Feb 11, 2025  
Crown College 2019-2020 Catalog 
Crown College 2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


School of Arts & Sciences Campus Visits

The best way to become acquainted with Crown College is to visit the campus.  Check out the variety of overnight visits, Preview Days, individually customized, or group options at www.crown.edu/visit-us. Visits can be scheduled on that page or by calling 1-800-68-CROWN. 

Crown provides prospective students and their families with up to four meals in the College Dining Center or Storm Cafe and transportation to and from the airport, bus, or train station. One night’s lodging in a residence hall is also provided for visiting students; an area lodging and services brochure is available for parents and family members.

For the best possible visit, guests should contact the Office of Admission at least two weeks prior to their visit so that appointments (chapel, class visits, faculty/ coach meetings, etc.) and hospitality arrangements can be made. However, last-minute and walk-in visits can certainly be accommodated.  Optimal visit times are from 9am - 4pm, as these are also the primary hours for classes, chapel, and faculty availability.  Alternative times can be arranged, but the visit may be simplified.

School of Arts & Sciences Admission Criteria

Crown College welcomes all applicants who are personally committed to faith in Jesus Christ regardless of race, color, sex, age, handicap, and national or ethnic origin.

All applicants must give satisfactory evidence of Christian conversion by both demonstrating quality Christian character in home and community and by making a positive contribution to the ministry of a local church.

All applicants must have either graduated from high school, received a certificate of high school equivalency (GED), or be anticipating the completion of one of the above before registration day of the academic term for which application is made. Students must be 17 years old before the first day of orientation of the academic term for which application is made.

Applicant Classifications

  1. New applicants have not previously earned college credits at Crown College, and will be enrolling at Crown as their first college after graduating from high school. Students who have earned college credit while in high school through post-secondary education programs, AP, CLEP, etc. are still considered to be new applicants.
  2. Special applicants may take one or two classes for credit or audit (maximum of six credit hours per semester). Special students who decide to enroll for more than six credits for any given semester, or to enter a degree, certificate or licensure program, must submit a standard application and be accepted prior to registration.
  3. Transfer applicants have earned college credit at another institution after having completed high school and have never attended Crown College. An applicant who has been suspended by another college or university because of low academic achievement will not be permitted to enroll at Crown College for a period of not less than one full semester from the time of dismissal from the other college. Students who have been dismissed because of lifestyle violations at another college shall meet with the Vice President/Student Development.
  4. Readmission applicants have previously attended Crown College but have ceased enrollment for one semester or longer. They must apply for re-admission and be accepted before registering for class. Students applying for readmission must not have an outstanding balance on their school account. An interview with Student Development personnel will be required of individuals who have been dismissed from Crown College for disciplinary reasons.  Students who left on academic probation and are approved to re-enroll will need to adhere to the requirements which were put in place when they left (see Academic Probation). Students suspended from Crown College because of unsatisfactory academic progress may apply for readmission with an approved written appeal after not attending for one semester. The appeal should be submitted to the Academic Affairs Committee no later than two weeks prior to the start of the first day of class. Consideration of each applicant will be based on the merits of the individual case and will take into account whether the applicant is or is not prepared to do an improved quality of work.  Students should contact the financial aid office about their eligibility to receive aid. Suspended students who are readmitted are considered on academic probation. See Academic Probation in the General Academic Section of the catalog for specific requirements.     
  5. Cooperative applicants have attended institutions which are members of the Crown College Cooperative Program. Crown College, as a regionally-accredited institution, establishes contractual agreements with non-accredited Bible colleges and post-secondary institutions to enable students to complete their degrees with a minimal loss of credit in transfer. Please contact the Crown College Registrar’s Office for additional information on participating schools and the benefits of the Cooperative Program.
  6. International applicants are not citizens of the United States of America and need a student visa to reside in the United States.
  7. Minnesota Post Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) applicants are Minnesota residents who have not yet graduated from high school but show exceptional academic ability and may apply to take classes through the state of Minnesota’s Post Secondary Enrollment Option. College work will be credited toward high school graduation requirements (see below for more information).
  8. Dual Enrollment applicants are living outside of Minnesota who have not yet graduated from high school but show exceptional academic ability.  College work will be credited toward high school graduation requirements if high schools allow (see below for more information).

How to Apply for Admission

Applicants submit the following items before an acceptance decision is made:

  1. Application for Admission including spiritual life essay and a response to the Community Covenant.
  2. Official Transcripts from high school and all previous post-secondary education. Transfer students who have earned 24 or more accredited college level credits (non-remedial) are not required to submit a high school transcript for admission. However, if the college credits were earned as a high school student, then a high school transcript is required. (Special - non-degree students need only submit their most recent transcript). Transcripts are official only when sent by an institution in a sealed envelope directly to the Crown College Office of Admission or sent by an institution to Crown College using an approved electronic transcript service. Military service members should submit a DD214 and/or a JST if available.
  3. ACT or SAT or CLT College Entrance Exam Scores (waived for transfer applicants who have earned a C or better for 12 college level (non-remedial) semester credits and international students submitting TOEFL scores). Crown College codes are: ACT code-2152, SAT code-6639.

International Student Admission

Application Process

  1. Follow the steps outlined in “How to Apply for Admission”.
  2. International students must apply for admission at least two months prior to beginning studies at Crown College (i.e. apply by June 1 for fall semester, November 1 for spring semester).
  3. Transcripts must be written in English (translated when necessary) and must bear the official seal of the educational institution. Recommendations must also be written in English.
  4. Please submit an official bank statement from your sponsor/s that has been printed within the last three months. The bank statement must show the equivalent of US $24,000.00. (Both the financial statement and the bank statement must be from the same individual.) Photocopies are acceptable; however, they must be attested as a certified true copy. Students should expect an increase in costs of approximately 4-6% each year at Crown College.

English Proficiency

All students, regardless of national origin, must demonstrate English proficiency. A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) will be required of all international applicants from countries whose national language is not English. This test must be taken in the applicant’s home country. The minimum score for a standard acceptance is 500 for the paper-based exam and 61 for the Internet-based exam. A transitional acceptance may be granted for those whose scores are between 450 and 500 for the paper-based exam and 45-60 for the Internet-based exam. The TOEFL will be waived for students who earn a score of 18 or higher on the Reading and Writing subject tests of the ACT or a 435 or higher on the Critical Reading subject test of the SAT. Applicants should write to: Test of English as a Foreign Language, CN 6155, Princeton, NJ 08541-6155, U.S.A.; http://www.toefl.org/; or email: toefl@ets.org for information on testing locations, dates, and procedures. The Crown College code is 6639.

Students for whom English is a second language may be required to attend intense English instruction until English proficiency is attained.

Certificate of Eligibility (I-20)

The United States Department of Immigration requires individuals applying for a student visa to submit Immigration Form I-20, indicating acceptance and resources to finance an education at a given college. Under no circumstances should an applicant prepare to enter the United States until both the letter of acceptance and the I-20 form have been received. Crown College will mail an I-20 to International applicants who meet the following requirements:

  1. The applicant must be formally admitted to the College as a full-time student. No student should assume that acceptance to the College has been granted until a formal letter of acceptance has been received.
  2. The applicant must demonstrate adequate financial support for the entire length of study. An applicant with dependents must demonstrate adequate resources for the support of those dependents. Applicants outside Canada and the United States and its territories whose sponsors are not U.S. citizens will be required to submit an advance deposit. Further information regarding this deposit may be obtained from the Office of Admission.

Types of Acceptance

Standard Acceptance

New students applying for admission to the College who meet the standard admission requirements (High School GPA of 2.0 or higher and scoring a composite of 18 or higher on the ACT, 960 or higher on the SAT [Critical Reading and Math only], or 60 or higher on the CLT) may be accepted as Standard Acceptance. No restrictions are placed upon the applicant’s study, work load or eligibility for co-curricular activities. Students are considered in good academic standing.

Diamond Program Acceptance

New* students applying for admission to the College who do not meet the standard admission requirements may be offered admittance into the Diamond Program or as a Transitional student. 

*Note:  Student must have no earned accredited college level (non-remedial) credits to be eligible for the Diamond Program. 

The Diamond Program is a unique, invitation-only, cohort-based program designed for a student who is a strong spiritual, social and character fit for Crown but is underprepared in one (or several) key academic areas as described above. The academic rigor and expectation at the college level are considerably greater than what most students experience in high school. Some of the tools needed for academic success include but are not limited to: new and perhaps different study skills and strategies, time management skills, academic support, and the knowledge of where on the campus assistance can be obtained. Those who are selected for the Diamond Program must agree to fulfill the following expectations and requirements:

  • Progress through the Diamond Program with other students as a cohort.
  • Enroll in a specifically prescribed plan of study every semester for two years/four semesters.
  • Enroll in no more than 12 or 13 credits/semester during enrollment in the Diamond Program with the understanding that it will probably take 5 years to complete a bachelor degree.
  • Enroll as a General Studies major. (A different major may be chosen upon successful completion of the Diamond Program.)
  • Participate in no more than one co-curricular activity (athletics, music, student leadership, etc.). Participation will be monitored and may be ended without warning if it negatively affects academic performance.
  • Attend a weekly support and tools meeting
  • Limit employment to either:
    • 10 hours per week - if involved in a co-curricular activity, or
    • 20 hours per week - if not involved in a co-curricular activity
  • Attend the Crown Study lab a minimum of 4 hours per week
  • Participate in a mentorship relationship (with an approved or assigned mentor) for all four semesters of the Diamond Program
  • General Requirements:
    • Class attendance
      • Miss no more than 3 classes (without an approved excuse) for entire semester
      • Be willing to provide an attendance card when asked
    • Communication
      • Agree to answer an email from a person in leadership at Crown (advisor, mentor, professor, administrator, etc.) within 24 hours after receipt of the email
    • Commitment
      • Recognize that all students struggle to some degree with the transition to college and commit to sticking with the program especially when life gets difficult

Progression to semesters 2, 3 and 4 will be allowed only by meeting the academic standards to remain in good academic standing. After the first semester, students will be re-evaluated by the Academic Action Review Committee to determine whether or not acceptance for the second semester will be recommended. Diamond program status may be removed for second semester based on exceptional success in the first semester upon the Committee’s recommendation to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs. The same procedure will be followed at the end of the second, third, and fourth semesters. 

Students who are denied acceptance for the next semester will be informed by letter from the Registrar’s Office. Any Student who is denied acceptance may appeal by submitting a letter of appeal to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs by the date communicated in the denial letter. After considering extenuating circumstances, the committee may recommend retention of a student who violates any of the Diamond Program Acceptance requirements. Students who are accepted for the third year of school and are not on academic probation will be placed under the normal curricular requirements and will have access to all campus privileges including choice of major, higher credit loads, and opportunity to participate in multiple co-curricular activities.  

Transitional Acceptance - Freshmen

New students applying for admission to the College who do not meet the standard admission requirements (GPA of 2.0 or higher and scoring a composite of 18 or higher on the ACT, 960 or higher on the SAT, or 60 or higher on the CLT) may be asked to sign and adhere to an Academic Learning Agreement (ALA) and therefore be granted a Transitional Acceptance. Students are in good academic standing; however, they must adhere to the following requirements which are designed to facilitate success:

  1. Participate in no more than one co-curricular activity per semester (see co-curricular activities below for an explanation of what these include).
  2. Enroll in no more than 15 credits per semester.
  3. Attend a Study Skills Session every week, beginning during Orientation (focusing on success strategies and tool development).
  4. Attend the Crown Study Lab a minimum of 2 hours per week.
  5. Achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 1.70 in the first term at Crown to be allowed to continue to a second semester.

In addition, students must have a conversation with the Director of Academic Programs to further reinforce an understanding of these requirements and begin to set themselves up for success.

After the first semester, students will be re-evaluated by the Academic Action Review Committee to determine whether or not acceptance for the second semester will be recommended. Transitional status may be removed for second semester based on exceptional success in the first semester upon the Committee’s recommendation to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs. The same procedure will be followed at the end of the second semester in order to determine acceptance and status for the next school year.

Students accepted for the second semester will need to continue fulfilling the Transitional Acceptance requirements which will include another evaluation at the end of the second semester by the Committee. Students who are denied acceptance for the next semester will be informed by letter. The Registrar will send letters via US Mail no later than one week after the College’s final exam week.

Any Student who is denied acceptance may appeal by submitting a letter of appeal to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs by the date communicated in the denial letter. After considering extenuating circumstances, the committee may recommend retention of a student who violates any of the Transitional Acceptance requirements. Students who are accepted for the second year of school and are not on academic probation will be placed under the normal curricular requirements and will have access to all campus privileges including co-curricular activities and higher credit loads.

Transitional Acceptance - Transfer Students

Transfer students applying for admission to the College who do not meet the standard admission requirements (cumulative transfer GPA of 2.0 or higher) may be asked to sign and adhere to an Academic Learning Agreement (ALA) and therefore be granted a Transitional Acceptance. Students are in good academic standing; however, they must adhere to the following requirements which are designed to facilitate success:

  1. Participate in no more than one co-curricular activity per semester (see Co-curricular Activities for an explanation of what these include).
  2. Enroll in no more than 15 credits per semester.
  3. Attend a Study Skills Session every week beginning during Orientation (focusing on success strategies and tool development).
  4. Attend the Crown Study Lab a minimum of 2 hours per week.
  5. Meet the academic standards to remain in good academic standing

In addition, students must have a conversation with the Director of Academic Programs to further reinforce an understanding of these requirements and begin to set themselves up for success.

At the conclusion of each of the first two semesters, academic standing and adherence to acceptance requirements will be reviewed by the Academic Action Review Committee to determine eligibility to return to Crown for the following semester.  The Registrar’s Office will notify you of the result of this review (by Crown email and U.S. Mail) as soon as possible after the close of the semester. 

Students accepted for the second semester will need to continue fulfilling the Transitional Acceptance requirements which will include another evaluation at the end of the second semester by the Committee. Transitional status may be removed for the second semester based on exceptional success in the first semester upon the Committee’s recommendation to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs. 

Any Student who is denied acceptance may appeal by submitting a letter of appeal to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs by the date communicated in the denial letter. After considering extenuating circumstances, the committee may recommend retention of a student who violates any of the Transitional Acceptance requirements. Students who are accepted for the second year of school and are not on academic probation will be placed under the normal curricular requirements and will have access to all campus privileges including co-curricular activities and higher credit loads.

Provisional Acceptance

Students accepted prior to the completion of the application file (specifically missing an official high school/ college transcript) may be granted a Provisional Acceptance. Federal or State financial aid is not available until missing items are submitted, and registration for second semester is contingent upon the receipt of the missing items by six weeks into their first semester.

Probationary Acceptance

Readmission applicants who have not made good academic progress in previous college experiences (see General Information, Standards of Progress) may also be required to sign and abide by an Academic Learning Agreement (ALA) and may be granted Probationary Acceptance. Students suspended from Crown College because of unsatisfactory progress may apply for readmission after one semester with an approved written appeal. See readmitted students section for details on the appeal process.  Students should contact the financial aid office about their eligibility to receive aid.  Consideration of each applicant will be based on the merits of the individual case and will take into account whether the applicant is or is not prepared to do an improved quality of work.

What Happens After Acceptance?

Financial Aid Awarded

The Office of Financial Aid is able to make awards to accepted applicants whose financial aid file is complete.

Enrollment Deposit

Applicants confirm their intent to attend Crown College by submitting their $150 enrollment deposit no later than April 30 preceding their fall enrollment. Late deposits received after April 30 for the fall semester will be in the amount of $250. The admission deposit is applied toward expenses of the first semester, securing housing and services. Deposits may be transferred from fall to spring semester, but not from one academic year to another. If the student decides to delay attendance to the following academic year, the deposit may remain as a credit to his/her account for up to one year; however, a new deposit will be required to secure housing and services for the next academic year. Either transaction may be accomplished by providing a written request to the Office of Admission on or before the final day of fall semester registration. Once the original refund deadline is past, the deposit becomes non-refundable regardless of when notification is received.

Enrollment Deposit Refund

The deposit is refundable when a written request to withdraw a student’s application for admission has been received by May 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester.

Health History and Records

A medical health history form must be completed by the applicant and returned to the Office of Admission. This medical form is to be completed by all new students and by those who are returning to Crown College following an absence of more than two calendar years. Up-to-date immunizations and records are required by Minnesota State Law and must be documented before a student may register for classes. A doctor’s physical examination within six months prior to enrollment/participation is required if the student participates in intercollegiate athletics, is seeking exemption from physical education courses, or has chronic or serious conditions that present any potential need for health care. The health form can be found at our.crown.edu.

New Student Registration Days

Several days during the spring and summer are set aside for students who have submitted a deposit to visit campus in order to aid in the transition to College life. Opportunities are available to meet with an academic advisor, register for classes and take care of other details. Limited online registration is available in the summer to students who are unable to attend a New Student Registration Day in person. The average academic load per student is 14-17 semester credit hours. Students admitted transitionally are limited to 15 credits. Nineteen credit hours is the maximum load that may be carried without permission from the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs/College Registrar. Refer to the College Calendar for registration dates. All students must attend the orientation in August prior to classes beginning.


New student orientation, also known as the Week of Welcome (WOW) is coordinated by the Office of Student Development and occurs at the beginning of each semester. Activities are specifically and intentionally designed to assist the entering student in preparing for academic, spiritual, and social life at Crown College. Activities include seminars, advising, meetings with faculty members and student leaders, and recreation.


Special care is taken in advising students throughout their college preparation at Crown College. Faculty members are assigned small groups of students with whom they seek to become especially acquainted. Although advisors are primarily instructors, they also offer information and encouragement relating to employment, occupational or career opportunities, and spiritual growth and development. Advisors take their responsibility and concern for students seriously, and students are urged to nurture the personal as well as professional acquaintance of their advisors.

Miscellaneous Admissions Policies

Acceptance Notification

Upon completion of all application requirements, an applicant’s file will be thoroughly reviewed by the Admission Counselor and then recommended to the Associate Director of SAS Enrollment for Acceptance or Denial within 5 business days.  The applicant is promptly notified of the decision by the Admission Counselor.

Exceptions to Acceptance Policies

The Admission Council is authorized to make exceptions to acceptance policies under extenuating circumstances.

Admission Appeals Process

Students desiring to appeal an admission decision may direct an appeal, in writing, to the Dean of SAS Enrollment. The appeal will be reviewed by the Admission Council and the Council’s decision shall be final. The appeal must be submitted prior to the first day of class for the student’s first semester. Any appeal submitted the first day of class or later must be directed to the dean of undergraduate studies. The dean will forward the appeal to the proper body, and their decision shall be final.

Co-Curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities include, but are not limited to: intercollegiate athletics, traveling ministry teams, chapel worship teams, choirs, student government (leadership positions), etc.

Student Records

All student records become the property of Crown College and are considered a part of the student’s official file and permanent record.

High School Preparatory Courses

The College does not require a set pattern of high school subjects. A college preparatory program including four years of English, three years of social studies and math, and two years of a single foreign language is strongly recommended.

School of Online Studies Admission Criteria

The School of Online Studies welcomes all applicants regardless of race, color, age, handicap, and national or ethnic origin.

A candidate for the undergraduate program must be at least 16 years of age and must have a recognized accredited high school diploma or GED and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (2.5 for nursing) on a 4.0 scale in previous college work.

Applicant Classifications

  1. New applicants have not previously earned college credits at Crown College. This includes students who have earned college credit while in high school through post-secondary education programs, AP, CLEP, etc.
  2. Special (non-degree) applicants enroll without the intention of completing a degree at Crown. They may take classes for credit or audit. A non-degree seeking applicant must complete an application and have one official transcript mailed to the College. If the student decides to enter a degree-seeking program, s/he must re-apply for that program and meet the qualifications for that program.
  3. Transfer applicants have earned college credit at another institution and have never attended Crown College. An applicant who has been suspended by another college or university because of low academic achievement will need to petition to the Admissions Council.
  4. Readmission applicants have previously attended Crown College but have ceased enrollment for one semester or longer. They must apply for re-admission and be accepted before registering for class. Students applying for re-admission must not have an outstanding balance on their school account and must be in good academic standing.
  5. International applicants are not citizens of the United States of America and need a student visa to reside in the United States.

Admission Procedures

  1. Complete and submit the application form.
  2. Submit required transcripts:  Applicants seeking an associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or undergraduate certificate must submit an official accredited high school transcript or GED verification with specific scores. Transfer students who have earned 24 or more accredited college level credits are not required to submit a high school transcript for admission. However, if college credits were earned as a high school student (e.g. PSEO), then a high school transcript is also required. In addition, official transcripts from each college or university previously attended must be sent directly to the School of Online Studies Enrollment Office. Check with the registrar at each institution for the appropriate transcript fee to enclose with each transcript request. Military service members should submit a DD214 and/or a JST if available.
  3. Applicants pursuing a Biblical Studies Major (B.S.) , Christian Ministry Major (A.S.) Christian Ministry Major (B.S.)  or Global and Cultural Studies Major (B.S.)  must provide a pastoral reference (including name and phone number), complete the spiritual life essay and sign the College Statement of Faith. This requirement will be waived for students applying for re-admission into one of these degrees within three years of original application if the documents are already on file.

Home-Educated Credit

An official transcript for grades 9-12 is required. The transcript must include the course name, brief description, evaluation (letter grades preferred), the signature of the primary educator, and date of high school graduation.

International Student Admission

The School of Online Studies welcomes international students who desire to further develop their leadership abilities. All students, regardless of national origin, must demonstrate English proficiency. A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) will be required of all international applicants from countries whose national language is not English. This test must be taken in the applicant’s home country. Applicants must have a minimum score of 500 on the paper-based exam or 61 on the internet-based exam for standard acceptance into the undergraduate program; applicants with a minimum score of 450 on the paper-based exam or 46 on the internet-based exam will be sent to the Admissions Council.

For information on testing locations, dates, and procedures, applicants should write to the following address or visit the TOEFL website:

Test of English as a Foreign Language
CN 6155, Princeton, NJ
08541-6155, U.S.A.
Crown College code: 6639

International student applicants are expected to meet the same admission standards as other applicants. To determine equivalency of credit, a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) member is used to evaluate foreign educational credit. International student applicants are required to submit their transcripts to one of these members.

Crown College cannot issue I-20 forms to online students.

Types of Acceptance

Standard Acceptance

New students applying for admission to the College who meet all of the admission requirements may be accepted as Standard Acceptance. Students are considered in good academic standing.

Provisional Acceptance

Provisionally accepted students will have the details of their status clarified in writing by the Dean of the School of Online Studies. Undergraduate applicants who have not yet submitted all of the application documents may be allowed to register for six credits with the understanding that they cannot continue until the documents have been received by the Enrollment Office.

Students enrolled under provisional status will not be eligible to receive or use financial aid or participate in intercollegiate athletics until the outstanding admission documents are received and the provisional status is removed.

Probationary Acceptance

Students suspended from Crown College because of unsatisfactory progress may apply for re-admission after one semester and may be granted Probationary Acceptance. Students who left Crown College on academic probation may also apply for re-admission. Consideration of each applicant will be based on the merits of the individual case and will take into account whether the applicant is or is not prepared to do an improved quality of work. Probationary accepted students will return under the same academic status when they left Crown College. Students should contact the financial aid office about their eligibility to receive aid.

Transitional Acceptance

Acceptance can be granted based on unofficial college transcripts into the General Studies Major (A.A.)  or the General/Liberal Studies Major (B.S.) . (An official high school transcript or official transcripts indicating 24 or more college level credits is still required). In order for transfer credit to be applied towards any program of study official transcripts are required.

Special (Non-Degree) Status

Non-degree students may enroll for an unlimited number of undergraduate credits. No financial aid is available.

What Happens After Acceptance?

Advising Worksheet & Registration

An advising worksheet will be created based on the intended major and minor, if applicable. The Enrollment Counselor will notify student of recommended courses. With student permission, the student will be registered for these courses.

Financial Aid Awarded

The Office of Financial Aid is able to make awards to accepted applicants whose financial aid file is complete.


New student orientation occurs in the Learning Management System (LMS) before class begins. Orientation includes policies, LMS info, navigation, and more. This should be completed before beginning class.


Special care is taken in advising students throughout their college experience at Crown College. Advisors are assigned groups of students with whom they seek to become especially acquainted. They take their responsibility and concern for students seriously, and students are urged to nurture the personal as well as professional acquaintance of their advisors.

Miscellaneous Admission Policies


Application for re-admission is necessary after one year of inactivity. The student must submit a new application, pastoral reference for ministry degree programs (this requirement is waived for those who have one on file within the last three years), and transcripts for any post-secondary coursework not already on file. Students are re-admitted under the same academic standing as when they left. Previously suspended students should refer to Probationary Acceptance for details.

Admissions Council

The Admissions Council is comprised of a Program Chair, the Dean of the School of Online Studies, and a member of the Academic Support team.


Students wishing to enroll in a course without credit may register to audit the course. Students auditing a course are considered participants in the class, though completion of written assignments or examinations is not required. Enrollment is restricted in some courses. A grade or credit for the course is not granted. Audited classes may be repeated for credit. Any student who has not been admitted as a degree-seeking student must apply for admission under the non-degree status in order to audit. Degree-seeking students must confer with their program advisor prior to auditing a course.

Graduate School Admission Criteria

Admission to a master’s degree program requires the completion of a bachelor’s degree at an accredited (regionally or nationally) college or university with all corresponding transcripts on file with the Graduate School Office. Students with unaccredited degrees are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Admissions Council. Applicants must also meet the prerequisites for their chosen field of study and have a minimum GPA of 2.5 for previous post-secondary coursework (3.0 for MBA). The Admissions Council assesses a GPA below 2.5 (3.0 for MBA) on a case-by-case basis.

Applicant Classifications

  1. New applicants have not previously earned graduate college credits at Crown College.
  2. Special (non-degree) applicants must complete an application and have one official transcript mailed to the College. If the student decides to enter a degree-seeking program, s/he must re-apply for that program and meet the qualifications for that program.
  3. Readmission applicants have previously attended the Graduate School but have ceased enrollment for one semester or longer. They must apply for re-admission and be accepted before registering for class. Students applying for re-admission must not have an outstanding balance on their school account and must be in good academic standing.
  4. International applicants are not citizens of the United States of America and need a student visa to reside in the United States.

Admission Procedures

  1. Complete and submit the application form.
  2. Submit required transcripts:

Applicants seeking a master’s degree must submit the official transcript showing a completed baccalaureate degree and official transcripts from all graduate schools attended. Applicants must also submit an official transcript from any college that shows completion of required program prerequisites. These transcripts should be sent directly from the institution to the Graduate School Enrollment Office.

  1. Applicants pursuing a Christian Studies (M.A.) , Ministry Leadership (M.A.) , Pastoral Counseling (M.A.)   or Master of Divinity (M.Div.)  must provide a pastoral reference (including name and phone number), complete the spiritual life essay, and sign the College Statement of Faith. This requirement will be waived for students applying for re-admission into one of these degrees within three years of original application if documents are already on file.
  2. When all admission documents have been received, an acceptance decision will be made and the applicant will be notified of that decision.
  3. The Ministry Leadership (M.A.)  requires undergraduate prerequisite classes. These require a “C” or higher to fulfill the requirement. These undergraduate prerequisite credits can be fulfilled through previous college work, Crown’s free Old Testament and New Testament online courses, or Prior Learning Assessment. The Biblical Studies Emphasis  may also fulfill the pre-requisite requirement for Ministry Leadership (M.A.) .

International Student Admission

The School of Online Studies welcomes international students who desire to further develop their leadership abilities. All students, regardless of national origin, must demonstrate English proficiency. A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) will be required of all international applicants from countries whose national language is not English. This test must be taken in the applicant’s home country. Applicants must have a minimum score of 500 on the paper-based exam or 61 on the internet-based exam for standard acceptance into the undergraduate program; applicants with a minimum score of 450 on the paper-based exam or 46 on the internet-based exam will be sent to the Admissions Council.

For information on testing locations, dates, and procedures, applicants should write to the following address or visit the TOEFL website:

Test of English as a Foreign Language
CN 6155, Princeton, NJ
08541-6155, U.S.A.
Crown College code: 6639

International student applicants are expected to meet the same admission standards as other applicants. To determine equivalency of credit, a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) member is used to evaluate foreign educational credit. International student applicants are required to submit their transcripts to one of these members.

Crown College cannot issue I-20 forms to online students.

Types of Acceptance

Standard Acceptance

New students applying for admission to the College who meet all of the admission requirements may be accepted as Standard Acceptance. Students are considered in good academic standing.

Special (Non-Degree) Status

These students complete the non-degree application process and enroll without the intention of completing a degree at Crown. Students wishing only to audit courses also complete the non-degree application. Non-degree students may enroll for a maximum of nine graduate-level credits (and are not required to fulfill the program prerequisites). No financial aid is available.

Provisional Status

Provisionally accepted students will have the details of their status clarified in writing by the Dean of the Graduate School. Applicants who have not yet submitted all of the application documents may be allowed to register for three credits with the understanding that they cannot continue to a second class until the documents have been received by the Enrollment Office.

Students enrolled under provisional status will not be eligible to receive or use financial aid or participate in intercollegiate athletics until the outstanding admission documents are received and the provisional status is removed.

Probationary Acceptance

Students suspended from Crown College because of unsatisfactory progress may apply for re-admission after one semester and may be granted Probationary Acceptance. Students who left Crown College on academic probation may also apply for re-admission. Consideration of each applicant will be based on the merits of the individual case and will take into account whether the applicant is or is not prepared to do an improved quality of work. Probationary accepted students will return under the same academic status when they left Crown College. Students should contact the financial aid office about their eligibility to receive aid.

What Happens After Acceptance?

Advising Worksheet & Registration

An Advising Worksheet will be created based on the intended major and concentration/emphasis (if applicable) The Enrollment Counselor will notify the student of recommended courses and work with the student to register for classes.

Financial Aid Awarded

The Office of Financial Aid is able to make awards to accepted applicants whose financial aid file is complete.


New student orientation occurs in the Learning Management System (LMS) before class begins. Orientation includes policies, LMS information, navigation and more. This should be completed before beginning the first class.


Special care is taken in advising students throughout their college experience at Crown College. Advisors are assigned groups of students with whom they seek to become especially acquainted. They take their responsibility and concern for students seriously, and students are urged to work closely with their advisors.

Miscellaneous Admission Policies


Application for re-admission is necessary after one year of inactivity. The student must submit a new application, resume, pastoral reference for ministry degrees (unless completed within last three years), and transcripts for any post-secondary coursework not already on file. Students are re-admitted under the same academic standing as when they left. Previously suspended students should refer to Probationary Acceptance for details.

Admissions Council

The Admissions Council is comprised of a Program Chair, the Dean of the Graduate School, and a member of the Academic Support team.


Students wishing to enroll in a course without credit may register to audit the course. Students auditing a course are considered participants in the class, though completion of written assignments or examinations is not required. Enrollment is restricted in some courses. A grade or credit for the course is not granted. Audited classes may be repeated for credit. Any student who has not been admitted as a degree-seeking student must apply for admission under the non-degree status in order to audit. Degree-seeking students must confer with their program advisor prior to auditing a course. Admission forms are available online and registration forms are available from the Enrollment Office.

Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO)

Crown College offers the Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) to all qualifying students who reside in Minnesota including students enrolled in public and private schools as well as home-educated high school students. PSEO is designed to encourage academically qualified high school juniors and seniors to consider completing high school requirements at the college level. By enrolling in classes at Crown College, students can complete both high school and college credits at the same time.

PSEO Admission Criteria

  1. Have signed permission from the guidance counselor of the school at which the student is enrolled and the documented assurance that the classes taken at Crown will fulfill all requirements for high school graduation.
  2. Meet the academic requirement of Crown’s PSEO program: a 3.25 minimum cumulative high school GPA for on campus students and 3.0 minimum high school GPA for online students. If no GPA is available, the student must have taken either the ACT and received a composite score of 22 or above, or the SAT and received a combined score of at least 1020.

PSEO Admission Procedures

  1. Complete and submit the Crown College Application for Admission.
  2. Request an official transcript be sent to Crown College from your high school.
  3. Have your high school counselor and parent complete and sign the Crown College Waiver form and the State of Minnesota PSEO Notice of Student Registration.
  4. Residential students (students living on campus) must complete the Spiritual Life Essay and Community Covenant.

What Happens After Acceptance?


On campus students are invited to attend a registration day in June and online students will be invited to attend a registration day in July.  Online registration will be open before the start of the term.  Accepted students will receive registration instructions via Crown email regarding how to register through Our.Crown.  The courses you register for must be agreed upon by your high school counselor and your parents.


On campus students are invited to attend the new student welcome week at the end of August.  Online students are advised to complete a self-paced online orientation in the Learning Management System (LMS).  This will cover how to succeed online, LMS orientation, APA documentation, and more.

Book Voucher

Information about obtaining textbooks will be emailed to you in August and December, prior to the start of the semester. This will enable you to obtain the books you need for PSEO approved classes.  Any textbooks required will be listed in the Crown Bookstore http://bookstore.crown.edu/.


Once enrolled, each Crown student receives a dedicated, personal academic advisor to help with all aspects of student services.  Your advisor will communicate and assist you through the registration process each semester.  Your advisor’s name and email can be found in Our.Crown.

PSEO Miscellaneous Policies

PSEO Program Cost

Tuition, class fees, and books for Minnesota residents enrolled in non-sectarian PSEO courses at Crown College are covered by the State of Minnesota.

PSEO students may enroll in sectarian courses (i.e. Bible, theology, or ministry related classes), but the charges for tuition, fees and books will be the responsibility of the student.

Students will be charged the regular fees for room and board (see Tuition & Fees  section) if residing on campus.

PSEO Resident Requirements 

To be eligible to live in Crown residence halls, participants must be at least 17 years old, enroll full time at Crown, and be in their senior year of high school. Students must complete the same processes and forms that are required of all students accepted to Crown (e.g. resident housing application, health history, insurance information) and are required to participate in all scheduled orientation events.

All residential students are required to abide by the Community Covenant as outlined in the School of Arts & Sciences Catalog and the Student Handbook. Residential students are also required to fulfill the chapel attendance requirements as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Admission Policies

  1. On campus PSEO students will be accepted for the fall. An acceptance decision on all applications will be made on a rolling basis for the following fall. Online PSEO students will be accepted for both fall and spring. 
  2. Upon graduation from high school, PSEO students may apply for admission into the Arts & Sciences program or the School of Online Studies program.
  3. When making acceptance decisions, consideration will be given to three categories where PSEO students are expected to show exceptional ability:
    • Academics
    • Areas of involvement within school and community
    • Leadership experiences within school and community
  4. Students desiring to attend PSEO must start classes according to the School of Arts and Sciences academic calendar, not their high school or homeschool academic calendar. Note: Semester start and end dates, as well as holidays, may not coincide with the high school or homeschool schedule.

Dual Enrollment

Through the Dual Enrollment option, high school juniors and seniors can take courses through Crown College School of Online Studies to earn college credit with the possibility to also complete their high school requirements. 

Dual Enrollment Admission Criteria 

  1. If this is counting for high school credit, have signed permission of the guidance counselor of the school at which the student is enrolled and the documented assurance that the classes taken at Crown will fulfill all requirements for high school graduation.
  2. Meet the academic requirement of Crown’s PSEO/Dual Enrollment program–a 3.0 minimum cumulative high school GPA. If no GPA is available, the student must have taken either the ACT and received a composite score of 22 or above, or the SAT and received a combined score of at least 1020 (Critical Reading and Math).

Dual Enrollment Admission Procedures

  1. Complete and submit the Crown College PSEO/Dual Enrollment Application for Admission.
  2. Request an official transcript be sent to Crown College from your high school.
  3. Have your high school counselor and parent complete and sign the Crown College Waiver form (only required if using college credits to fulfill high school requirements).

What Happens After Acceptance?


Online registration will be open before the start of the term.  Accepted students will receive registration instructions via Crown email regarding how to register through Our.Crown.  The courses you register for must be agreed upon by your high school counselor and your parents.


Students are advised to complete a self-paced online orientation in the Learning Management System (LMS).  This will cover how to succeed online, LMS orientation, APA documentation, and more.


Information about obtaining textbooks will be emailed to you in August and December, prior to the start of the semester. This will enable you to obtain the books you need for.  Any textbooks required will be listed in the Crown Bookstore http://bookstore.crown.edu/.


Once enrolled, each Crown student receives a dedicated, personal academic advisor to help with all aspects of student services.  Your advisor will communicate and assist you through the registration process each semester.  Your advisor’s name and email can be found in Our.Crown.

Dual Enrollment Miscellaneous Policies

Tuition, fees, and books for non-Minnesota residents enrolled at Crown College are the responsibility of the student.  Current tuition is $150/credit.

Online Dual Enrollment students can start in the fall or spring.

Upon graduation from high school, students may apply for admission into the Arts & Sciences program or the School of Online Studies program.