Dec 08, 2024  
School of Arts & Sciences Handbook 2019-2020 
School of Arts & Sciences Handbook 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Spiritual Life

Service Credit
Life Together Groups


Crown College Chapels will glorify God, advance the global mission of Christ, and promote a Kingdom lifestyle for the Crown College community. Chapel meets in the Wild Athletic Center on Wednesday and Friday’s from 10-10:45 am and in the Chapel on Sunday’s from 9-10 pm.  A schedule of Chapel services is published each semester through the various means of the College.

A. Chapel Attendance

Because we believe it is our highest calling to grow in our relationship with Christ Jesus and with the body of believers, we see Chapel attendance as the primary gathering of the College family. Attendance at Chapel services, Deeper Life daytime and evening meetings, Missions Festival daytime and evening meetings, and other special services is required of all students carrying more than six credit hours. Attendance at all such meetings is required every semester a student attends Crown College.

As members of a Christian college community that values both academic and spiritual development, students are expected to participate in the spiritual development of the campus and, specifically, to meet the chapel requirements as one demonstration of fidelity to institutional values. It is unacceptable that a student leader would not fulfill the chapel requirements and maintain their leadership role. Similarly, it is expected that all students will support this requirement. Thus, in keeping with a holistic approach to this covenant community, students who do not meet the community standards for chapel attendance, who compromise the integrity of the Chapel attendance procedure (e.g., checking in to Chapel and leaving at any time before the service ends, etc.) or fail to comply with certain Chapel expectations (e.g., following the Crown dress standards; a respect for God and others; etc.) will be subject to disciplinary action. The community of faculty, staff, and students share the mutual responsibility of holding one another accountable for integrity with regard to Chapel attendance and for creating a Chapel environment that honors the Lord and enhances learning and worship.

  • Full-time students must attend thirty (35) Chapels each semester.
  • Students with 9-11 credits must attend twenty (25) Chapels each semester.
  • Students with 7-8 credits must attend ten (15) Chapels each semester.
  • Students with 6 or less credits do not have a Chapel requirement.

It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of their Chapel attendance, as they will be held accountable for all excessive absences. Tracking of Chapel attendance may be done online through the student’s account.

Students should plan to appropriately check-in and attend all Chapel services. If a student is more than 5 minutes late to Chapel, the student will not be counted in attendance for that session. Students are responsible to keep track of their Chapel credits and can do so online. Each semester offers sufficient Chapel credit opportunities. Students may request for an adjustment to the Chapel expectations if they qualify by submitting an electronic Chapel Attendance Exemption Request form found on by the noted deadline.  If the request is granted, credits will then be adjusted proportionally, or the student will be placed on a special program for Chapel attendance, depending on the situation.

B. Chapel Attendance Exemptions

It is the student’s responsibility to treat Chapel as any other required class. Therefore, work, etc. is to be scheduled around the Chapel hour. Further exemptions are granted for the following reasons only:


Chapel Requirement

Students without W/F classes or classes before 12pm:

  • Students without W/F classes or classes before 12pm and have a work schedule conflict

Exempt for that semester 

Commuter Students:

  • Over 25 years of age
  • Are a Parent
  • No W/F classes or no classes before 12pm  




Exempt for that semester

Clinical Nursing Students

15 chapels per semester during clinicals

Teacher Education Practicum Students

15 chapels per semester (per Teacher Education approval)

Christian Ministry Internship Students

Teacher Education Student Teaching Students


Exempt for that semester

Exempt for that semester



Students can apply for a Chapel exemption by submitting an electronic Chapel Attendance Exemption Request Form on by the noted deadline. Requests are good for one semester only. A new request must be submitted each semester.

Chapel Attendance Exemption Request Submission Deadline

The Chapel Attendance Exemption Request submission deadline is the date the Registrar has posted as the last day to Add/Drop classes.  Please make your request by this time.

C.  Chapel Music

Music plays a vital role in corporate worship during Crown’s Chapel services. Music teams are generally made up of students from the College. There are set teams who lead worship in Chapel and a wide variety of groups that will periodically lead worship. Most of the music is contemporary in nature, but an attempt is made to bring a variety of music styles to reflect the wide variety of people that comprise the Crown community.

Service Credit

The Service Credit Program is designed to improve and develop new ministry and leadership skills, utilize individual gifts, and integrate academic study with practical experience and service while meeting the needs of the community and serving others.

1 Peter 4:11 - If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Romans 12:1-2 - It is your spiritual act of worship.
Philippians 2:3-4 - …but in humility, consider others better than yourselves.

A Service Credit is 20 hours of volunteer service. 

  Degree/Certificate Required Credits
  Certificate 1
  Associate’s Degree 2
  Bachelor’s Degree 4

The number of required Christian Service credits is adjusted for transfer students according to the number of transfer credits applied toward their degree or certificate. For a Bachelor’s degree:

Transfer Credits Applied Required Credits
0-23 4
24-53 3
54-89 2
90+ 1

Service Credits from other institutions will not transfer. Students may not earn Service Credits before they begin attending Crown.

  • One (1) Service Credit is a minimum of twenty (20) hours of volunteering over no more than two (2) consecutive semesters. Transportation time cannot be included in the service hours submitted for credit.
  • Students are responsible for finding sites to fulfill their Service Credits.   
  • Students must complete one (1) Service Credit volunteering in a church.  Students cannot complete more than two (2) Service Credits in a church.
  • Students must complete one (1) Service Credit associated with their major of study.
  • Only one (1) Service credit can be completed on campus.
  • Adequate on-site supervision will be necessary. The student and the supervisor will submit paperwork before volunteering begins and at the end of the 20 hour volunteering period.
  • Only one (1) Service Credit may be pursued at a time, except in the case of an approved intercultural experience (mission trip), which may be earned in addition to a Service Credit in progress during a semester.
  • Intercultural experiences (mission trips) that include at least five (5) full days of ministry (excluding travel) are eligible to receive one (1) Service Credit.
  • Certain majors requiring an Internship coordinated and supervised by the Academic Department and integrated into the curriculum as part of the course work can be counted as a Service Credit. A student must receive at least a C- in the course to receive Service Credit. All Service Credit forms must be completed and turned in by the student properly to receive credit. Students studying majors that do not require Internships are responsible for finding a site to fulfill this Service Credit requirement.  The Service Credit office is available to help students find a site location.
  • The following is a list of classes that can earn a Service Credit:

EED 451

Kindergarten Student Teaching


EED 449/ESL 455

Elementary Education Student Teaching


MED 450

Middle School Student Teaching


SED 452/ESL 456

High School Student Teaching


PED 455/456

Student Teaching - PE


MUS 310

Worship Arts Internships



Intercultural Internships


PST 334

Pastoral Internship


DCS 437

Christian Ministry Internships


NUR 346

Transcultural Nursing

Service Credit forms must be submitted through the Canvas Service Credit Portal

A. Steps to Complete Before Volunteering:

  1. Find a place to volunteer.
  2. Fill out the Service Credit Application Form before volunteering begins through the Canvas Service Credit Portal for approval by the Service Credit office. 
  3. When the Service Credit Application Form is approved the Service Credit Supervisor Contract Form link will be emailed to site Supervisor through the Canvas Service Credit Portal.  Once site Supervisor has submitted the Supervisor Contract form, student will receive an email letting them know that they may begin volunteering. 

B. Steps to Complete After Volunteering:

  1. Complete a minimum of 20 volunteer hours at site.  Dates and hours of service must be submitted on the    Self Evaluation Form.
  2. Fill out the Service Credit Self Evaluation Form through the Canvas Service Credit Portal.
  3. When the Service Credit Self Evaluation Form has been submitted the Service Credit Supervisor Evaluation Form link will be sent to site Supervisor through the Canvas Service Credit Portal.  Once site Supervisor has submitted the Supervisor Evaluation Form, the completed Service Credit will be processed and can be viewed as a completed credit by students on Life. 

If you have any questions the Service Credit office (952-446-4165) is located on the east wing of the second level (E202).

Life Together Groups

Campus Ministries encourage all students, staff, faculty, and coaches to set aside 10-10:45 AM on Mondays to do Life Together.  It takes time and intentionality to strengthen and grow a relationship with the Lord. First Thessalonians 5:11 instructs us to encourage and build each other up as we do Life together. We strongly encourage students, staff, and faculty to engage in Life Together to promote personal spiritual growth and foster healthy community relationships. 

Life Together: Engaging the Crown community in their spiritual walk, equipping them to serve and live a life of faith, and encouraging them to apply Biblical principles to daily life.

The goals of Life Together at Crown is…

  • To promote and encourage personal spiritual growth of Crown College students, faculty, staff, and coaches.
  • To provide a safe place for individuals to ask questions and wrestle with their faith journey.

A. Life Together (LT) Gathering

This unique experience will be offered in the Chapel during LT time. Students will have the opportunity to engage in Ancient Worship as well as hear Biblical preaching. Life Together (LT) Gatherings are for individuals who want to commit to weekly attendance or choose to drop in when it fits into their schedule.

B. Life Together (LT) Groups

A Life Together (LT) Group is a small group of individuals that are part of the Crown College community who gather weekly to connect and engage in activities that promote and encourage personal spiritual growth.  The intent is that each student, staff, faculty, and coach will find an LT Group that is a safe place to ask questions and journey with others in his/her walk with the Lord.

Whether a student participates in a Life Together Gathering or a Life Together Group, Chapel credit will be given each time a student attends.