School of Arts & Sciences 2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Chair: Dr. David W. Donelson
The mission of the Music Department is to provide excellent music education in a Christian community of faith and learning. Students will receive comprehensive musical training, gain an aesthetic sensitivity, and strive toward musical excellence. Students will also gain professional experience through student teaching, worship internships, student ministries, recitals, and the opportunity to teach in the music academy. The following music degree programs are offered:
Bachelor of Arts in Music: This program is designed for students interested in studying music within a Christian context. It is an appropriate program for students considering a performance career, private teaching, or graduate school. The student may choose one of three areas in which to specialize: voice, instrumental, or keyboard. The program will not qualify students to be certified in public school music.
Bachelor of Arts in Music and Worship Arts: This program is designed to equip the next generation of worship leaders to serve in the local church. Over the course of study, the student will gain insight into the theology and practice of Christian worship, the variety of musical styles and expression used in today’s worship settings, the technology involved in worship production and an understanding of the relational dynamics involved in leadership. Emphasis is given to practical leadership training, providing students with opportunities to serve on worship teams at the College and in area churches. Music and Worship Arts majors will also complete a local or distance church internship; learning, leading and working alongside a church staff member.
Bachelor of Music Education: The purpose of this program is to prepare students to become effective music educators. The Music Education student must be accepted into and meet requirements of both Music and Teacher Education Departments. Teaching licensure may be obtained in Vocal Music, K–12. The State of Minnesota requires a background check of all persons seeking teaching licensure upon completion of the preparation program and prior to issuing the teaching licensure. A criminal record does not automatically disqualify a candidate from licensure, but candidates must consider whether their backgrounds would jeopardize this process. Curriculum information is listed under the Teacher Education department.
The Associate of Arts in Music provides basic understanding and skill in music. It is designed as foundational for a bachelor’s degree, leading to degrees in such fields as teaching, church ministry, performance, and music therapy. All credits will apply to the bachelor’s music degree at Crown College.
Department Goals
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of music theory, history and practice
- Demonstrate artistry and musicianship on at least one instrument/voice both personally and in a musical ensemble
- Demonstrate competency in piano skills
- Critically analyze, evaluate and refine personal musicianship and lead others in doing the same
- Articulate the integration of a Christian perspective with the music discipline
Degree ProgramsMajorMinor
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