Feb 14, 2025
Crown College 2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
COM 349X - Publishing and Copyright 3 Credits SPRING
This class introduces students to the publishing industry as well as classic and non-traditional publication processes. This class also exposes students to the complexity of copyright law, when it is applicable, the advantages of and alternatives to copyrighting works, and the risks of not understanding intellectual property basics. During this class, students will publish the college poetry journal, and/or other short work in print or e-version, for hands-on experience of the entire process. This class is ideal for English majors, business majors, communication majors, and all students who are interested in any aspect of publishing poetry, children’s books, novels, inspirational literature, music, business manuals, catalogs, or countless other creative works across many industries. (Also ENG 349X )
Offered alternate years (even)