Dec 11, 2024  
School of Arts & Sciences 2015-2016 Catalog 
School of Arts & Sciences 2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ICS 435X - Cultural Awareness

3 Credits

A directed study, done in the host country, focusing on the learning of family structure and relations, gender roles, neighbor and neighborhood relations, the structure and use of political power, the functioning of the economy, national literature and art forms, and the divulging of news. The student will also study the cultural pastimes (sports, games, and diversions); the culture’s values concerning sex, material items, crime and punishment of criminals, and health and health care; as well as evaluating the country’s educational facilities and procedures. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading. (Also ANT 435X )

Prerequisite: Completion of 90 credit hours of the Intercultural Studies major, including a minimum of 18 credit hours from the courses listed in the “Intercultural Studies” section of the Intercultural Studies major, and ICS 434  Cross-Cultural Practicum Orientation