Feb 18, 2025
Crown College 2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Education Studies (B.S.) Non-Licensed
The Bachelors of Science in Education Studies degree is a non-licensure degree program. Students interested in an Education Studies degree must have prior approval from the Teacher Education Department before declaring an Education Studies degree. This major is designed for students who have an interest in professional positions in education but do not desire to be a licensed classroom teacher. This degree program prepares students for educational careers such as paraprofessional, private preschool teacher, general school staff, educational publishing, and educational marketing. Students work with an advisor to customize the graduation program to attain future goals.
Christian Studies Core
I. Christian Studies - 24 Credits
General Education Core
II. General Education - 30 Credits
- Communication Elective 3 Credits (Choose from: COM 133 , COM 140 or COM 252 )
- ENG 131 - English Composition 3 Credits
- History Elective 3 Credits
- Math or Science Elective 3-4 Credits
- Communication, Humanities, Math, Science or Social Science Electives 17-18 Credits1,2*
III. Education Core - 23 Credits
IV. Electives - 48 Credits
- Education Electives 3 Credits
- Education Electives (300-400 level) 15 Credits
- Electives 21 Credits
- Electives (300-400 level) 9 Credits
A minimum of 36 credits must be at the upper (300-400) level for a bachelor degree. * Some courses from the Christian Studies Core and Major Core can be used to fulfill requirements in the General Education Core. By doing that the number of electives needed would increase so that the minimum of 125 credits is reached. Total - 125 Credits
1 Select humanities electives from COM, ENG, FAR, HIS, HUM, LAN, MUS, PHI, or PRC. 2 Select social science electives from ANT, CSJ, ECO, GEO, HIS, POL, PSY, or SOC. Departmental Acceptance
Students apply for departmental acceptance during their sophomore year spring semester or their junior year fall semester. A minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA is required for departmental admission in the Education Studies major. |