Feb 13, 2025  
Crown College 2023-2024 Catalog 
Crown College 2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

COU 6261 - Counseling Internship I

3 Credits
Internship I involves a practical clinical experience in an approved agency or other appropriate setting with an approved supervisor. This counseling internship provides a supervised, field-based, work experience wherein students integrate and synthesize counseling theories and techniques, develop the professional qualities, characteristics, and behaviors of a counselor, and develop more advanced clinical reasoning and conceptualization skills. Students must successfully complete 300 of the required hours of supervised counseling/clinical experience to pass Internship I. Satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading.

Note: For those seeking ADC licensure, students will need to complete 880 hours of internship (within COU 6261 - Internship I, COU 6262 - Counseling Internship II  and COU 6263 - Counseling Internship III , if needed) covering all 12 core functions, under the supervision of a licensed alcohol and drug counselor. All ADC emphasis courses must be completed PRIOR to internship.

Prerequisite: 45 completed master’s credits in the degree which must include: COU 5010 , COU 5012 COU 5210 , COU 5212 , COU 5214 , COU 5220 , COU 6010 , COU 6012 , COU 6214  and COU 6260 . If students have not taken COU 5016  or COU 6212  prior to beginning Internship I, it is recommended that the student take these courses concurrently with either COU 6261 - Internship 1 or COU 6262 - Counseling Internship II  because these areas will be tested in COU 6262 - Counseling Internship II  on the Comprehensive Exam.