Sep 27, 2024  
Crown College 2017-2018 Catalog 
Crown College 2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • MIN 5890 - Independent Study

    1-3 Credits
    This course is an intensive, supervised investigation of a ministry topic by an individual student. Enrollment and topic selection are by permission of the instructor and department chair.

  • MIN 6210 - Spiritual Formation for Ministry

    3 Credits
    A study of biblical principles and methods of spiritual growth, formation, discipleship, and equipping believers for ministry and leadership in the church. The goal of this course is to equip the student to minister and lead effectively and to prepare the student to be disciple-makers, equipping others for ministry and leadership.

  • MIN 6212 - Technology in Ministry

    3 Credits
    This course considers the biblical and theoretical foundations for the use of technology in ministry settings and explores contemporary technological issues and trends in relationship to the ministry context.

  • MIN 6214 - Advanced Homiletics

    3 Credits
    This course examines contemporary issues in preaching so that students can used advanced strategies to communicate Gospel-centered messages in contexts that are increasingly pluralistic and postmodern.  

  • MIN 6698 - Special Topics in Ministry Leadership

    1-3 Credits
    A graduate course that addresses an area of ministry leadership specialization on an elective basis.

  • MIN 6909 - Calling and Vocational Assessment I

    1 Credits
    Students complete an initial assessment of their calling and vocational interests and then meet with a mentor to discuss their future plans as they relate to emphasis track selection, the supervised practicum, and vocational aspirations. (Satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading only.)

  • MIN 6911 - Calling and Vocational Assessment II

    1 Credits
    Students respond to their experience in this degree program, personal assessments, and mentor input to develop a personal statement of calling and vocational identity.
      (Satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading only.)

    Prerequisite: MIN 6909  

  • MIN 6920 - Supervised Capstone Project I

    3 Credits
    Students engage in a supervised ministry experience or they may be approved to work with a mentor to complete a practical ministry project. A primary goal of the course is to develop a plan for equipping ministry leaders for a specific context. (Satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading only.)

  • MIN 6922 - Supervised Capstone Project II

    3 Credits
    Students engage in a supervised ministry experience or they may be approved to work with a mentor to complete a practical ministry project. A primary goal of the course is to develop a plan for life-long learning. (Satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading only.)


  • MRK 312 - Promotion—Reaching the Market

    3 Credits

    Topics cover all key elements of the promotional quadrant of marketing, from advertising strategy, media selection, agency selection and role, measurement and assessment.

  • MRK 314 - Marketing and Business Communication

    3 Credits

    Skill sets and approaches to both marketing and business communication functions are introduced. Business communication applications, promotional strategies, role and limitations of advertising, public relations and publicity, consumer listening posts and feedback, are included topics.

  • MRK 353 - Digital and Internet Marketing

    3 Credits

    This course is an introduction to digital marketing.  The course will expose students to many of the current tools and platforms of the digital marketing arena including search engine optimization, SMS text, e-mail marketing, blogs, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.  In class discussions, case studies, lecture and a hands-on digital marketing project will be used to engage students in course content.

    Offered alternate years (odd)

    Prerequisite: BUS 350  

  • MRK 411 - Marketing in a Global Arena

    3 Credits

    This course is an overview of international marketing and considers the powerful economic, technological, industrial, political, and demographic forces that are converging to build the foundation of a global marketplace in a dynamic and changing world. Projects involving international marketing are conducted.

  • MRK 413 - Trends in Consumer Behavior

    3 Credits

    This course examines the changing process of selling and buying impacted by technology and competition. It offers an examination of markets and the factors influencing market development. A thorough study of individual consumer’s behavior and understanding the consumer in relation to the buying/selling process is a key component.

  • MRK 3520 - Principles of Marketing Research

    3 Credits
    This course focuses on the role of research in marketing decision making. Topics include defining research objectives, syndicated and secondary data sources of marketing information, exploratory research methods, survey research design, observational research techniques, experimental design, sampling procedures, data collection and analysis, and communicating research findings.

  • MRK 3522 - Consumer Behavior

    3 Credits
    This course describes and explains consumer behavior in retail markets. Topics include demographic, socioeconomic, psychographic, attitudinal, and group influences on consumer decision making. It will include applications to promotion, product design, distribution, pricing, and segmentation strategies.

  • MRK 3524 - Marketing Communications

    3 Credits
    This course examines the factors impacting consumers receptivity to marketing messages and purchase behavior. Developing competitive marketing strategies, persuasive messages, and appropriate media vehicles for delivering them are covered.

  • MRK 3526 - Introduction to e-Marketing

    3 Credits
    This course focuses on the application of marketing principles and techniques in an Internet world. Students will examine practical Web-based marketing communication strategies, including banner ads, search engine keyword campaigns, and online public relations.The course will also examine the use of social media such as networking, wikis, blogging, podcasting, etc. to create relationships, market products and services, create brand awareness, and drive customer loyalty.

  • MRK 4526 - Retail Marketing Management

    3 Credits
    This course critically analyzes the marketing processes and strategic decisions made by major retail firms directly or indirectly associated with the retailing industry. The course examines business challenges related to driving shareholder value through merchandising practices, inventory management, advertising and promotional techniques, and multichannel opportunities.

  • MRK 4528 - Marketing Data and Analysis

    3 Credits
    This course develops skills needed to manage, evaluate, analyze, and display marketing data. Topics include data coding, data analysis using statistical software, attitude measurement and scaling, graphic display of data, data-driven market segmentation, and competitor analysis.


  • MUS 090 - Music Hour/ Master Class

    0 Credits

    The purpose of Music Hour is to provide a performing and listening experience and to facilitate musical understanding and growth in a variety of styles. It is the application of knowledge and ability learned through classes and lessons into a public performance setting. Required of all music majors and minors. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only.

  • MUS 152 - Class Voice

    0-1 Credits

    This course will help students learn about and begin to develop habits and skills that are appropriate for healthy vocal production. The course is designed to fit the needs of students with little or no vocal training but with a desire to develop their musicianship and vocal skills.

  • MUS 155 - Guitar Class

    1 Credits

    Applied guitar in a class situation.

  • MUS 156 - Music Theory I

    4 Credits

    An introductory course involving fundamentals of music such as notation, scales, tonality, keys, modes, intervals, transposition, chords, cadences and non-harmonic tones. Also included is fundamental training in sight singing and dictation skills. Lab requirement. Students may be exempted from this course based on AP test scores or departmental placement exam.

  • MUS 157 - Music Theory II

    4 Credits

    A continuation of Theory I, placing emphasis on structural elements of music such as melodic organization, texture and textural reduction, voice leading in four-part chorale writing, harmonic progression and harmonic rhythm, the dominant seventh chord, and the leading-tone seventh chords. Students will analyze and compose original music. Further training in sight singing and dictation skills will occur in the lab classes. Lab requirement.

    Prerequisite: MUS 156 

  • MUS 217 - Song Writing

    3 Credits

    A course to develop the skills of melody and lyric writing with emphasis on expressions of the Christian experience. Students will study classic and current songs in terms of language, structure, and marriage of text and tune. Resources will include guest songwriters from the area. Collaboration is encouraged among class members and selected songs will be performed in a public setting at the end of the course. Students will learn how to copyright their songs and to produce professional-looking lead sheets with words, lyrics and chord symbols using Finale®.

  • MUS 221 - Conducting

    2 Credits

    This course focuses on conducting patterns, development of manual technique, and interpretation. Topics include conducting planes, pivot points, hand speed, style, preps, cues, cuts, fermatas, and other gestural basics. Emphasis is placed on the development of a conducting philosophy and leadership style with discussion around leadership traits, motivation, teamwork, and developing excellence in ensembles.

    Prerequisite: MUS 157  

  • MUS 231 - Worship Ministry in the Church

    3 Credits

    This course provides an overview of worship ministry in the corporate setting and in the life of the leader. Students will explore their own paradigms of worship ministry as well as gain an appreciation of other worship paradigms. Historical traditions and current trends of worship ministry will be studied, including music styles and the broader role of the arts in the local church. The interaction between worship and today’s culture will also be addressed.

    Offered alternate years (odd)

  • MUS 232 - Technology in Worship

    3 Credits

    The majority of this course will focus on basic and advanced sound reinforcement from both a theoretical and practical perspective. A general introduction of video will cover both live video used in services and video editing/production. Use of lighting in services will also be addressed.

    Offered alternate years (even)

  • MUS 233 - Worship Arts Practicum

    1 Credits

    This practicum provides students direct experience in local Worship Arts ministries. Students will observe, participate, plan and lead worship. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only.

  • MUS 235X - Music and the Arts

    3 Credits

    This course introduces the student to music and the arts in Western Civilization. Chronologically based, the course deals with stylistic features, philosophical thought, composers, and artists and their representative works. (Also FAR 235X )

  • MUS 250 - Music Theory III

    4 Credits

    A continuation of Theory II and structural elements of music, placing emphasis on non-dominant seventh cords, secondary dominants and leading-tone chords, and modulation. Binary and ternary forms will be studied as well. Students will analyze and compose original music. Further training in aural skills is included in the lab classes. Lab requirement.

    Prerequisite: MUS 157  

  • MUS 251 - Music Theory IV

    4 Credits

    A continuation of Music Theory III. This course examines chromatic chords, augmented sixth chords, chords of the ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth. Late 19th century harmonic development, impressionism and 20th century music will be studied. Advanced analysis and composition skills will be emphasized. Skills in sight singing and dictation will be further developed. Lab requirement.

    Prerequisite: MUS 250  

  • MUS 255 - Music Practicum

    0-3 Credits

    This course allows students to receive credit for participation in approved professional or semi-professional ensembles or activities. In some cases this credit may be applied (with approval) to the degree requirements. Examples of possibilities include, but are not limited to working with opera or musical theatre groups, performing with community or professional ensembles, working with church or para-church ministry organizations in the area of music, etc.

  • MUS 257 - Piano Lab

    1 Credits

    This is a two-semester applied group keyboard lesson course in which students learn notation, scales, chords, rhythms and technique. They will also practice sight-reading, harmonize simple melodies and perform short solo selections. Fall is 257A and Spring is 257B.

  • MUS 271 - Contemporary Theory and Arranging

    4 Credits

    An essential learning opportunity for anyone interested in writing and arranging music for the contemporary rhythm section. In this class, the student will analyze and write rhythms in various styles that have influenced western contemporary music. The student will establish musical expertise that will prepare them for any musical endeavor or opportunity. This advanced music theory course provides the student with a professional command of the mechanics of contemporary music.

  • MUS 272 - Non Western Music Theory

    4 Credits

    A continuation of Music Theory III, the study of non-Western music theories will emphasize both existing systems of art and folk music as well as systems without an articulated theory. The class will provide the basis for understanding select music systems that do not equate Western scales or theoretical structures. This course will assist the musician in dealing with issues of contextualization in non-Western ethnic cultures, leading to the use of indigenous music in worship, discipleship and evangelism.

    Prerequisite: MUS 250  

  • MUS 291 - Accompanying

    2 Credits

    Students learn through practical and guided experiences to support a soloist and/or ensemble. Assignments are based on ability and department needs.

  • MUS 308 - Worship Planning and Administration

    3 Credits

    Students study and implement strategies for successful planning in Worship Arts ministry. Emphasis will be given to both the business and relational aspects of administration and planning. Topics of study include budgeting, scheduling, vision development and long-term ministry growth plans, working with volunteers, and worship team dynamics.

    Offered alternate years (even)

  • MUS 313 - Diction I

    2 Credits

    This course introduces students to the international Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Its use is applied to the rules of pronunciation for English, Latin, and Italian languages. Students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of IPA through written transliterations of art song texts and their grasp of language pronunciation through various performance related assignments.

  • MUS 314 - Diction II

    2 Credits

    IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) is further refined and applied to German and French languages. Students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of IPA through written transliterations of art song texts and their grasp of language pronunciation through various performance related assignments.

    Prerequisite: MUS 313  

  • MUS 328 - Advanced Conducting

    3 Credits

    A study of techniques associated with conducting vocal ensembles. Refinement of gesture, score study/analysis, rehearsal techniques and literature will be the focus of the course.

    Prerequisite: MUS 221 , MUS 157  

  • MUS 331 - Music History: Antiquity Through Baroque

    3 Credits

    A study of the art music of Western civilization from the early Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque eras. Emphasis is placed on the styles, trends, representative works, and major composers. Score reading, listening, research, class discussion, class presentations and outside concert attendance enhance the learning experience.

  • MUS 332 - Music History: Classical Through 21st Century

    3 Credits

    A study of the art music of Western civilization from the Classical, Romantic, 20th Century and present day eras. Emphasis is placed on the styles, trends, representative works, and major composers. Score reading listening, research, class discussion, class presentations and outside concert attendance enhance the learning experience.

  • MUS 334 - Orchestration and Arranging

    2 Credits

    This course is designed to give the students a working knowledge of the capabilities of orchestral instruments in regard to range, registers, transpositions, technical capabilities, balance considerations, articulations, idiomatic and timbre considerations. The students will develop skills in scoring and arranging music for instrumental ensembles of various sizes and levels of expertise.

    Prerequisite: MUS 157  

  • MUS 337 - Piano Literature I

    1 Credits

    A survey of early keyboard music through Beethoven is conducted.

  • MUS 338 - Piano Literature II

    1 Credits

    This course is a survey of keyboard music from the Romantic period through the Modern period.

  • MUS 340 - Music in World Cultures

    3 Credits

    This course provides an introduction to traditions of music in global perspective, exploring music as both sound and culture. The focus of this course is not tradition music per se, but is rather “music of traditions.” The course will examine everything from folk and art music genres to a variety of contemporary genres including jazz and rock. Music as an expression of cultural worship and its use in missions and ministry will also be discussed. This course is open to both musicians and non-musicians. Students will participate in the planning and presentation of a chapel/worship service in multi-cultural styles.

  • MUS 342X - Biblical Perspectives of Worship

    3 Credits

    This course is a study of biblical, theological, historical, and philosophical aspects of Christian corporate worship. A wide spectrum of Christian traditions will be studied as well as the relationship of personal to corporate worship. The individual elements of the worship service, including music, will be studied in light of the above aspects. (Also BIB 342X )

    Offered alternate years (odd)

    Prerequisite: BIB 135X /HIS 135X  or BIB 136X /HIS 136X  

  • MUS 378 - Supervised Teaching

    1 Credits

    In this hands-on practical experience, students will spend a semester teaching through the Academic of Music. They will video tape lessons and will meet regularly with a supervising instructor to assess their teaching techniques and discuss alternative techniques and innovations in the field.

  • MUS 380 - Vocal Pedagogy

    3 Credits

    This course will help students explore and develop the techniques involved in teaching voice. The course is designed to fit the needs of students who desire to pursue teaching private voice as a vocation or avocation.

  • MUS 381 - Instrumental Pedagogy

    3 Credits

    This course will help students explore and develop the techniques involved in teaching their primary instrument. The course is designed to fit the needs of students who desire to pursue teaching instrumental music as a vocation or avocation.

  • MUS 400 - Independent Study

    1-2 Credits

    Students study an additional area of interest and are supervised by a music faculty member. Music majors only.

  • MUS 420 - Worship Arts Internship

    12 Credits

    A program structured to provide experience in a local Worship Arts position. The student will be given the opportunity to correlate theory with practice under the guidance of a professional Worship Arts Director. Consultation and supervision will be given by both faculty and field personnel.

  • MUS 432 - Methods and Materials for Teaching Piano

    3 Credits

    Principles of teaching piano are taught with a focus on the differences between group and individual piano instruction. This course also provides a survey of keyboard literature in historical sequence. The building of repertoire and recital program material is also included.

  • MUS 441 - Elementary Music Methods

    2 Credits

    This course emphasizes the teaching of music reading, critical listening, creating music, singing on pitch, and performing music at the elementary grade level. Historical and current philosophies on music education are also covered. Field experience in an approved site is required.

    Prerequisite: Admission to Music and Teacher Education Departments

  • MUS 441P - Elementary Music Methods Practicum

    0 Credits

    Students have the opportunity to apply theory to practice in an authentic elementary music classroom setting under the guidance of an experienced teacher. Developing effective planning, teaching and guidance skills, professional behavior, and enthusiasm for teaching are also intended outcomes. Meeting standards for licensure is accomplished through various assignments. Practicum experience in an elementary music classroom is required. The course instructor supervises the practicum experience.

    Prerequisite: Admission to Music and Teacher Education Departments

  • MUS 442 - Secondary Music Methods

    1 Credits

    Methods and materials for general music, basic theory, and music appreciation at the junior and senior high school levels, including teaching reading in the content area. Field experience in approved site is required.

    Prerequisite: Admission to Music and Teacher Education Departments

  • MUS 442P - Secondary Music Methods Practicum

    0 Credits

    Students have the opportunity to apply theory to practice in an authentic high school music classroom setting under the guidance of an experienced teacher. Developing effective planning, teaching and guidance skills, professional behavior, and enthusiasm for teaching are also intended outcomes. Meeting standards for licensure is accomplished through various assignments. Practicum experience in a high school music classroom is required. The course instructor supervises the practicum experience.

    Prerequisite: Admission to Music and Teacher Education Departments

  • MUS 443 - Methods for Choir

    2 Credits

    This course focuses on the literature, methods, and materials necessary for the successful operation of a school choral program. Field experience in approved site is required.

    Prerequisite: Admission to Music and Teacher Education Departments

  • MUS 451 - Student Teaching: Elementary

    6 Credits

    This is a concentrated teaching experience in an approved elementary school in preparation for full-time teaching in the area in which music education certification is to be given.

    Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching

    Corequisite: EDU 455  
  • MUS 453 - Student Teaching: Secondary

    6 Credits

    This is a concentrated teaching experience in an approved secondary school in preparation for full-time teaching in the area in which music education certification is to be given.

    Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching

    Corequisite: EDU 455  
  • MUS 490 - Senior Music Hour

    1 Credits

    The purpose of this final semester Music Hour is to provide a performing and listening experience and to facilitate musical understanding and growth in a variety of styles. It is the application of knowledge and ability learned through classes and lessons into a public performance setting. In addition students will submit both a detailed Concert Critique and a Christian Integration Perspective paper. Required of all music majors in their final semester.

Music - Music Performance

  • MUS 158 - Improvisation

    3 Credits

    The art of spontaneously created music is studied. Students learn to introduce improvised motifs and embellishments into written composition. A variety of styles will be featured Offered on demand.

  • MUS 160 - Applied Lessons

    0-1 Credits

    Applied lessons on a private basis. May be repeated. In certain circumstances, music majors may elect to take applied lessons for two credits with approval of the department. Additional requirements and fees will apply. Satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading for zero credit lessons.

    Private lessons are offered at the freshman level on the following instruments:

    MUS 160A Applied Private Voice
    MUS 160B Applied Private Piano
    MUS 160E Applied Private Flute
    MUS 160F Applied Private Clarinet
    MUS 160G Applied Private Oboe
    MUS 160H Applied Private Bassoon
    MUS 160I Applied Private Arranging
    MUS 160J Applied Private Saxophone
    MUS 160K Applied Private Trumpet
    MUS 160L Applied Private Trombone
    MUS 160M Applied Private French Horn
    MUS 160N Applied Private Euphonium
    MUS 160P Applied Private Tuba
    MUS 160Q Applied Private Guitar
    MUS 160R Applied Private Violin
    MUS 160S Applied Private Viola
    MUS 160T Applied Private Cello
    MUS 160U Applied Private String Bass
    MUS 160X Applied Private Percussion
    MUS 160Y Applied Private Conducting

  • MUS 260 - Applied Lessons

    1 Credits

    Applied lessons on a private basis. May be repeated. In certain circumstances, music majors may elect to take applied lessons for two credits with approval of the department. Additional requirements and fees will apply.

    Private lessons are offered at the sophomore level on the following instruments:

    MUS 260A Applied Private Voice
    MUS 260B Applied Private Piano
    MUS 260E Applied Private Flute
    MUS 260F Applied Private Clarinet
    MUS 260G Applied Private Oboe
    MUS 260H Applied Private Bassoon
    MUS 260I Applied Private Arranging
    MUS 260J Applied Private Saxophone
    MUS 260K Applied Private Trumpet
    MUS 260L Applied Private Trombone
    MUS 260M Applied Private French Horn
    MUS 260N Applied Private Euphonium
    MUS 260P Applied Private Tuba
    MUS 260Q Applied Private Guitar
    MUS 260R Applied Private Violin
    MUS 260S Applied Private Viola
    MUS 260T Applied Private Cello
    MUS 260U Applied Private String Bass
    MUS 260X Applied Private Percussion
    MUS 260Y Applied Private Conducting


    Prerequisite: MUS 160  

  • MUS 360 - Applied Lessons

    1 Credits

    Applied lessons on a private basis. May be repeated. In certain circumstances, music majors may elect to take applied lessons for two credits with approval of the department. Additional requirements and fees will apply.

    Private lessons are offered at the junior level on the following instruments:


    MUS 360A Applied Private Voice
    MUS 360B Applied Private Piano
    MUS 360E Applied Private Flute
    MUS 360F Applied Private Clarinet
    MUS 360G Applied Private Oboe
    MUS 360H Applied Private Bassoon
    MUS 360I Applied Private Arranging
    MUS 360J Applied Private Saxophone
    MUS 360K Applied Private Trumpet
    MUS 360L Applied Private Trombone
    MUS 360M Applied Private French Horn
    MUS 360N Applied Private Euphonium
    MUS 360P Applied Private Tuba
    MUS 360Q Applied Private Guitar
    MUS 360R Applied Private Violin
    MUS 360S Applied Private Viola
    MUS 360T Applied Private Cello
    MUS 360U Applied Private String Bass
    MUS 360X Applied Private Percussion
    MUS 360Y Applied Private Conducting

    Prerequisite: MUS 260  

  • MUS 364 - Applied Lessons/Junior Recital

    1 Credits

    Applied lessons on a private basis with a junior recital component added. Private lessons are offered on the following instruments:


    MUS 364A Applied Private Voice
    MUS 364B Applied Private Piano
    MUS 364E Applied Private Flute
    MUS 364F Applied Private Clarinet
    MUS 364G Applied Private Oboe
    MUS 364H Applied Private Bassoon
    MUS 364I Applied Private Arranging
    MUS 364J Applied Private Saxophone
    MUS 364K Applied Private Trumpet
    MUS 364L Applied Private Trombone
    MUS 364M Applied Private French Horn
    MUS 364N Applied Private Euphonium
    MUS 364P Applied Private Tuba
    MUS 364Q Applied Private Guitar
    MUS 364R Applied Private Violin
    MUS 364S Applied Private Viola
    MUS 364T Applied Private Cello
    MUS 364U Applied Private String Bass
    MUS 364X Applied Private Percussion
    MUS 364Y Applied Private Conducting


    Prerequisite: MUS 260  

  • MUS 460 - Applied Lessons

    1 Credits

    Applied lessons on a private basis. May be repeated. In certain circumstances, music majors may elect to take applied lessons for two credits with approval of the department. Additional requirements and fees will apply.

    Private lessons are offered at all proficiency levels on the following instruments:


    MUS 460A Applied Private Voice
    MUS 460B Applied Private Piano
    MUS 460E Applied Private Flute
    MUS 460F Applied Private Clarinet
    MUS 460G Applied Private Oboe
    MUS 460H Applied Private Bassoon
    MUS 460I Applied Private Arranging
    MUS 460J Applied Private Saxophone
    MUS 460K Applied Private Trumpet
    MUS 460L Applied Private Trombone
    MUS 460M Applied Private French Horn
    MUS 460N Applied Private Euphonium
    MUS 460P Applied Private Tuba
    MUS 460Q Applied Private Guitar
    MUS 460R Applied Private Violin
    MUS 460S Applied Private Viola
    MUS 460T Applied Private Cello
    MUS 460U Applied Private String Bass
    MUS 460X Applied Private Percussion
    MUS 460Y Applied Private Conducting


    Prerequisite: MUS 360  

  • MUS 464 - Applied Lessons/Senior Recital

    1 Credits

    Applied lessons on a private basis with a senior recital component added. Private lessons are offered at the senior level on the following instruments:


    MUS 464A Applied Private Voice
    MUS 464B Applied Private Piano
    MUS 464E Applied Private Flute
    MUS 464F Applied Private Clarinet
    MUS 464G Applied Private Oboe
    MUS 464H Applied Private Bassoon
    MUS 464I Applied Private Arranging
    MUS 464J Applied Private Saxophone
    MUS 464K Applied Private Trumpet
    MUS 464L Applied Private Trombone
    MUS 464M Applied Private French Horn
    MUS 464N Applied Private Euphonium
    MUS 464P Applied Private Tuba
    MUS 464Q Applied Private Guitar
    MUS 464R Applied Private Violin
    MUS 464S Applied Private Viola
    MUS 464T Applied Private Cello
    MUS 464U Applied Private String Bass
    MUS 464X Applied Private Percussion
    MUS 464Y Applied Private Conducting


Music - Performance Organizations

  • MUS 366 - Women’s Choir

    1 Credits

    This choir is chosen by audition during the first week of school. Their repertoire is chosen specifically for chapel services and other campus activities. Emphasis is on vocal training.

  • MUS 368 - Men’s Choir

    1 Credits

    This choir is chosen by approval of the conductor. Repertoire covers a variety of historical periods and genres. Performance are scheduled for both on and off campus concerts and events. Emphasis is placed on vocal training and ensemble performance.

  • MUS 371 - Crown Brass

    1 Credits

    This instrumental ensemble will prepare and perform pieces in various styles that are drawn from both sacred and secular brass literature.

    Prerequisite: Audition or consent of the instructor

  • MUS 372 - Woodwind Ensemble

    1 Credits

    The woodwind ensemble prepares various styles of music written specifically for woodwinds.

    Prerequisite: Audition or consent of the instructor

  • MUS 373A - Chamber Orchestra

    1 Credits

    This course provides chamber music experience. It is open to all students upon recommendation of the director.

  • MUS 375A - Jazz Ensemble

    1 Credits

    The Jazz Band is a performing ensemble for instrumental musicians. Concerts occur both on and off campus. Music is selected from the classic and contemporary jazz repertoire.

  • MUS 375B - String Ensemble

    1 Credits

    The string ensemble prepares various styles of music written for strings.

    Prerequisite: Audition or consent of the instructor

  • MUS 375C - Flute Ensemble

    1 Credits

    The flute ensemble prepares various styles of music written specifically for flutes.

    Prerequisite: Audition or consent of the instructor

  • MUS 375D - Percussion Ensemble

    1 Credits

    The percussion ensemble offers students an opportunity to participate in chamber music specifically composed for percussion instruments. Music of a variety of styles will be examined.

  • MUS 375G - Guitar Ensemble

    1 Credits

    The guitar ensemble offers students an opportunity to participate in chamber music specifically composed for guitar. Music of a variety of styles will be examined.

  • MUS 377 - Ministry Teams

    1 Credits

    These traveling music ensembles are comprised of vocalists and instrumentalists who represent Crown College in a variety of venues including churches and schools.

  • MUS 383 - Crown College Choir

    1 Credits

    Membership is by audition. A choral ensemble of men and women, the Crown College Choir performs several major concerts during each academic year. The Choir also performs in chapel services, the annual Christmas in Crown Chapel, run-out concerts throughout the year, and an annual tour in the spring. Tours include domestic tours and a European tour once every four years. Repertoire is of high quality and is chosen to represent a wide range of historical periods and styles. Enrollment in the Choir is for the entire academic year.

  • MUS 384 - Kammerchor

    1 Credits

    A highly select mixed choir of approximately 20 members chosen through the audition process. Members are selected from the ranks of the Crown College Choir. Repertoire from all historical periods is rehearsed and performed in concerts both on and off campus. Annual domestic tours are planned along with an overseas experience once every four years.


  • NUR 301 - Foundations of Professional Nursing

    5 Credits

    This course will focus on the nursing process and introductory concepts crucial to professional nursing care, including nursing processes, interviewing, wellness, health promotion and illness prevention.  Emphasis will be placed upon the theoretical basis for the science of nursing with a focus on the Neuman Model.  In the clinical laboratory, students will learn and apply nursing knowledge, skills, and abilities reflective of minimum-competency for entry level nursing. Onsite clinical experiences will be included to strengthen student understanding of didactic content with an emphasis on patient safety. Kaplan integrated testing, background check and lab fees apply.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Nursing Department, NUR 312X  

  • NUR 309 - Physical Assessment

    4 Credits

    This course will focus on the student’s knowledge, skills, and abilities required to provide holistic care to a diverse patient population. History-taking and physical examination techniques presented in the course will be practiced and tested for competency in the laboratory setting. Attainment of student knowledge, skills and abilities will provide a basis for minimum-competency, entry-level nursing. Lab fee applies.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Nursing Department, NUR 312X  

  • NUR 311 - Health Care Informatics

    3 Credits
    This course will provide an introduction to the concepts and practices of informatics in the health care environment. Content will focus on various forms of electronic communication and ways to use it more effectively in health care delivery. Methods for multidisciplinary communication within the health care team and guidelines for effective documentation in a variety of health care settings will be covered, along with regulatory and accreditation requirements. 

    Prerequisite: NUR 3510  

  • NUR 312X - Pathophysiology

    3 Credits

    This course will introduce the altered health states and patterns of illness in the individual. Alterations in cell physiology, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, immune, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, renal, endocrine, and gastrointestinal systems will be presented and related to clinical models, and principles of nursing care. Course content builds upon previous knowledge of the natural sciences. (Also SCI 312X )

    Prerequisite: SCI 245  and SCI 261 .

  • NUR 315 - Pharmacology

    3 Credits

    This course will focus upon the principles of pharmacology. Students will learn drug prototypes from major categories, their actions, therapeutic use, and adverse effects. Nursing implications will be integrated to reinforce the relationship between pharmacologic knowledge and nursing practice.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Nursing Department or consent of instructor, and NUR 312X  

  • NUR 320 - Medical - Surgical Nursing I

    4 Credits

    Through classroom and clinical experiences, the student is provided with a knowledge base of appropriate nursing interventions employed when providing care for adults exhibiting a human response to actual or potential health problems. Nursing care is delivered through the application of the nursing process. The roles of the professional nurse are emphasized throughout the course. Included are common diagnostic, therapeutic and nursing care measures relevant to these medical-surgical entities. Curriculum threads of critical thinking, pharmacology, communication, cultural awareness, and client teaching are woven throughout the course. Kaplan integrated testing and clinical fees apply.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Nursing Department, NUR 301 , NUR 309 NUR 312X  and NUR 315  

  • NUR 325 - Medical - Surgical Nursing II

    4 Credits

    Through classroom and clinical experiences, the student is provided with a knowledge base of appropriate nursing interventions employed when providing care for adults exhibiting a human response to actual or potential health problems. Nursing care is delivered through the application of the nursing process. The roles of the professional nurse are emphasized throughout the course. Included are common diagnostic, therapeutic and nursing care measures relevant to these medical-surgical entities. Curriculum threads of critical thinking, pharmacology, communication, cultural awareness, and client teaching are woven throughout the course. Continuation of NUR 320. Kaplan integrated testing and clinical fees apply.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Nursing Department, NUR 301 NUR 309 NUR 312X NUR 315  and NUR 320  

  • NUR 335 - Nursing of Childbearing and Child-Rearing Families

    4 Credits

    This course will present the theoretical and clinical concepts of care for childbearing clients and children. The Neuman Model and nursing process will be used to develop culturally competent nursing actions to attain and maintain health in women, children and families. Clinical experiences will include pregnancy, labor and delivery, postpartum, and child and adolescent care. Clinical fee applies.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Nursing Department, NUR 301 , NUR 309 , NUR 312X NUR 315 , NUR 320  and NUR 415 .  

  • NUR 346 - Transcultural Concepts and Practice

    3 Credits

    This course will focus on the analysis of theories, principles, and research related to transcultural health care. Students will develop an awareness of the biological, psychological, spiritual, and sociological aspects of clients from multiple cultural groups and identify their specific health care values and practices. An off campus clinical experience will provide the student with an opportunity to participate in health care delivery and learning in a variety of cultures. Clinical fee applies.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Nursing Department, NUR 301 , NUR 309 , NUR 312X  and NUR 315 .

  • NUR 375 - Clinical Internship

    1 Credits

    This course will provide an opportunity for learning in a focused area of professional nursing practice. Students will provide care to clients using the nursing process and the Neuman Model to operate within the scope and standards of professional nursing practice. Faculty and preceptors will assist the student in developing an optimal learning experience. (This course is optional.)

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Nursing Department

  • NUR 415 - Community Health Nursing

    4 Credits

    This course will focus on factors the affect the health and wellbeing of communities and populations. Theories and concepts of community health nursing related to health promotion and illness prevention of families and diverse populations will be presented. Using the Neuman Model (Public Health Nursing Intervention Wheel) and nursing process, students will assess, plan, implement and evaluate care of individuals, populations, and families in a variety of community-based settings. Clinical fee applies.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Nursing Department, NUR 301 , NUR 309 , NUR 312X  and NUR 315 .

  • NUR 420 - Mental Health Nursing

    4 Credits

    This course will introduce students to the nursing care of individuals suffering from acute and chronic mental health disorders including the overview, risk factors, treatment options, and the impact on society. Diagnoses to be discussed range from depression, anxiety, mania, psychosis, schizophrenia, dementia, and disorders of behavior, personality, mood, cognition and development, to issues related to addictions, eating disorders, gender identity, suicide and substance abuse. Spiritual concerns in mental health will also be addressed. Clinical experiences will emphasize the use of therapeutic communication, mental health assessment, and interpersonal relationship skills including pharmaceutical and nonpharmaceutical interventions in a variety of mental health clinical settings. Clinical Fee.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Nursing Department, NUR 301 NUR 309 , NUR 312X , NUR 315 , NUR 320 , NUR 415  and NUR 440X .

  • NUR 425 - Nursing Research

    3 Credits

    This course will introduce students to scientific inquiry in the discipline of nursing. Students will be provided with a basic foundation of the research process including an overview of nursing research, steps in the research process, research designs, research methodology, data collection and analysis, ethical issues related to human research, and utilization of research in nursing practice. Emphasis will be placed on developing students as effective consumers of research.

    Prerequisite: NUR 301 , NUR 309 NUR 315 NUR 320 NUR 325 NUR 335 , NUR 415 , NUR 420   and NUR 440X  

  • NUR 430 - Medical - Surgical Nursing III

    4 Credits

    Through classroom and clinical experiences, the student is provided with a knowledge base of appropriate nursing interventions employed when providing care for adults exhibiting a human response to actual or potential health problems. Nursing care is delivered through the application of the nursing process. The roles of the professional nurse are emphasized throughout the course. Included are common diagnostic, therapeutic and nursing care measures relevant to these medical-surgical entities. Curriculum threads of critical thinking, pharmacology, communication, cultural awareness, and client teaching are woven throughout the course. Kaplan integrated testing and clinical fees apply.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Nursing Department, NUR 301 , NUR 309 NUR 312X , NUR 315 , NUR 320 , NUR 325 , NUR 335 , NUR 415  and NUR 420  

  • NUR 435 - Nursing Leadership and Management

    4 Credits

    This course will explore theories of leadership and management, and the role of the nurse manager/leader in the health care system; concepts related to change, communication, conflict, organizational effectiveness, and professional nursing practice are presented. Special emphasis will be given to the biblical view of successful leadership/management. Clinical experiences will provide students the opportunity to assume professional nursing roles (leader and peer educator) under the supervision of faculty, RN preceptors, clinical specialists and/or various levels of RN nurse managers. Clinical fee applies.

    Prerequisite: Senior standing and successful completion of all previous courses (may take concurrently with NUR 425 NUR 430  and NUR 442 ).  

  • NUR 440X - Nursing Ethics

    3 Credits

    Critical issues and ethical decisions facing nurses will be explored from the perspective of a Christian Worldview. Beginning with an overview of ethics philosophy and theory, biblical principles are applied to bio-ethical issues and dilemmas, using a process of ethical decision-making. Ethical principles will be incorporated to emphasize respect for human dignity in health care, including social justice. In addition, case studies and simulation involving patient issues, personal and professional integrity and accountability will be explored based on the Code of Ethics for Nurses and other professional standards of nursing practice. (Also HUM 440X  )

    Prerequisite: NUR 301 , NUR 309 NUR 312X  and NUR 315  


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