Feb 18, 2025  
School of Arts & Sciences Handbook 2019-2020 
School of Arts & Sciences Handbook 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Federal/State Laws and Regulations
Crown College Professional Affiliations


A. E-mail Correspondence

Every currently active Crown student has a Crown student email account. Crown email is the approved means of communication between students, faculty and staff. It is the student’s responsibility to promptly respond to emails. 

The standard format for students who receive e-mail is as follows: full last name, first initial of first name, first initial of middle name, and the last two numbers of the first year of attendance at Crown College @students.crown.edu. For example, John Alan Doe’s address, who started attending in 2012, would be: doeja12@students.crown.edu.

Standard format for faculty and staff email is the last name and first initial. Example: doejz@crown.edu,

B. Telephone/Fax Numbers

The main number for the College is 952-446-4100. This rings at the Reception Desk where the Receptionist can forward calls to the appropriate office or employee as needed. Direct phone numbers are also available via the campus office directory. 

A Fax machine is located at the Front Reception desk. The fax number is 952-446-4149.

Departmental, faculty and staff office phone numbers may be found on our.crown under the Student tab, Quicklinks.

C. Written Correspondence

Crown College
8700 College View Drive
St. Bonifacius, MN  55375


Student Name
Campus Box ___
8700 College View Drive
St. Bonifacius, MN  55375Student Name

Federal/State Laws and Regulations

A. Compliance with Non-Discrimination Laws and Regulations

It is the official policy and commitment of Crown College not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, genetic information, familial status, status with regard to public assistance,  disability or any other class or characteristic protected by law in its educational programs, admissions, or employment practices. The president of Crown College has designated the Vice President of Academic Affairs as the compliance officer for the institution. Inquiries regarding compliance may be directed to: The Vice President of Academic Affairs (Compliance Officer), Crown College, 8700 College View Drive, St. Bonifacius, MN 55375 phone: 952-446-4100The College deplores the unfair treatment of individuals based on race, gender, socio-economic status, age, physical disability, or cultural differences, as well as attempts at humor which aim to elicit laughter at the expense of the individual or any group of individuals. Rather, members of the student body should embrace the expectation of Scripture to love God with all their being and their neighbors as themselves.

B. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) (Financial Aid is still reviewing this portion)

This act sets out requirements designed to govern the access to, and release of, educational records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the Student Privacy Policy Office (U.S. Department of Education) concerning alleged failures of Crown College to comply with provisions of FERPA.

Crown College has adopted policies and procedures concerning implementation of FERPA on campus. Copies of the entire policy are available from the Registrar’s Office, as well as the Registrar’s Office web site.

C. Release of Student Directory Information Overview

“Directory Information” can be released to an outside party without written consent of the student: name, home address, campus address, e-mail address, telephone numbers, dates of attendance, full-time/part-time status, classification, previous institution(s) attended, major field(s) of study, awards, honors (e.g. Dean’s List), degree(s) conferred (e.g. BS, AA), past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities, photograph or digital images, and height and weight of athletic team members.

Students have the right to suppress their directory information by completing a request form in the Registrar’s Office. The request is valid for one semester.

Crown College may disclose educational records without written consent to employees of Crown College who have a legitimate educational interest, faculty and staff who deal with the student, and those who are designated by an employee to assist in his/her tasks. Designated offices may also disclose education records or components thereof to persons or organizations providing the student with financial aid, to accrediting agencies carrying out their accrediting functions, and to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons. Other exceptions are listed in the official policy. Contact the Registrar’s Office for more information.

Confidential information can be released directly to the student; however, it cannot be released directly to the student’s family members (e.g., parents, spouses, etc.) without the written consent of the student. Note, however, that when a student is a dependent of a parent as defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Sec. 152, such information may be released to the parent without the written consent by the student.

D. Higher Education Act of 1965 (as amended)

The Amendments require colleges to disseminate information on financial aid, tuition and academic programs as well as entrance and exit counseling to student borrowers. This information is disseminated through the College’s catalog, mailings and website and is also available to students upon request. Furthermore, Crown College, in compliance with the Student Consumer Information Regulations is required to annually disclose information to prospective students, parents, prospective staff, current students, staff and public. These disclosures are posted at http://www.crown.edu/consumerinfo

The required disclosures provided at the website listed above include (but are not limited to): specific student rights regarding education records and directory information under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); Information about financial aid, educational programs, accreditation, copyright infringement policies and sanctions, student loan information, campus safety, annual campus security reports, federal requirements for return of funds, institutional statistics such as completion, graduation, and transfer out rates. For a full summary of the consumer information being disclosed and descriptions of the required methods of dissemination please see Chapter 6 of Volume 2 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook at: http://www.ifap.ed.gov/fsahandbook/attachments/0910FSAHbkVol2Ch6Information.pdf

Individuals, upon request, may obtain a paper copy of this list and information on any of the disclosures. Please contact the Financial Aid Office at finaid@crown.edu if you require this assistance. Your request may also be referred to the area responsible for providing the information.

E. Student “Right-to-Know” Act of 1990

This Act requires colleges and universities receiving student federal financial aid to disclose graduation or completion rates for the student body allowing students and parents to make informed choices in selecting an institution of higher education. This information is published in the Crown College Catalog and on the College website at www.crown.edu/consumerinfo.

Crown College Professional Affiliations

Crown College is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (230 South LaSalle St., Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604), Phone: 800-621-7440. Due to this excellent accreditation status, credits and degrees earned at Crown are transferable and recognized by public and private colleges and universities throughout the world.

The College has been accredited by The Higher Learning Commission since 1980. Candidate status was granted in July of 1974. In addition, the College is chartered by the Minnesota Department of Education as a degree-granting institution. Veterans attending Crown College are eligible to use their veterans’ education benefits. The College is authorized under Federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students.

Crown College is also accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (at the undergraduate level) (One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 530, Washington, D.C. 20036-1120 phone: 202.887.6791). The nursing program is approved by the Minnesota Board of Nursing. Undergraduate teacher preparation programs leading to licensure for preprimary, elementary, and secondary teaching are approved by the Minnesota Board of Teaching.

Crown College is registered with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to sections 136A.61 to 136A.71. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions.

This Act requires colleges and universities receiving student federal financial aid to disclose graduation or completion rates for the student body allowing students and parents to make informed choices in selecting an institution of higher education.This information is published in the Crown College Catalog and on the College website at www.crown.edu/consumerinfo.