Crown College 2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Chair: Dr. Teresa Newby DNP, RN
The mission of the Crown College Nursing Department is to provide a strong, biblically-based nursing education for the purpose of preparing Christian men and women for service to the community, health care system, the church-at-large, and to the world. The Nursing Department has secured state approval from the Minnesota Board of Nursing and national accreditation by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
The baccalaureate nursing curriculum includes a strong Christian Studies core as well as a background in science and the humanities. The first two years of the program focus upon providing the student with a strong foundation of Bible-based courses and sciences before the student enters the nursing program in the fall of the junior year. In keeping with the emphasis on missionary nursing, students will be required to participate in a cross-cultural nursing experience.
Entrance Requirements for the Department
BSN Prelicensure
The following are minimum threshold requirements to be considered for acceptance into the Crown College Nursing Department. Space may be limited, however; and not all qualified applicants are guaranteed departmental acceptance.
- Achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 pending spring grades. GPA will be calculated based on all current/previous college-level coursework.
- Complete all prerequisite courses with a grade of C+ or higher, pending spring grades, and with no prerequisite course being taken more than twice.
- Complete standardized admission testing (Kaplan Admission test), administered through the Nursing Department, at or above the threshold determined by the Nursing Department.
- Be recommended for acceptance to the Nursing Department by one person outside the Nursing Department.
- Proof of current certification in Basic Life Support (BLS) for the Health Care Provider through Red Cross or American Heart Association.
- Provide satisfactory annual background check to be completed by Nursing Department. This data is shared with clinical agencies prior to the student beginning each clinical event.
- Demonstrate a level of personal health consistent with safe nursing practice as determined in a physical examination.
- Provide one of the following negative TB test results within the past 12 months:
- Two-step Mantoux if no prior Mantoux within past 12 months
- Single-step Mantoux along with proof of prior Mantoux within past 12 months
- Clear chest x-ray within past 5 years for those who have had a positive reading or have received the BCG vaccine
- Provide documentation for rubella, rubeola, Hepatitis B series, mumps, varicella, Tetanus and Pertussis (TdaP). May opt to provide proof of immunity via titer (blood draw).
- Comply with all policies and procedures of the most current editions of the Nursing Department Student Handbook and Crown College Catalog (including Christian Service).
Application materials and procedures are available through the Nursing Department early in the fall semester of the sophomore year. Applications are due later in the fall semester of the sophomore year. Contact the Nursing Department for exact dates.
Courses in the nursing program require students to spend substantial time in off-campus clinical settings, such as hospitals, clinics, and public health agencies. Students must furnish their own transportation to and from these clinical sites.
Students should be aware that Minnesota state law requires that health care facilities complete background checks on all employees (and students). The Nursing Department will complete background checks on an annual basis to maintain compliance with our clinical agencies. If an employee (or student) has been convicted of certain crimes, he/she may not be allowed to work in such facilities. All prospective students need to be aware of this law because a student convicted of these crimes may be unable to complete the clinical requirements of the Nursing Program and, consequently, may not be able to graduate from the program. Any questions should be addressed to: Minnesota Department of Human Services, Division of Licensing, Background Study Unit, 444 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-3842.
Students are encouraged to maintain current health insurance. Information about health insurance is available through the Office of Human Resources.
Prerequisite Courses
- 4 credit Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II
- 4 credit Microbiology
- 4 credit General Chemistry I
- 4 credit General Biology
- 3 credit Nutrition
- 4 credit Statistics
- 3 credit Pathophysiology
- 3 credit Developmental Psychology
- 3 credit Abnormal Psychology
- 3 credit Sociology
- Communications course
- English Composition course
Department Goals
Demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes characterized by a commitment to the profession of nursing and consistent with Christian compassion and caring.
Demonstrate effective communication and collaboration with individuals, families, populations, communities, and the interdisciplinary team across the health care continuum.
Integrate current theory and evidenced-based knowledge to guide and teach individuals, families, populations and communities regarding health promotion and illness prevention with the goal of decreasing healthcare disparities around the world.
Illustrate accountability for self and professional nursing practice to include continuous engagement in life-long learning.
Display accountability for legal, moral and ethical considerations consistent with biblical principles.
Apply leadership concepts, principles of advocacy and decision-making in the provision of quality patient care, health team coordination and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings.
Utilize a Christian worldview to influence the health care system through organizational & regulatory processes.
Degree ProgramsMajor
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