester for Ministry majors, Intercultural Studies majors and Teacher Education majors 

Exempt for that semester 

6. What is a Spiritual Formation Program Service Credit?

  • The SFP has a distinctive community service part to the program that responds to human needs with Christ-like action in the community and the world. Through community service, students can improve and develop new ministry and leadership skills, utilize individual gifts, and integrate academic study with practical experience and service while meeting the needs of the community, discern their vocation and develop a life-long habit of servant leadership.
  • Each student who earns a degree from Crown College must complete 10 SFP Service Credits each semester. One service credit equals one hour of serving.

7. How do students find a place to complete Spiritual Formation Program Service Credit hours?

  • Students are responsible for finding sites to fulfill their service. 
  • Organizations need to be nonprofit, church, academic school, or a US government organization.
  • Adequate on-site supervision will be necessary.  The student and the supervisor will electronically submit forms.
  • Students may not be supervised by a Crown student or relative unless approved by the SFP office in advance. It is the responsibility of the student to find an appropriate supervisor.
  • Students do not need to complete 10 hours of serving in one location. 
  • Intercultural experiences (mission trips) that include at least five (5) full days of ministry are eligible to receive SFP Service Credit.
  • Intercultural Experiences (Destination Serve trips) that take place in the summer will be applied to the spring or fall semester as designated by the student on the electronic SFP service credit forms.
  • Students do not submit summer service credits.  Service credits are only completed during the fall and spring semester.
  • Travel to the service site, including air travel, is not eligible for SFP credit.
  • If a volunteer event requires rehearsal/training, SFP credit can only be received for the number of rehearsal/training hours equivalent to the hours spent participating in the volunteer event.
  • A student who turns in fraudulent hours and/or “double logs” to the SFP office will be subject to the student accountability process of Crown College.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to know what is and is not acceptable as a SFP credit as outlined in the guidelines. SFP credits will be accepted or denied, in accordance with the policies listed in The Guidelines. A student must submit electronic forms to the SFP Office BEFORE volunteering to make sure that the volunteer opportunity is acceptable. All organizations advertised by the SFP Office are acceptable places to serve.

8. How do students get credit for completing Spiritual Formation Program Service Credit hours?

  • Electronic forms allow students to submit service credit hours along with verification from supervisor.

9. Can students receive Spiritual Formation Program Service Credits for academic courses?

  • No, students do not receive SFP Credits for academic assignments.

10. How do students monitor my total number of Spiritual Formation Program Service Credits?

  • Students can monitor their SFP’s by logging in to our.crown.edu.

11. What if a student’s Spiritual Formation Program service Credits are not appearing in our.crown.edu?

  • If students have any questions, email ripleyk@crown.edu or call 952-446-4165.  The Spiritual Formation Program office is located on the east wing of the second level (E202).

12. What is a Spiritual Formation Program Flex credit?

  • The SFP allows students to choose how they want to complete 5 SFP credits.  Students can complete their 5 Flex credits by attending Chapels or completing service hours or a combination.
  • Students can engage in having a Crown approved Mentor for a semester to complete 5 flex credits.

13. Do students have to complete the Spiritual Formation Program when they are on internship or completing student teaching?

  • Students on their Christian Ministry Internship semester, Intercultural Studies Internship semester or Teacher Education Student Teaching semester would not have a SFP requirement that semester.

14. If students complete more Spiritual Formation Program credits than required in a semester can they rollover to the next semester?

  • No, each semester is a self-contained unit.

15. Can students complete Spiritual Formation Program Service Credits over the summer?

  • Students do not submit summer service credits.  Service credits are only completed during the fall and spring semester.

16. Are there consequences for not fulfilling the Spiritual Formation Program requirements?

  • Probation sanctions are administered for those students who fail to complete their SFP requirements each semester. Students placed on SFP Probation must complete delinquent SFP credits before the beginning of the next Semester.

17. What does it mean to be on Spiritual Formation Program Probation?

Students on SFP probation:

  • May not register for classes until all SFP probation requirements are met.
  • Students who are placed on SFP probation and who do not complete their hours, in the designated timeframe, are at risk of suspension from the College.
  • When a student is placed on SFP probation, a Hold is placed on their student account until the probation requirements have been completed.
  • When a student is placed on SFP probation, all relevant faculty/staff involved with the student will be notified, this includes but is not limited to: the student’s own professors, Dean of the students, student’s Faculty Advisor and Athletic Coach.
  • Students who elect to take the semester of probation off, will be given grace when the student chooses to reapply to Crown.

Although they do not qualify as Spiritual Formation Program credits, students are encouraged to maintain an ongoing practice of personal disciplines that nurtures spiritual formation (e.g., solitude, prayer, the study of Scripture, mission/evangelism, etc.). Students are encouraged to take advantage of sacred spaces set aside for personal and corporate times of prayer, reflection, and encouragement in residence halls, the beautiful outdoors, and in Crown’s Prayer Room. Furthermore, Spiritual formation requires participation in a local faith community. It is the expectation at Crown that all faculty, staff, and students attend, participate, and contribute to the life of a local Christian congregation of their choosing.

Life Together Groups

Campus Ministries encourages all students, staff, faculty, and coaches to set aside the designated time scheduled on Wednesday mornings to do Life Together.  It takes time and intentionality to strengthen and grow a relationship with the Lord. First Thessalonians 5:11 instructs us to encourage and build each other up as we do Life together. We strongly encourage students, staff, and faculty to engage in Life Together to promote personal spiritual growth and foster healthy community relationships. A Spiritual Formation credit is given for attending for Life Together groups.

The goals of Life Together at Crown is…

  • To promote and encourage personal spiritual growth of Crown College students, faculty, staff, and coaches.
  • To provide a safe place for individuals to ask questions and wrestle with their faith journey.

A Life Together (LT) Group is a small group of individuals that are part of the Crown College community who gather weekly to connect and engage in activities that promote and encourage personal spiritual growth.  The intent is that each student, staff, faculty, and coach will find an LT Group that is a safe place to ask questions and journey with others in his/her walk with the Lord. LT Groups are offered each semester in 6- and 12-week sessions. 

Each semester, there are a variety of LT Groups that are sponsored by Campus Ministries. LT Groups can also be initiated by students, staff, faculty, or coaches through an online application process. When/If application is approved, Campus Ministries will identify and assign a meeting space, provide ongoing support and encouragement, and offer periodic leader resources and training. For approved LT Groups to receive spiritual formation credit, they must meet at the designated Life Together time on Wednesday mornings. Contact Director of Student Engagement to find out more information on starting a group. Watch the Campus Announcements, 1st floor bulletin board by the elevator, LT Group posters/flyers, digital screens, Crown Mobile App, and PO mailings for information on each group.


                1. Open LT Groups

These groups are designed for individuals who cannot commit to weekly attendance but still desire to be a part of Doing Life Together on Wednesday mornings.  Individuals are welcome to attend each week or drop in when it fits into their schedule.

                2. Committed LT Groups

These groups are designed for individuals who commit to weekly attendance.  Individuals benefit from these groups by developing trust, accountability, and fellowship by meeting together regularly.