Feb 18, 2025  
Crown College 2022-2023 Catalog 
Crown College 2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services


Student Services

The intention of Crown College is to help students grow as whole and healthy individuals who are being transformed in character and conduct to be more like our Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to be a Christ-centered community committed to providing biblically based education for Christian leadership in an environment which encourages the formation of the whole person. To that end, Crown College offers many opportunities for growth both within the academic setting and beyond the classroom. These experiences contribute to community life, personal development and enjoyment, career preparation, leadership training, and spiritual development.

Crown College serves both on-campus students in the School of Arts & Sciences (Arts & Sciences) and the School of Online Studies and Graduate School (Crown Online). Student services are listed according to their availability to each group of students.

Student Services Available to Arts & Sciences and Crown Online Students 

Facilities on the main campus include classrooms, the Dining Center, Storm Café, Sherburne Ave. Coffee, Library, Academic and Collaboration Centers, Campus Store, Mail Center, Athletic Center, parking lots, and athletic fields. Arts & Sciences students are required to live on campus unless they meet the approved exemptions listed in the College of Arts and Sciences Student Handbook. Online students moving to the area may request long-term housing on campus and will be considered based on availability, student status and other factors.

Note: Crown Online students have access to most of these areas during Main building regular business hours except for classrooms, the Life Fitness Center and the Weight Room.

Career Services

The College provides career related assistance, resources, and programs to support students and alumni in their career development.  Staff is available to assist students as they take career-related steps in their journey to serve and influence the world. Students are encouraged to accept responsibility for their career needs/direction and connect with the Counseling and Career Center to examine their God-given gifts and talents and plan for their vocational future.  The Career Center is here to guide and inspire students to thrive in career and professional development with supportive staff, to coach, advise and connect students with resources and opportunities to help them build a meaningful career.  For more information and a list of available on campus and off campus jobs please go to https://crown.edu/ccc.

Disability Services 

The Office of Disability Services of Crown College coordinates services needed by students who have a documented physical, learning, emotional, and/or psychological/psychiatric disability. All requests for accommodations, whether physical or academic, must be made through the Office of Disability Services.

Our commitment is to provide reasonable accommodations and services to students who have disabilities so that students with disabilities have equal access to the opportunity for academic success as students without disabilities, not to provide special treatment or advantages that students without disabilities do not receive.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Identify himself/herself as a student with a disability by making an appointment with the Director of Disability Services to discuss the disability as well as request reasonable accommodations.
  • Provide adequate documentation of the specific disability. This documentation should be no more than 3 years old and be signed by an appropriate professional qualified to diagnose the disability. Any Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan should also be provided when available.
  • Discuss with each professor the necessary accommodations for his/her classes.
  • Please note that accommodations will not be provided until approval is given by the Director of Disability Services.

For more information on the Office of Disability Services, please contact Dr. Tom McCracken (Director of Disability Services) at 952-446-4216 or by email at mccrackent@crown.edu.

Computer Lab

General use computer labs are located on the first floor and in the Library.  Specific hours of operation for each lab are posted at the lab entrances. The standard word processing program used at Crown College is Microsoft Word. Microsoft Office products have been installed on PC and Mac operating systems.

Crown Online students can access the computer lab when the Main building is open for normal business hours. Students may access the building through the Main Front Lobby. 

Library Resources

Among the many resources currently available in the Watne Memorial Library are:

  • Over 70,000 print books and 250,000 e-books, as well as DVDs, videos, and CDs. 
  • Over a million Kindle books available. Additional books can be download if needed. 
  • Crown’s InfoService (WorldCat) the largest library online catalog in the world with access to over 200 million books, and other resource in 483 languages, contained in over 15,000 libraries around the world (in 107 countries).  Many of these resources are available via interlibrary loan.
  • Approximately 90 research databases containing over 45,000 full-text e-journals with literally millions of articles. 
  • Films on Demand which contains over 40,000 academic videos.
  • Mango language learning software for over 70 languages courses.
  • Cameras, video cameras, voice recorders, laptop computers, and Kindles which may be checked out. 
  • Educational models and curriculum library for teacher education.
  • Group study rooms and private study cubicles.
  • Wireless access throughout the library.
  • Helpful library staff to assist in finding resources and answer reference questions.   

Campus Store

Apparel and personal items including gifts are sold in the Campus Store. Hours are posted at the Store entrance and vary by day. The Campus Store is closed during Chapel.

Food Services

Arts & Sciences residential students are required to be on a meal plan. Food service is available on campus through the College Dining Center and/or the Storm Café. Sherburne Ave. Coffee is in the Student Center and proudly brews Caribou Coffee. Hours are posted at the entrances to the food service area.

Arts & Sciences Student Services

New Student Orientation

An extensive orientation program is provided for new students entering the College. Orientation includes informational seminars, small group discussions, worship services, and social and recreational activities. New Student Orientation is scheduled prior to the beginning of each semester and is required for all new incoming students. A select team of returning students is chosen and trained to plan and lead this program.

Counseling Services

The Counseling Center offers professional, confidential counseling services for all registered students. The Counseling Center has on-campus counselors and counseling interns who are available to students by appointment. There is no fee for the use of this service. Students will typically begin with a weekly one-hour appointment which may decrease in frequency as they move along a healing path. Counselors take a holistic approach by addressing mental health, as well as, spiritual and physical health, and academic success. For more information and to make an appointment go to https://crown.icouch.me/  (There are occasionally situations when a student’s needs and/or the community’s well-being may warrant the student being referred to off-campus professional counseling. In this case, the student is responsible to pay for the counseling fees and any transportation costs.)

Health Services

The College maintains a Health Services office available to students for assistance with minor illnesses and first aid treatment. Health Services is staffed by a qualified nurse who provides health and wellness counsel through individual appointments with students and printed resources. Health Services is covered by tuition. Prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and the services of a physician are available close to campus but are not covered by the general fee. Crown College undergraduate students enrolled in six or more credits are required to maintain personal health insurance coverage as required by federal law and to provide documentation of that insurance to Health Services. For insurance options, please visit https://www.mnsure.org/.

Crown College is not responsible for accidents sustained in intercollegiate or intramural athletic programs. Additional insurance is required for all students who participate in intercollegiate sports.

College Immunization Policy

Beginning July 1, 1990, all students born in 1957 or later who are enrolled in more than one class or enrolled in one class and housed on campus will be required to be in compliance with the Minnesota College Immunization Law (MN Stat 135A. 14). Only those students who are enrolled in extension classes or online classes are exempt from the law. Those enrolled in more than two on-campus classes or who have one class and live in Faith Village or other on-campus housing need to adhere to this law. This law was enacted by the Minnesota legislature in the spring of 1989 in response to the growing concern over outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles and mumps, on college campuses. Not only have these diseases caused unnecessary illness, but also a significant disruption of campus activities. The College wants to make sure that none of these preventable diseases will interrupt studies or threaten student health.

A student who has not submitted immunization dates to the College will not be able to pre-register for the following semester until this requirement has been met. Certain exemptions for medical or philosophical reasons are permitted. Exemptions must be cleared through the Health Services Office. Travel abroad and mission trips may require additional immunizations. Hepatitis A and Polio are recommended. Nursing students are required to provide additional health and immunization information. The Centers for Disease Control has country specific vaccine recommendations for international travel. The Immunization Action Coalition has vaccine information in languages other than English. Forms must be signed by a guardian if the student is a minor.

In order to show compliance with this law and College policy, each student will need to submit immunization records showing the dates (month and year) of the following vaccinations:

  1. Tetanus and Diphtheria “booster” within the last ten years.
  2. Two immunizations of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) received after the student’s first birthday.
  1. Hepatitis B, a three-dose series.
  2. Meningococcal Vaccine, a two-dose vaccination.
  3. International students and American students who have been living overseas who plan to study at Crown may be asked to provide additional health information. Proof of a recent Tuberculin test or chest x-ray within one year of the student’s entrance to Crown College may be requested.
  4. Varicella/Chicken Pox vaccine or disease.
  5. HPV (human papillomavirus), 2-3 doses
  6. Seasonal flu (influenza) vaccine 
  7. COVID-19 vaccine 

Athletic Facilities

The Athletic Center, Life Fitness Center, and Weight Room have posted hours for general use by Arts & Sciences students only. Access to these areas is granted upon receipt of the Fitness Center Waiver form and proper training in the Weight Room. Please contact the Operations Office at 952-446-4132 for more information. Crown Online students do not have access to the Life Fitness Center or Weight Room.

Mail Center

Crown College maintains a complete Post Office, including UPS and Federal Express pickup. Hours of the Mail Center are Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. The Mail Center is closed Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. Students can purchase stamps, send mail, or pick up packages at the Mail Center window. The Mail Center accepts cash and personal checks but does not take debit or credit cards. All outgoing and incoming mail must include the student’s name and Crown College mailbox number. 

Student Handbook

Details of community life on the campus are published in a separate volume called the College of Arts and Sciences Student Handbook (Student Handbook), which is updated annually. Specific policies regarding lifestyle issues, spiritual life on campus, residence life, Service Credits, Chapel attendance, co-curricular activities, and campus services and facilities are outlined there.

Students are expected to abide by the policies contained in the Student Handbook, and to live in compliance with the standards of the College as outlined in the Community Covenant. Students must sign an agreement to that effect when they apply to the College. These policies and standards apply while students are enrolled in a College program and/or reside in College-approved housing and are to be maintained during the summer, between semesters, and when on break or vacation.

There may be times when students violate College standards and disciplinary action may become necessary. Crown seeks to be a redemptive community where discipline is used by God in an individual’s life and for the good of the community. The Student Handbook outlines details of the disciplinary process. The College reserves the right to require any student to discontinue studies who, in the opinion of the College, is not living in compliance with College standards and policies.

Spiritual Formation Program (SFP)

The Spiritual Formation Program is designed to cultivate an environment for deep spiritual growth on our campus. The SFP recognizes that we are created to have a relationship with God, with others, and with our world. These relationships are vital for spiritual life and health.

The SFP allows students to choose from and participate in a variety of activities designed to foster the deepening of their faith and the sharpening of their spiritual gifts. From on-campus Chapel services, Life Together Groups, mentoring, serving others locally and mission opportunities, choosing to participate in any, or all, of the many ministry opportunities available at Crown will help students experience being part of a dynamic spiritual community.

We affirm that spiritual formation is individual and, at the same time, corporate. The SFP is designed to give students choices in what they do to foster spiritual formation in their life and in their community. With that in mind, degree-seeking students at Crown College are required to complete the SFP.

SFP requirements are found in the Student Handbook.

Crown Online Student Services

Online New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation (NSO) is designed to help new students transition into their online studies at Crown College. Orientation helps new students better understand the requirements of being an online student.  It includes sessions on how online classes work, policies and procedures, online student services, and tips for being successful in online classes. All new students are required to complete NSO prior to starting online classes.

Tutoring Services

Crown Online contracts with Tutor.com to provide free one-to-one, 24/7 tutoring in the areas of basic math, accounting, statistics, finance, economics, biology, social studies, grammar, and literature.

Student ID

A student ID is available for online students upon request for external usage.